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Thursday 18 March 2010, PM

Bogus Piracy Report Misleads EU Legislators | TorrentFreak

By selective use of sources and shoddy research techniques, lobbyists hope the report will open the doors to tougher anti-piracy laws. The entertainment industry is known to commission reports and research that hugely benefit their lobbying practices. A new report, Building a Digital Economy was released yesterday. - link

Google and Partners Seek Foothold in the Living Room -

Google and Intel have teamed with Sony to develop a platform called Google TV to bring the Web into the living room through a new generation of televisions and set-top boxes. The move is an effort by Google and Intel to extend their dominance of computing to television, an arena where they have little sway. The partners envision technology that will make it as easy for TV users to navigate Web applications, like the Twitter social network and the Picasa photo site, as it is to change the channel. - link
Thursday 18 March 2010, AM

Media: Reporting Sahil Saeed's kidnap 18 Mar 10 link

BBC Trust ignoring Canvas concerns, says BSkyB |Media |

The pay-TV company, which has been backed by rival Virgin Media in opposing Project Canvas, says there is a conflict between the trust's role as guardian of licence fee payers as and its job setting the strategic course of the corporation. BSkyB has also cautioned that the funding mechanism, and in particular the start-up research and development budgets that the BBC has provided, run the risk of breaching state aid rules. However, a BBC spokeswoman said the corporation's RD spend had not increased 300, as last year's annual report suggested. - link
Wednesday 17 March 2010, PM

38 Degrees | Dont rush through extreme web laws

This week, Harriet Harman, leader of the House of Commons, received thousands of emails. Over the last week MPs have been sent more than 14,000 emails opposing the bill. Yet the government is still planning to force the bill into law - ignoring all opposition. - link

Anger over rushed digital economy bill leads to online lobbying effort |Technology |

The newly-created page on the 38 Degrees site lets people find their MP via their postcode, and then email them to demand that the bill gets a proper debate - or is abandoned for this Parliament. Despite all this opposition, the government is trying to rush it through quietly just before the election without proper debate without a chance for us to voice our opposition. Bad law isn't made good law by not being used badly it's made good by actually being well-drafted. - link

GMG to drop original programming and cut staff at Channel M |Media |

The channel, which serves Great Manchester, will remain on air with four staff overseeing a mix of archive material, traffic and networked news in the short term. Channel M will stop broadcasting its magazine programme Channel M Today from Friday and switch to archive programmes and networked news. GMG said it was in consultation with the channel's 33 staff about the cuts. - link

The market doesnt need Project Canvas |Media |

The reason for Sky's growing interest in broadband delivered video is simple. As we invest more than 1.5bn a year in content, it is important to make that investment work as hard as possible. Taking an agnostic approach to technology means we can extract every drop of value from our investments while customers consume our content on their terms. - link
Tuesday 16 March 2010, PM

BBC iPlayer - Panorama: Are the Net Police Coming for You?

Music artists discuss unlawful file-sharing You must enable javascript to play content The record industry claims to be losing 200 million a year to people downloading music for free and the government is introducing the Digital Economy Bill in an attempt to combat this. - link

Virgin Media HD V Box unveiled - Which? News

Virgin claims that the V HDBox, made by Cisco, will be 3D-ready. Film4 HD will show a daily line-up of movies. You'll also be able to watch international films in HD including US independent films, Hollywood blockbusters, mainstream drama and comedy. - link

ITVs Archie Norman considers U-turn on dumping regional news |Media |

The scheme is being rushed through parliament ahead of a likely May general election. ITV currently provides regional news programming for two of the three pilots, in Wales and the North-East and Border region, and staff in these areas will transfer to the consortiums. Should ITV wish to make a U-turn on dumping regional news production, the decision is not currently in its hands. - link

Brits: ask your MP to demand a debate on new copyright law before voting! - Boing Boing

