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Hello welcome to media club.

I'm your host maxi on the show today as the BBC's long-running text show quick closes admits more job losses broadcast Chris Curtis builders in the programme channel 4 invest more in new skills and beyond London but will it change the mood of tea makers for also the government Adam private? I told the small all that why you should stop calling people Talent at the Guardians ethical review service and how private eye is adjusting to a new government that's all happening in addition of the mini club club before you into the stories.

I need to tell me who nominating to join the media club this week.

I think you happy it is it's been a very good week for his so you have to say Victoria Newton elephant song Who last night as record picked up a presta award.

Play the song and scoop of the year for the huw Edwards story wasn't quite V huw Edwards story of the Sunday we weren't even supposed to say were just not for the thing is actually earned and huw Edwards a criminal record that you had was up until the point where I think everyone was taken by surprise when it was the criminal charges were pressed a few months ago, and it was straight through to call and and and and and that's slightly dubious sentencing.

Don't worry now.

I need to be fair.

They knew you was wrong and they got a lot of work into it Scarlett houses that are on the stairs last night accepting award.

So yeah, that's fair enough.

It was the big story of the year.

You'll have to pick one out.

I would say newspaper.

Not that sort of devil-may-care don't want to go full Kelvin McKenzie of those kind of days, but it was feels a bit like it's holy man in the story.

Is it is it is an example, but they were so desperate not to specify the gender of their young person concerned, but then ended up getting themselves into terrible not having to describe them as the child and then it said there was a question that that that that that they are thinking about that stuff or is it a shape? I guess it is a mini diseases 2024 01984 so that's why I just think it's missing a lot of the the sort of fun of those days.

I was like those daily Star front pages and think there's some people are enjoying themselves.

Yeah, you know they're doing that kind of slightly wacky crazy potential ring front page and having a little bit of that in the Sun or the Daily Star with resources of the Sun which they've got nothing like I think they're then maybe you talked about his back in time Chris who are you picking for your at nomination?

Well, I'll tell you who's having outstanding week in media mad and it's Jane Austen you got the BBC commissioning a sort of Austin ask bad wolf from the big big Premier League drama Indies so they're making the other Bennet girl which is the story of Mary Bennett who's the kind of slightly down trouble overlooked sister and 10 part series about her exploits in the son of journey of finding herself 30-minute episodes, I suspect you might have a little bit of a kind of twist it and sometime Netflix is developing a Pride and Prejudice adaptation no one and that you've got or had a prejudice show you got to have it is Dolly Alderton it's who you know that suggest a young skewing sort of take on it and you know that.

Get something like bridgerton period piece there that absolutely smashed it out the park really appeals to young to your audiences and actually BBC's acquired another Austin-Healey Hall in American series at playing Jane Austen Solutions acquired that she got that come from BBC there Other Boleyn Girl commission Netflix developing away, so it turns out that for all the fantastic new exciting innovative original scripts and ideas drama Communities coming up with Jane Austen's where it's much harder to do a golden handcuffs deal with her, but we welcome them both into the media club is now very long time ago is new with Keira Knightley movie.

You being done, but there are certain authors aren't there who you know you think of Australia is an Emma wasn't there a relatively recent film novels to get the lady that's counted, Wentworth at War Winter Soldier thank you both for your donations will happen to the media club hard not to lead on job cuts because it bit of a downer escape the impact of the BBC licence fee freeze and adults wants this week jobs going at BBC News 185 rolls to go.

And they still seem to have lots and lots of people there.

Yeah, I need any news on and they are so hard.

Talk is going to click is going as well as that one out on the BBC news channel and it's an old one because he was that murder of the BBC news channel and BBC World wasn't and the feeling then which are there was going to ask you more kind of worldwide because that was where they could sell it into other territories and and and and run the advertising on it and it was very much Gary financial that thing that an election year an awful.

Lot of UK news going on and effectively BBC running for quite a lot of the time to channels anyway, you can colour following text will see can follow it in video as well.

So it's a bit like what is their job and if it if you're there you're used to making clear call or whatever.

I don't really want anymore.

It does feel like they're going back to that song original concept for BBC News 24 as well.

