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All posts by Richard Owen

Below are all of Richard Owen's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

BBC, plc 2017: BBC announcement
Monday 24 March 2014 10:41PM

I think it looks good ,apart from the sport channel as they will only be televising tiddley -winks ,by then.98% of sport will be between ,Sky , BT, ITV, & maybe chans 4 or 5.I would be very pleased with those plans Brian .

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Brian its going to happen in the next 10 years or so anyhow ,why defended a type of funding that`s had its day. If you are so sure people will want to continue with the BBC then subscription ,will prove it, because those who want it, will ,you guessed it subscribe.

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Thanks Brian , In the 90`s Channel 5 sent people to retune vcr`s ,in some area`s before scart sockets were invented . It was a big task ,but carried out . I am sure a method could be found & agreed to bring in subscription. The funding, for this may have to come from the Treasury or even the Lottery ,to get the technical side of this up & running ,but this is not impossible,I know you are the expert, but the way technology is evolving ,in ten years time we will wonder what all the fuss is about. I agree, I maybe totally wrong , but the future looks interesting at least .

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Leftie Luvie Tosh. Its a free country, he can buy or view what he likes. I bet if it was Milliband , they would say ,`How wonderful & brilliant` in,what he says.

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2050 Tube Map
Monday 8 September 2014 9:29PM

Well done Brian , its very good & looks fantastic , I am a bit of a train buff myself .

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Hi ,Brian,I have been , watching the digitally remastered ,Star Trek , original series on CBS , not an HD channel ,but it does look fantastic ,& maybe in future you could do a little on digital remastering , & putting a 4.3 format into 16.9 . The sound & special effects have all been redone , with a bit of CGI in scenes where the cast are present . I think all the external scenes of the Enterprise have all been reshot in 16.9 , but the live action reformatted from 4.3 . Anyhow, all your articles are very good , thanks.

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Brian , if mobile networks keep going up a G number every 3 or 4 years ,what happens to to the original frequencies for 2 or 3G use ,can`t they be reallocated to Freeview or mobile use again ?

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The BBC should be a subscription only service . In the General Election , they were hideously anti Conservative, & they are far too powerful . This is very bad for democracy , as they obviously anti Conservative & Ukip . These voters now hate the BBC for its blatant propaganda , so if this happens, I for one think it would be a good idea . In the 21st Century, freedom not to pay a TV tax should be a welcome change .

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Subscription is the way forward for the BBC .Most of their disgraceful cheer leading ( which is Illegal under Ofcom rules) for a Labour /SNP government in the General Election ,was the final straw for Conservatives . If I want to read lefty Guardian propaganda ,I would buy the Guardian , but the BBC is NOT impartial , just read their journalists tweets . All are Left wing ,& people who vote for other parties , should not have to pay for this . Their views do not represent people who don`t read the Guardian .

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