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Monday, 13 December 2021
Christine Barton
10:37 PM

Why has teletext not updated sibce 11/12/21?

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Christine Barton's 1 post GB flag

11:26 PM

Christine Barton: Do you mean the BBC red button text? There haven't been any teletext services broadcast in the UK since digital switchover back in 2012.

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StevensOnln1's 3,680 posts GB flag
Tuesday, 14 December 2021

1:32 AM

Christine Barton:

StevensOnln1 is basically saying you need to be more specific. We don't know how or where you saw this.

Which transmitter do you get your reception from (there could be a transmitter problem) if you don't know a full postcode will be helpful.
Which channel were you on? Did you press the Text button on your remote or the Red button? If the latter, what did you select subsequently?
If you pressed the Text button, what page number did you see this problem on? (number is in top RH corner).
Is the problem still there now?

You can assume that neither of us are seeing a problem at present which is why all the questions.

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Chris.SE's 4,394 posts GB flag

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