So it was just going to be a rolling news down on it and the kind of strands and and programs within that because I think people moving over mortar that kind of watching I'm a night in the early days when it was only on digital the most people that I won't tell you know BBC News over to when was big news events happening and he wanted to see what is you take what take on it was not the latest headlines on it work and it's become much more viewing figures and much more people actually watching BBC News throughout the day and watching things like the paper review which one it was nothing last year and tuning into specific programs like there's news what's going away from kind of the vehicle that's because they need the resources for all that kind of The Rolling Stones

It's a shame that hard talks going or clicks going when was the last time they watch those programs that there isn't me know.

I told you show on the BBC tomorrow's World whatever Bruce your look at the numbers of things happening radio is the Asian Network News team being cut back out of St Helens WA11 extra and the sports questions about the funding for the world service when that comes from the government danger that these cuts will start to butt up against the government's priorities.

There is a much bigger conversation.

That's going to take place between the new government and the BBC most likely kickoff in the new year really because we are getting into sort of contra period for big conversations by which I mean a new charter and use of funding within the charter will be discussed.

The funding model and whatever the funding model is needs a new funding settlement so the BBC knows how much money is going to have a part of that I can stitch with element of all of that is who pays for the world service and the context of their the news cuts which are significant but numerically 185 jobs is 4% in the staff soap, you know if I have your number if I said you in awhile stations to me.

It's worth by 4% I don't think you clutch your pearls that I think you think I'm ok.


That's that's the nature of the that we're in will it comes to the world service up until 10 years ago government basically paid for it and they pass that bird onto the onto the BBC and right now the BBC boxing roughly two-thirds of the total surface and the the Foreign Office FCO now, but that's ok, though.

About that balances is it sorted out of kilter and you feel BBC and if you've had type licence fee settlement of the tight licence fee settlement if a frozen frozen income during a period of rampant inflation and particularly production information.

You are starting to look at it and thinking ok at the moment licence fee payers up and down the land are effectively paying for not insignificant services that are not available in the order that are not picked her.

I'm not a conceived to satisfy them as viewers or listeners that sometimes are the languages that they do not speak or understand and the the primary source of function of that is a sort of British soft power saw societal good good values of a good upstanding in partial journalism.

Most people would agree a good thing for the world but at the moment you got this weird situation where the people that are paying for that are Joe Bloggs public rather than the government should the government pay for Urdu service and other BBC World Service when I think there was a realisation it was David Cameron and George Osborne who pushed through those someone plus.

It's always been an element of the Tories to make it more difficult for the BBC exist.

Yeah, it plays well with the support of those who are not interested in this nothing, but I think there was a realisation that he does have a significance of power and particularly the last decade as we've seen the rise and come social media and fake news and disinformation and deliberate States as well.

You know me that Russian boats or North Korean hackers or whatever that actually there is probably a role within that for government to be funding this kind of that Watkin Davies been saying ever.

Opportunity quite rightly in the last week or so he's getting up and saying when the BBC World Service withdrawals or retreats due to funding cuts russia-china nations are occupied basically.

I'm not sure how good the grid was this week because he said that on one day and then 2 Days Later the baking loads and his cards.

This is basically the BBC please I'm actually she's going to come to a head at the budget at least for one year, then we have to do a bit of packing for the BBC to get better understanding of this but the BBC has been lobbying hard in recent weeks and is hopeful that when the budget comes out the end of October there will be more money for the next financial year just the one year going in.

The world serviced but the overall position from the BBC at the moment is if the government believes that the what does is good world and good for important values of British soft power etc, then it needs to Stump up the majority of the cash for it and I think that's that you know and when the BBC is having to make decisions about what services.

What shows how it can best serve British licence fee payers.

I think it becomes harder to get that money should be spent on sometimes find language content but particularly content that is pitch at people other than those licence Money Channel 4 announced plans to tablet skills training pot to 10 million pounds a year of Channel 4 recently increased you talk to program makers in indeed community.

Countdown is still very angry.

They are mood is depending on whether they are winning business which is fine.

Just nothing wrong with that the Ender sector beyond Channel 4 The interceptors.

Never been more polarised in my view between winners and losers big companies and small companies between the tariffs that are available for different types of programming with the gap in the middle of covered this before the show you this is not a new and you phenomena the funny thing about Channel 4 in terms of its Nations and regions strategy is that overall Channel 4? It is extending just over half of its money outside of London and and therefore hitting a voluntary quota which it has imposed upon itself, and I think a lot of ways that you know that spending 51% of me is just over half outside of London but the bulk of that actually is in the English regions and particularly.