For context Labour cancelled its anti-fox-hunt legislation because there wasn't time for proper debate, but they're ramming through this copyright bill even though it's far more important and far-reaching -- for one thing, a broken UK Internet will make it harder for people who care about fox hunts one way or the other to organise and lobby on the issue. Now, 38 Degrees is asking Britons to write to their MPs and ask them to call for a full debate on this law before they vote on it. It seems stupid that we'd have to ask our elected reps to actually give sweeping proposals consideration before turning them into law, but there you have it. - link

Five bails on Freeview HD

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John Simpson: Im very pessimistic about the future of the BBC |Media |The Guardian

The BBC is very jumpy these days, and usually when you interview one of their bigwigs they insist on a PR person sitting in to make sure nothing controversial gets said. He makes it clear to me when we meet at his agent's offices in Chelsea that he didn't have to bring the PR along he is a freelance and not subject to staff rules but he wanted to because he has no intention of holding back and he wants the Beeb to know exactly what he said. We are meeting to discuss his new book, Unreliable Sources, an exhaustive and sometimes exhausting 600-page history of the 20th century, as seen through the eyes of the British media. - link
Monday 15 March 2010, PM

The missing dimension in 3D TV | Tech Gear News - Betanews

I risk being tagged a curmudgeon, but I'll say it anyway 3D television isn't ready for prime time. Despite the headlines, breathless press releases, and similarly breathless product reviews, 3D TV has no immediate future in the living room. That may very well change, someday, but it'll take a whole lot of evolution -- in technology, content and marketing -- before 3D makes the mainstream leap from movie theaters to living rooms. - link

Channel 5 HD slot deferred to BBC

Ofcom has announced it will currently not be reserving an HD slot for Channel 5 on Freeview. In June 2009, Ofcom made a provisional decision to reserve a HD slot for Channel 5 to provide new services on Freeview from 2010. This decision was subject to it resolving certain key criteria by the end of 2009. - link

No Channel Five on Freeview HD before 2012 |Media |

Channel Five will not be launching a high definition TV service on Freeview before 2012 after failing to give a launch date or programming schedule to the media regulator, Ofcom. Ofcom, which last June reserved a slot on Freeview for a HD service for Five, said today that it would no longer reserve capacity on the service for the broadcaster, which made a loss last year. The broadcaster had intended to run a selection of its own programming in HD each evening and shows from other suppliers during the day. - link
Monday 15 March 2010, AM

D-Day looms for Channel M as rescue consortium confers - North West Media News - How-Do

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It may be time to pin down some blue Sky thinking | Emily Bell |Media |The Guardian

In terms of control, it is very much a Murdoch company, but this is 39 stake of equity. A feeble rise in BSkyB's share price reflected a rumour that News Corp would buy the 61 of the satellite broadcaster it does not already own and take the company private. Often the markets are wrong about such rumours, but it would be unusual if News Corp was not thinking about how best to tackle the next five years and whether the publicly traded market is necessarily the best place for its prized assets. - link

Maggie Brown interviews Jay Hunt, the controller of BBC1 |Media |The Guardian

Jay Hunt, the controller of BBC1 for the past two years is talking very, very fast in coherent sentences about the thinking underpinning her approach to running the channel. You have viewers, journalists, audiences of all persuasions who have strong views about what we do, and there will be occasions when they are not happy with what we do. Event television can be an incredibly compelling way of bringing audiences to the channel. - link
Friday 12 March 2010, PM

Feedback: 12 Mar 2010: Jon Venables case, political bias and 6music link

ITV1 HD on Virgin, Sky, Freeview and Freesat from April 2

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BBC HD quality complainers get a boost from Astra

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Friday 12 March 2010, AM

Media Talk: The Murdochs in Abu Dhabi and BBC digital radio roulette link
Thursday 11 March 2010, PM

