Read this: BBC over-75s free TV licence transition period to end in July - BBC News

Summary: The BBC will end its licence fee grace period for over-75s on 31 July, with 260,000 pensioners still yet to pay. The following month, the BBC said no enforcement action had been taken against anyone who previously held a free over-75s TV licence. - www.bbc.co.uk
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Thursday, 29 July 2021
Mary Swinton 2:48 PM
I recently paid for a new TV Licence and it arrived yesterday. I did ring them about this and they told me that because I wasn't Claiming Tax Credits I would have to pay.
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Friday, 3 September 2021
Richard Maddock 11:06 PM
With the quality of the programmes substantially reduced by the pandemic for a substantial period this year, the TV license fee should have been waived for all, not just us pensioners. Bet the illegal immigrants, not returned to the shores of the last country they departed, pay for the fee, or anything else for that matter!
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Saturday, 4 September 2021
Chris.SE2:09 AM
Richard Maddock :
The only problem being that if the licence fee had been waived, it's likely the quality of BBC programmes would be reduced even more!
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Richard.M6:14 PM
Chris, the licence fee was free to over 75's for many years; I did not detect any deterioration of their service then. BTW, I was once invited as part of a small party that watched a Saracens rugby match in London, to go to the BBC's bar after the match, where all drinks were free! I did not feel embarrassed as it was a once off. However, those days are gone, and quite understandably too.
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