3 they spent more than twice as much money in the north of England as they did Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland combined and if you look the channels Nations and regions strategy at the moment.

You would say the regions bit of that is going gangbusters and the nations bit of that is underperforming and that's why she's in Scotland Wales and especially Northern Ireland are frankly Up In Arms about see for spending patterns and also the the new Ofcom quotas that have just been introduced and why the Indian communities in those nations are particularly fractious and and and and particularly disappointed with the regulators decision Adam does Channel 4 still work as a public service broadcaster.

Less and less these days.

I think it's just to survive.

They can't be easier strange and just doing what it is hard to find the definition for itself is now and I find myself asking what channel 4 with all these days and that's supposed to be honest.

I find myself that BBC Two on all quite sure what what that channel.

Is it has what it hasn't done his find a different identity 45 is very definitely nations and regions of the Yorkshire Channel now, isn't it? But I'm very well.


I just feel a bit lost at the moment have they moved to Leeds that was there big fan for a few years ago was never moving everyone had a London and they were going to new new new headquarters had a how's that going well.

They have a big new office in Leeds they have smaller satellite offices in Bristol and Glasgow they've got about a third of.

Playlist recently outside of London SE15 do they live there or do they live there? They have relatively few heads of department there is an argument that says the nature of TV commissioning is such that you need to get us your ideas to work.

Its way up the chain of command and ultimately there are a handful of really powerful decision makers in British television, so you know actually Nations and regions in some ways is one of the flagship strategies of the Alex Mahan encapsys time at the channel.

This is absolutely digital transformation and mensurations and a big strategic things that they are coming from Steph's packed lunch was there isn't there anymore and it's difficult to occupy multiple areas.

Hope that you can can I keep the shoulder if the

TV market for a better word video call you know consumption is globalising Atlantic race at the same time we are having lots and lots of conversations with regards to the Public Service Broadcasting environment about whether things are made in a particular region of England or whether they're made in a particular nation of the United Kingdom I mean I can tell you that Disney and Netflix and Amazon are not many brain cells worrying about about peculiar set of challenges that channel for another PSB have to face but actually if if you can make the alchemy work if you can make authenticity work if you can get a brilliant story which resonate because it feels like that from somewhere after those things really popular for is we've just got a bit is to stink like a b and things that aren't historic so Gogglebox or buying like Bake Off which have a good important.

How to bring some cash brings an audience around what they're doing but it's quite good game it's doing all these things but if people on tuning in that starts with Adam do you think government was with focus on Channel 4 in the DM dorries dcms? Do you think people still bothered or they moved onto BBC or their own internet in battles people within government now.

I use towards towards the Tory Party and the melting ice sculpture and all that kind of thing so I think the the heaters lottery gone out of that.

I will be really interested to see how the Labour government get on with the BBC licence fee if it is a licence to sell big elephant in the room isn't it is at some point.

They are going to have to rethink that we do live in there in an entirely different world.

Where is becoming less and less justifiable.

Play love that change isn't a quick fix for the foot that was trying to get the window of Opportunity that they have been of the way it works so like I said the the charter runs until the 27 in the licence to sell around until the 2028 the previous government and whether you think they were doing this to a determination to kick the BBC Weather they think they were doing it through a genuine interest in trying to find the correct funding model for a the UK's pre-eminent cultural institution up for debate, but they were fitted to having a debate about how the BBC committee of the people under the last government there are actually several governments.

Channel 4 bloody nice because of the way he treated subsequent culture secretary had different different approaches to both the crest of Channel 4 privatisation and indeed what the other should be for the BBC there is definitely a debate just like there is you can have a good debate a good informed debate about the future of Channel 4 how many public service to say should be in the UK how they should be funded extent to which they should pop work together all booked arrivals, but you want to have that debate in an environment where you are about.

What's good for the British viewers and not much for a political prism impossible really because everyone always has a day that fight you could say so titian.

Let's bring sort it and let's get 100 people together and will stream.

It will watch that they speak this big Brandon bay window government.

To give up elements of the control today.

Music the sounds since they came to power everything that the Labour Party has said the government about relations with PSPs BBC in particular.