Tories to pledge fastest broadband in Europe

All parties say broadband access is important for UK business The Conservatives have pledged to give Britain the fastest high speed broadband network in Europe, if they win the general election. The Tories say they want the next generation of firms like Microsoft and Google to be created in the UK. The party has said it will deliver broadband speeds of 100 megabits per second Mbps to most homes by 2017. - link

BBC Trust - Trust to review Radio 3, Radio 4 and Radio 7, and nations local radio

Please visit the BBC Trust homepage to find the information you want. you may have typed the web address incorrectly - please check the spelling, or that there are no spaces or capital letters. Alternatively, please try the other links and search box on this page. - link

RTL cuts value of Channel Five by half after tough 2009 |Media |

The writedown values Five, and its digital channels Five USA and Fiver, at 112m. RTL made a 337m writedown in the value of Channel Five to 252m in its full-year results for 2008. RTL said that it planned expansion into digital pay channels to reduce reliance on TV advertising. - link
Thursday 11 March 2010, AM

Media: Aid to Ethiopia and BBC Three 10 Mar 10 link
Wednesday 10 March 2010, PM

Humax Freesat iPlayer service out of beta

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get_iplayer dropped in response to BBC s lack of support for open source | Linuxcentre

The events of the past two weeks here, here, here, here and here have clarified the BBCs stance on allowing interoperability with open-source iPlayer clients. I have no desire act against the BBCs wishes in this respect. The BBC iPlayer is built on many open-source products and yet, in this case, they have failed to let open-source clients access the very same service. - link

Tories media policy is their own, not Rupert Murdochs, says Ed Vaizey |Media |

The Conservative leader, David Cameron, last year set out plans to reduce Ofcom's size and strip it of its policy-making powers. Vaizey added that the principle of using licence-fee money to fund other projects was now well-established. To contact the MediaGuardian news desk email or phone 020 3353 3857. - link

BTs boss comes out fighting

I did indeed get that from Ian Livingston but I also got far more - a robust account of what was wrong with the Digital Economy Bill and an insistence that fast broadband would not reach across the whole country without some public money. What Mr Livingston had to say will not make comfortable reading for Labour, the Conservatives or the Liberal Democrats. On the bill, he was concerned that people were going to have their right to fair hearing in court taken away - that his customers could end up having their internet accounts suspended for alleged illegal file-sharing without due process. - link

West and Central Wales goes digital

All analogue TV channels in west and central Wales have now been switched off, and more than 26,000 viewers have gone digital. Existing Freeview viewers may find some of their channels missingthe services have moved to new frequencies and can be restored by retuning Freeview TVs and boxes. DTG Staff 10.03.2010 Links open in a new window. - link
Wednesday 10 March 2010, AM

Microsoft rolls out video-on-demand service across the UK |Media |

All the content on the MSN Video Player is available free. SeeSaw intends to launch a paid-for version to add to its existing free content before the end of June. Microsoft said it also intends to start making programmes and films available in high definition this year using its proprietary Silverlight technology. - link

Further DAB concerns

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BBC Trust chief accuses Sky of misrepresentation -TV Radio, Media - The Independent

The satellite broadcaster BSkyB was today accused of misrepresenting its position in the market place in order to benefit commercially from the current debate over the future of the BBC. Murdochs Fox International is to move some of its operations to Abu Dhabi to partner with the state-sponsored company twofour54. What is the most advanced high-definition TV without the dramas and comedies and news and sport to watch on it - link
Tuesday 09 March 2010, PM

YouTube- Adobe Demos Flash Air on HPs Slate Device

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Freesat and Freeview prepped for catch-up services | News | Broadcast

It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - link

Google trialling TV search service |Media |

Also, no set-top boxes that run on Android are currently on the market. A Google spokesman said the company does not comment on rumour or speculation. To find out more information about driving traffic to your content or to place this widget on your site, visit - link
Monday 08 March 2010, AM

