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All posts by Dave Lindsay

Below are all of Dave Lindsay's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

ColinB: Have you confirmed that for BBC One her receiver is tuned to UHF channel 50, which is Winter Hill?

Haslingden is on C26 and is on roughly the same bearing, albeit vertically polarised.

I don't quite understand as you make reference to "switchover". This occured in 2009 and the frequency of BBC services changed 10 April this year. If there was no retune required on 10 April then she cannot be tuned to Winter Hill.

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ColinB: If it does turn out to be tuned to Haslingden then just have the aerial lead out for the first 30% of the scan to avoid picking it up.

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Sunday 5 May 2013 6:53PM

john: It's probably due to the tuner running out of memory. The clue is that the ITV channels are picked up last during the scan (i.e. on the highest frequency).

It probably results from signals from other transmitters being picked up first, filling the memory.

Without knowledge of your transmitter is not possible to say whether this might apply here.

Based on your previous postings, you are probably using Winter Hill whose ITV signal is on the highest channel. The answer may be to have the aerial lead out for the first 50% of the scan. If, having done this, you are missing some other channels then try getting the aerial lead in a bit sooner.

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ColinB: The signal strength screen usually gives the tuned UHF channel (or frequency).

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alanhughes: The Storeton transmitter broadcasts, in the direction of Wales, Welsh regional channels. I suggest that it might be these transmissions which you are picking up.

If there is manual tuning, use it. Winter Hill's channels are:

PSB1 | BBC One etc = C50
PSB2 | ITV etc = C59
PSB3 | BBC One HD etc = C54
COM4 | ITV3 etc = C58
COM5 | Pick TV etc = C49
COM6 | Film4 etc = C55

You may have to run the automatic tuning scan through with the aerial unplugged in order to "blank" what is currently stored. If this doesn't work you may have to look for an option such as first time install, or on some models you can delete individual channels.

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ColinB: Having established that the TVs are tuned to C50 (for BBC), is there a Sky box or some other box that may be outputting an analogue signal and that this is set to C50 or near to?

Connecting the incoming aerial feed directly to the TV is a quick way of discounting that as a possibility.

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ColinB: If any of the TVs only give tuned channels in MHz, then C50 is 706.0MHz and C26 is 514.0MHz.

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Tim Hayward: Have you had your Group B aerial replaced with a wideband one?

COM channels, which are those you're having difficulty with, are on C/D channels from Hemel Hempstead.


Aerials, TV Aerial and Digital Aerial

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Tuesday 7 May 2013 10:45AM

Adam: Which transmitter are you using?

If it's Nottingham (Kimberley) then Sutton Coldfield is on roughly the same bearing, albeit that the former is vertically polarised and the latter is horizontally polarised.

Whichever transmitter you are using, always check to see that all channels are tuned to the desired transmitter as there may be a number of possibilities at your location.

Based on Streetview photos of Papplewich Lane, Waltham is (mainly) used in the area. Aerials for it are horizontal and it is south east from you.

Check the UHF channel or frequency given on the signal strength screen on each of the following:

PSB1 | BBC One | C61 | 794MHz
PSB2 | ITV | C54 | 738MHz
PSB3 | BBC One HD | C58 | 770MHz
COM4 | ITV3 | C29 | 538MHz
COM5 | Pick TV | C56 | 754MHz
COM6 | Film4 | C57 | 762MHz

On 29th May, as part of the clearance for 4G services, PSB1 will move to C49 (698MHz).

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