They talked about a reset they've made all the right noises.

They haven't yet? Really said anything concrete they sound Dance by the fact that they were committed to the licence fee until the end of the current supplement which is exactly the same as the previous because is your point that you wouldn't have the capacity to do the dab a new model in place and get it all sorted any sooner than that anyway, so there is still a big debate to be had what is the appropriate way of funding the BBC go forward but the crucial topic than an issue that people need you like to do you want to do what's in for that can be another day things.

What are they for?

The hills of its have launched the filter and new product recommendation site is halfway between sort of witch and the sort of usual internet for doing well in in-seo to review printers a bit of a twist the Guardian twister this pendant armour boosting something similar to this is there a top tens of various products and things right back to the days when it was so I'm in there does seem to be an obvious.

It's not it doesn't to fill me with joy seeing this is the way the journey is going but you know it's a perfectly good thing.

It's affiliates links.

So you know the Guardians going to make some money off of them off of anyone who collects through and and things and you know I've used in the past that table of the best kind of savings rates or the best mortgage rates that are in the Saturday finance section of the Guardian partly because I feel they're quite.

Crossword and that I think it's because it's not hard to find people you recommend things are going to make money from what you need to do with the garden much better at in the digital world than any other news newspaper.

G I think he's keep your sort of Branson charity to it and and and and and ensure that readers feel they are actually getting best products recommended the ones that they can make the most money on the filtering is with a bit of an ethical mindset.

Yes, because that is something that they are they called readership will will definitely be interested in the Guardian tried all sorts of them difference of a levels of and things and you've always got the feeling that they don't they felt slightly if you about it as they probably should I mean they basically if anything has got a corporate logo next to it certainly we as journalist read it in Italian way, and I think he does do as well.

Scrooge McDuck style the Guardian and the Scott Trust have a big pile of cash that they don't have to think about these lovely idea.

It was just in the basement the King's Lynn coins and beautiful in every deserves.

It is looking through the glass out with the observed can be quite ruthless with that whenever whenever what will your colleagues think about the potential dispose of the Observer to tortoise? It's what I've always wanted.

No, I don't think apart from James Harding anyone in the world is doing at the moment.

There are so many unanswered questions about this.

I have been asked by I know Observer guardian pretty much Up In Arms about this as well.

It's very very kind of unified thing across the board which hasn't always necessarily been in the best relations between staff on the two papers.

This one seems to be absolutely United that they they they they don't understand the logic of the deal and and and and an awful.

Lot of there are so many just logistic questions to be answered about how they are they making sports from and the foreign using all those things that are shared with the Guardian how are they going to be established from scratch a digital presents for the Observer which is part of the body when there is so much.

Have you mentioned as well actually that much was the Guardians last product launch.

I mean that in itself is a perfect example of how intertwined the two of them because that is taking recipes and content from the Guardian feast day on Saturday the food monthly with Nigel Slater who's the face of service food fronting it.

So how on earth you then disentangle at all of the people have invested.

You know you know pay for that you can sort the feel that they got that phone with someone saying would like to take the prince publication off your hands that like yes, that's the answer.

Yes, of course you can because we've already own all the digital side of it really.

Who's elements of that? But is it really great shakes to the the Guardian product if they lose the Observer content practical terms that other people providing content for their website over the weekend with me.

I mean you're losing losing a lot of content for your Saturday and Sunday but are you going to do that that's going to bring a knock on staff you're losing a day on the printing press is aware that contracted out now.

Think trinity mirror the big question but I don't think I've been answered is what's the kind of alternative on it? You know I'm very much is looking they have taken the preliminary at the edge apples of the Guardians of the preliminary steps towards an industrial action.

I think it might not happen.

I think it might well.

I'm not going to strike crossbow titles.

What is the alternative this one? I think I've got about 3 months to find out all of the the problems with the sun for James Harding tortoise car finance.

Part of that money has been found and is guaranteed whether the observed transaction happens or not but a little bit this sounds like a tortoise refinancing strategy.

What can we do to keep what we doing going when you do something different? Why don't we acquire a publication that different scale which then allows and bring your money but the thing is that been talking about.

I'm not I mean 25/5 years.

