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All posts by Dave Lindsay

Below are all of Dave Lindsay's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

DIANE MATTHEWS: The Digital UK predictor suggests that you may be able to receive from Ffestiniog transmitter. However, it only carries Public Service (PSB) channels and this is not likely to change. See here for why we now have a two-tier terrestrial television transmitter network:

Londonderry (Northern Ireland) digital TV transmitter | - 10 years of independent, free digital TV advice

For that reason, in order to receive anything more than is carried on the PSB multiplexes, you will have to use satellite, e.g. Freesat.

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Argos TV
Thursday 2 May 2013 8:23PM

Peter Webber: It is carried on COM6, and therefore is broadcast by 81 full-service transmitters, including Tacolneston.

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Cecilia Jones: If either you are using a communal aerial system or two aerials combined on different transmitters, you may have difficulty.

Communal aerial systems may need adjustment to allow through the new frequencies for PSB1 (BBC standard definition) and COM5 (Pick TV etc).

On your road there are a number of houses with an aerial on Winter Hill (North West) and one on Moel-y-Parc (Wales). This combination may now not be feasible owing to the new lower frequencies of PSB1 and COM5 from Winter Hill.

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Cecilia Jones: You appear not to be in a good signal area owing to the fact that the signal path is low to the ground for two miles because of the slope upwards. It is also obstructed by the ground in at least two places. There are lots of trees on the slope as well as buildings such as the High School.

The other clue are the large aerials on Winter Hill in your locality. There is something on the pole that your aerial is mounted on; a mast-head amp perhaps?

Do you have another receiver such as that in-built into the TV that you can try?

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Sue: If you have not done anything with the Sony with regards retuning since 10th April then it should be as before. Only PSB1 (BBC One etc) and COM5 (Pick TV etc) have changed channels, so ITV, ITV3 and Film4 (among others) should still be present. If they are not then you have another issue unconnected with the change of 10th April.

Where does the terrestrial aerial feed go? Does it go into the Sky box and out then into the amplifier in the loft so the Sky box is available to all TVs? Or does it feed directly into the amplifier?

Is the amplifier connected directly to mains electricity? That is, does a wire come from it whose other end is plugged into the mains? If not, is there a separate power supply for the amplifier?

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dms: Or can you receive the full service, including North West programming, from Storeton?

All transmitters carry HD; it is the Commercial services that aren't available from all.

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Sue: I should add that the issue isn't likely to be one where a filter will be required. There are 800MHz 4G tests, but none of these are anywhere near you and so 4G is not a possible cause.

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RTE One (NI)
Friday 3 May 2013 1:35PM

karen moore: This is not an aerial issue as you are receiving the signal.

The issue has come about due to the difference of the picture format of Freeview and Saorview.

Freeview's pictures are encoded using MPEG2 and Saorview's use the later MPEG4 format. For this reason, some Freeview standard definition receivers don't have the capability to show Saorview pictures. Freeview HD receivers have MPEG4 decoders built-in and so will work with Saorview.

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Catherine Meek: If the question relates to a another BBC One and ITV region replacing your native ones then the reason must be that your receiver has tuned to another transmitter. Knowledge of your location, and possibly transmitter your aerial faces, would allow a suggested workaround which may involve unplugging the aerial lead during the part of the scan that the unwanted transmitter broadcasts.

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RTE One (NI)
Friday 3 May 2013 2:32PM

karen moore: Or, of course, a Saorview set-top box will work.

But if you get a Saorview HD box hoping to use it to pick up Freeview HD as well, then be aware that it will not.

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