Sky and Ofcom: the pay TV review will turn into a battle |Media |The Guardian

After more than three years of work, hundreds of pages of analysis and enough financial modelling to satisfy even the most principled of economists, the intervention will start a process that could see BSkyB's stranglehold on premium sport and movies loosened. It could allow several competitors to challenge Sky in the 4bn pay-TV market, leading to lower consumer prices for Premier League football. In simple terms, Ofcom is in effect forcing Sky to wholesale its key sport and movie channels to rival operators at a regulated price. - link

Can Archie Norman cure ITVs long-term production problem? |Media |The Guardian

Archie Norman's first results as chairman of ITV appear to show the company in a more positive light than at any time in the past five years. The on-air creative shortcomings of the Charles Allen era were significantly addressed by Michael Grade and the recession which left him and the company's revenues for dead appears to be abating. Along with better than expected cost savings, stable shares of viewing, increased shares of all TV advertising, and advertising market improvements 7 up for the first quarter of this year, as much as 20 up for April and estimates for the whole of 2010 now running at increases of 3 to 5 plus could result in ITV's bottom line improving by as much as 100m. - link

Where the TV fight goes BuzzMachine

I spent years sparring with Cablevision to get what I paid for and Im glad to be rid of them. They like Fox before them are trying to get us to pay for free TV channels. This was a point I wanted to make at last weeks FCC workshop on the future of media Its no longer true that broadcast channels are free. - link

Internet access is a fundamental right

Internet users around the world are attracted by the availability of information Almost four in five people around the world believe that access to the internet is a fundamental right, a poll for the BBC World Service suggests. The survey - of more than 27,000 adults across 26 countries - found strong support for net access on both sides of the digital divide. Countries such as Finland and Estonia have already ruled that access is a human right for their citizens. - link

Tally ho: why Hunt has the scent of BBC blood in his nostrils -TV Radio, Media - The Independent

Senior BBC management claim surveys show that executive salaries are of little concern to licence-fee payers, who it says are interested only in the corporation's content. Hunt takes a dig at the Trust's recent nest-building activities. Hunt argues that an oversize BBC is damaging to the British media ecology. - link

Tories would curtail BBC bosss power -TV Radio, Media - The Independent

An incoming Conservative government would appoint a powerful new figure as executive chairman of the BBC to challenge top level salaries and act as a restraining influence on the director general Mark Thompson, who last week announced controversial plans for the corporation's future. As well as being director general of the 20,000-strong organisation, Mr Thompson is also chairman of the nine-member executive board which manages the BBC. The Tories have already angered Mr Lyons by indicating that they wish to scrap the trust, although it is enshrined in the BBC charter until 2016. - link
Sunday 07 March 2010, PM

informitv - Virgin slams BBC on Canvas

Even the Digital TV Group has argued that the partners in the project, most of which are among its members, have failed to engage with the wider industry. The stated aim of Project Canvas is to build an open internet-connected TV platform but cable and satellite operators, as well as many consumer electronics companies, have objected to the insistence of the partners in the project that this should define the user experience or specify the behaviour of the programme guide. The Virgin executive said there was no need to create an entirely new television platform with a mandated proprietary user interface in order to achieve its stated goals. - link
Saturday 06 March 2010, PM

Feedback: 5 Mar 2010: Proposed changes at the BBC link
Friday 05 March 2010, PM

6 million for Freeview HD campaign | Broadband TV News

Howling said the campaign would be unified from the TV advertising through to the packaging of the box and, for the first time, the Freeview logo on the EPG. Howling gave further backing to online TV services including the BBC-supported Canvas. She said this represented between two to three million Freeview homes, but there would be many more that would be content with just the Freeview offer. - link

BBC iPlayer Content Protection Enhancements

A number of our users have expressed concern about BBC iPlayer's recent content protection enhancements. It's a complex area so I asked our techical team for an explanation of what has happened. We also implement a range of technologies that attempt to check that our content is being played out in iPlayer, and not in an unauthorised 3rd-party application. - link

Mark Thompson: Thank you for your comments

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