They're talking about investing on top of running running cost of a paper especially if you've got to sort out how you can print it and and now you're gonna learn your digital presence of dwarfs that they've agreed with the staff and all of the freelancers and and and and castles and things as well, so I'm in the numbers.

Just don't appear that this one will be extraordinarily pockets and of late.

The billionaire's who turned up with very deep pockets you want 200000000 for The Spectator or whatever.

It doesn't work out you know the the Guardian have already pretty much made it clear.

They want rid of the Observer although.

It's not call it definitely not covered by the colour Scott Trust commitment to the Guardian perpetuity for something out for the Observer there was some discussion wasn't there but when it was acquired originally maybe that was thought that it was going to be linked been a lot of Passing a small it is really really clear and that's got Trust agreement is the the the the continuation of the Guardian in perpetuity is that title alone so I not sure they're onto that one to be honest.

I think you both will be back after these messages here at the club.

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We have been paying attention to these things a global has rumoured to have changed its local sales teams which may result in some redundancies according to our global we ask the client to comment at more changes at BBC Radio as well with five live shaking update schedules moving Tony Livesey back to late nights.

He's gone drive for

Yes, I'm fun fact he presented a sort of Forerunner to the traitors 90004 that was never quite a successful and Bristol bottle yard will be sold by Bristol City Council the film and TV studios been used by Sherlock and the outlaws which deadline reports is the only film and TV studio in the UK still currently managed by local authority, but we believe there another Christmas Adam can you name it? I'm not one of the really old colour film studios go to BBC Elstree where they make strictly I should know that goes EastEnders as well.

We'll see when you're not thinking about Studios being by local councils.

What have you been reported on this week? We are gearing up to go out to mipcom he is still the big international market at particular for the sort of Europeans and Americans Rover and actually was quite interesting more shows that there is a a better flow of shows being bought and sold now then there were a few years ago when the big streaming Giants were setting up there director consumer platforms.

They thought held everything back and now they're much more open to in and selling so more shows are going backwards and forwards and the rest are lots of opportunities for British shows to make significant money and and and Gain reputation sort of apps by being bought and sold and and and and and picked up by broadcaster streams around the world so it comes always really important things about not using the word Talent

Yes, this was fun.

Not your job done had talented I met him so he loves to workplace culture review review happening a future with lots of the funny thing is very narrow review of strictly strictly and they probably straight with you and it turned out there straight with you.

Only looked at the complaints made by Amanda Abbington with regards to experience things that came out in the wash workplace culture and it's part of that Tim Davie goes on Today programme fair enough to to explain why the why they're doing it and he tells Nick Robinson Today programme the BBC and the BBC have kind of band is actually kind of band the word Talent I'm really the truth is BBC hasn't band to turn Talent in any meaningful sense.

Trying to do with reset the culture and and get rid of the idea of it such out of kilter hierarchies that you have the Talent over here that can behaviour however one can do whatever they want speak to people and they want mate whatever demands they want and then you have the off screen production teams who are who are not telling me the way to go to change job titles if you're the head of Talent to the wider issue, which is how the hell you're trying to crack down on bad behaviour and it takes many forms with Hugh Edwards you know there's that kind of criminal awful towel bad behaviour, then there's people making an appropriate comments to colleagues that kind of you know that that is all these kind of things that the broadcasters collection companies that desperate to try and stand pal.

The Tim saying that he's banning used to wear Talent is actually more simpler trying to iron out the inequalities and these and they sort of Gaping a gaps between the the powerful Talent and the more junior investigation of strictly criminal arrangements of some pop songs on the atom a private I have readers.

What's a view of the government change and you have to change what you do and we have to look at home use a relief that it's over and have a look.

I mean I mean we want to the piss on a freebie story of February stories on that and waited as he's got forever notice of a catch up with you soon be out racing about it.

Any 10 hours, I just missed I do work experience at the end of 1997, but it was really nice for them, but they have been a big drop off in leadership and the same thing I know happened from previous editor Richard England in 1964 is absolutely km run out then and there was literally reacting to post the big fat argument and all that kind of battery does that what you saying this because you take it to my meeting people you can sit in in in the van and the finances the company that was Peter Cook who is the proprietor we we I was so desperate for cash at the end of the Recruit lots of celebrity friends and ringing people like them Jane Asher and do it Bogarde you and love you say Horse in private eye on Amazon and still are enjoying.

One of the oddities of the place, but 97 as well.

There was a big drop off and Anna feeling you got it in in in in in in in the the letters readers as well this like wearing.

It's about about us having a proper.

Tell me about it was right through some point if I think it was November that year wasn't that the whole Bernie Ecclestone tobacco funding thing came up and they had to tell you to remember people might be a bit similar.

Have you mean you know all the papers the first Hundred Days of kisses and cuddle itself and chlorine and you cannot forget it that means you listen to stories and analyse all the lobby is coming through in the new contract been signed with those people who may or may not be labour donors and the other spans and the Civil Service there is there is absolutely no, we are not going to be sorted.

As long as you know it's not 97.

It's nothing's going to get better.

I think there is there is a lesson to use as important because the latest 233000 nothing approaching witches drop off as of July 8th and we will we will find out if you sometimes.

That's ok.

Yes, they're all these things and locust armour and whatever but it's not as bad as the Tories what they were much worst.

It is that true or is it all much of a side of things is quite different to some Taylor Swift freebies under Taylor Swift is very different as well to having your wedding paid for by Anthony Bamford and Daylesford Organics and hampers delivered to the door of the number town just when number for number like a like it you can do you can do that comparison.

We have done my brother's number but also it just seems so can do it.

Just seems so obvious to me.

Turn off the government spin doctor thankfully on one of them people start until in the 90s 2000s going to be are so far, but it seems very obvious that someone should just don't take any freebies literally got the chance to define yourself again, because we was the most corrupt government ever save the secret to the Boris Johnson have you overtake a bit? Love you lots of people take it as just just don't do it.

Don't get into these back to me feel like the main pitch in the run of the election.

We're not these noise does a plank of what label was saying we're not like them and then the scale.

I think it's completely right and there's lots of funny tweets and memes and things and it's like my life at the moment that Taylor Swift get a contractor for my PA or then we've got to be happy with Taylor Swift and the other people's contracts 2.

We're not like them.

You need to not be like them and and I think that that sort of has chipped away at chipped away at confidence and chipped away at the you know I was going to be a Feelgood factor for labour supporters post-election that feels like that disappear quickly time for the media quiz this week.

Give you a reason and I give you a recent history you tell me if the person or come the centre of the story has been called the bastard buzzing with your name if you know the answer so Chris you will say I'll say Chris and Adam your say Adam let's play bastard krishnaben Google's decision not to proceed with the end of third-party cookies on Chrome label, bastards or not.

Please send Adam a bastard bastard, then one of these bastards Morgan Stevenson of newsquest told press-gazette recently if it's frustration Goalposts changing again Chris you run quite a website as well.

How important cookies to news publishers with a delicious look at a small news publication with a paywall so I'm obsessed with super serving our subscribers rather than just trying to generate whatever that we can generate so they are very important, but less important for us and if you were mainstream volume chasing news organisation you think is interesting overall is the reliance on China forward talking about their partnership with YouTube recently their results all these big organisations.

On the third party to get your content in front of people you are at the behest of that third party and it is you know that and you have limited leverage without being to sort of sort of the about it.

It's really important because it doesn't take much from Strategy change for a Google or YouTube or Facebook or a x and before you know it business model start to fall apart the eyes never been that bothered about the digital side of things.

No, I'm just wondering what the current US it's probably Lizzie from from the top floor going out to newsagents and moving at the front or behind anglers today or New York sun owner David fu is he has to be cold busted goodness not bastard?

About Israel that with the ownership he's got all the moment got with newspapers in in New York yes, he's got the New York sun which interestingly is online.

It was advised by 2021 not interested money printer 8012.

I think will be causing some raised eyebrows at the at the Daily Telegraph but you know they are both think they're digital success.

So maybe you know that's the next evolution of a 6-week exclusivity.

We we are who are particularly the owners current owners the Daily Telegraph not allowed to do anything apart from Flog It Off there's this bizarre situation, but yeah, that is so the other publication that is involved with his the album on which is a very small circulation newspaper place in New York not on here and equally like the Jewish Chronicle here very very as you might think pro-israel and Pro

Under cupboard in in in in in in the current conflict so interesting questions being asked to come for and S probably at the very concerned about the idea of having someone from the United Arab Emirates and charge now.

You know what that might do for the Middle Eastern coverage now.

They got kind of my questions coming from maybe the other side of that there are no perfect owners in this world ethical billionaires.

Didn't you earlier fuel the ground turn off and just came into the old joke? That's the ideal number 3 King Charles who's on tour and Australia at the moment Chris Chris Gloucester number.

In 1994 as he was was at that point he broke the peace when I was when I was the biggest and we commissioned the PS4 mic on what it was about and he sent it in the congratulations you Adam you are can you broadcast broadcast and buy subscription and keeps stalling gainful employment? Thank you as well next Thursday when this comes out which is my first collection of ghost stories.

This is haunted tales perfect for Halloween Halloween also for Christmas

Collection of stories which I started writing 2005 sending out to my friends and family in place of place for Christmas about boasting about her well.

It's something even more horrific.

I will start sending really ghastly ghost stories in the kind of tradition of Mr James so yes out next week, please buy you will you will be terrified that or tails in August bookshops and somebody wants to be a part of the media club as well.

Are you can join? It's free and it's really easy just go website the media the media and give us your email address or something that we should be talking about money is Matt Deegan the Producers Matt Hill it was a rethink audio production with video support from podcast Discovery I'll see you next week.

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Friday, 8 November 2024
Henry Porcher
12:59 PM

Almost every night we get scrambled (picture) screens, specifically when watching TV programs.
It is now a regular thing, partcularly when watching mid-late evening repeats of what are ancient but interesting progs from the 60s, typically.
From HEARTBEAT too VERA, 60 -70 % of programme is obliterated by some blitzing interference that can only be deliberate!
This is borne out by THE 80% mutilation of the (visual aspect) programme BUT does NOT happen during the Ads (that now block more viewing time than the segments of the above mentioned programmes. We have monitored this now for 16 weeks and is guaranteed to occur nightly.
We have had to request a visit from a local Aerial installer who has been baffled and has proven that the WREKIN transmitter is not fit for purpose. This manifests almost every night . It is clear that the Licencing authorities are either complicit in this SABOTAGE, by putting advertising time paramount to the programme material, or just lust for more income to SQUANDER on the now parasitic BBC!

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Henry Porcher's 2 posts GB flag

2:05 PM

Henry Porcher:

Was your local "Aerial installer" CAI approved? I suspect not, as otherwise he'd have had the correct equipment - professional signal strength meters, spectrum analysers and the likes to identify the problem.

There are several things here that could cause issues and more information is needed to provide you with some constructive help, but firstly the Wrekin transmitter is "FIT for purpose" otherwise the transmitter page on this site, also other pages here and elsewhere would be full of reception issues and they are not. The transmitter is currently having Planned Engineering which has been so, on and off for a few weeks (like many main transmitters) but won't necessarily be causing the problems you are seeing, there is NO Sabotage and the BBC have absolutely no connection with the programmes that you've so far mentioned.

So let's start with the information needed.
Firstly a full postcode so we can check your predicted reception, which transmitter (if there's more than one) for best reception and which way your aerial should point.
It will also allow us to check for possible sources of interference.

Next, where is your aerial. Chimney stack, wall mounted, loft etc. and roughly how old is it? Do you perchance know what type it is?
Do you have any aerial amplifiers/splitters to feed more than one TV/Box? If so, do the problems occur on all sets? Where is it located? Can you tell us the model number of any such amp/splitter?

Can you list the channel numbers (LCNs) which are giving you pixelation problems? It sounds like LCN10 - ITV3 may be one of them.
If your set is an LG, in the TV Tuning section there's one section called Signal Test. It will have the Signal Strength and Quality figures for each multiplex's UHF channel that your are tuned to. Other sets will have similar information in different places.
If you can post the figures and list each multiplex UHF Channel that will be really helpful.

I look forward to all the information so that we can give you some proper help.

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Chris.SE's 4,331 posts GB flag
Saturday, 9 November 2024

3:33 PM

Henry Porcher:

Just to add that your were advised 18 months or so ago and never responded. You know you are in a difficult location and that the traffic on the A5 & A483 are an issue, but as you haven't replied with the detail requested we can't see if there is a better way of doing things. So without the technical knowledge you just honk on a load of rubbish blaming the transmitter.

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Chris.SE's 4,331 posts GB flag

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