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Wednesday 24 March 2010, AM

ITV boss eyes pay-TV future is Everything about content in the 21st Century, from television to web, mobile, tablet and beyond. -

Gaelic Freeview decision delayed

The BBC Trust had been expected to decide by April whether to put the channel onto Freeview. It will now make the decision after it its views on the future strategy of the wider BBC are published. MG Alba, which runs the channel in partnership with the BBC, said it was disappointed. -

Ofcom sets out vision and speed for superfast broadband for all |Technology |The Guardian

BT is being asked to share its network of telegraph poles with other internet providers. Ofcom also set out for the first time yesterday what it regards as the lowest speed that would merit the name. However, large numbers of homes and businesses are in locations which cannot get any sort of broadband, either because they are too far from an exchange or because the lines are of poor quality. -
Tuesday 23 March 2010, PM

Arqiva bounces into Project Canvas...will SeeSaw follow?


BBC reveals plans to expand digital radio coverage

More than a million additional people will soon be able to receive BBC national digital radio services under plans for a further expansion of the digital radio transmission network. The BBC is investing in a further 60 digital radio transmitters as part of its commitment to reach 90 of the UK population during this Charter period. This is the final part of a planned roll-out which started in 2008 and has which already resulted in more than 50 additional transmitters being added to the network. -
Tuesday 23 March 2010, AM

Project Canvas is open and standardised and great for consumers |Media |

A version of how the Project Canvas website may appear. Photograph Public Domain There has been a great deal of recent discussion about the merits or lack thereof of Project Canvas. Canvas promises to create an open, standardised platform where consumers will be able to view programming from a vast number of video providers across a broad range of devices. -
Monday 22 March 2010, PM

ITV refunds viewers after David Dickinson phone-in contest gaffe |Media |

The ITV1 daytime repeat had been re-edited to include a new on-screen viewers' competition, but a production error meant at the end of the programme the voiceover was not also updated. A viewer complained to the media regulator, Ofcom, that it was not clear which question viewers were supposed to answer. ITV told the regulator that it had already refunded 5,026 of the 15,984 entrants eligible for the money back. -

informitv - MSN Video Player fails to impress

Microsoft has finally formally launched its new online video service in the United Kingdom. Following a six month trial, the new-look offering now includes 1,000 hours of full-length television programmes, supplemented by other video clips and film trailers that were previously available on the MSN portal. Microsoft has been doing non-exclusive deals with independent production companies like Endemol to distribute their programmes once they come out of broadcaster holdback and the rights revert to the producers. -
Monday 22 March 2010, AM

Ban on broadcasting parliamentary clips on YouTube could be lifted |Media |The Guardian

The clip, watched nearly 470,000 times, remains on YouTube, despite the ban although Westminster authorities have periodically asked for such clips to be removed. There is a limited exemption for MPs, who are allowed to put up clips of their own speeches on YouTube, but even they have to prevent third parties from embedding those clips. Negotiations have been going on for over 18 months within the Parliamentary Broadcasting Unit Limited, a committee of officials and broadcasters responsible for licensing parliamentary footage. -

Channel 4 select committee review is a stinker | Steve Hewlett |Media |The Guardian

Last week's select committee review of Channel 4 hardly noticed amid the blizzard of media coverage of the BBC was a real stinker. The MPs on the culture, media and sport committee go so far as to suggest that the money might well have been better spent maintaining public service content on C4's main service. Even more serious, C4 was criticised for a lack of transparency in how it accounted for its digital channels that MPs said could not be justified. -

Digital economy bill: what you need to know |Media |The Guardian

The murmuring in parliament is that the digital economy bill will get its second reading on Tuesday 6 April the day that Gordon Brown is expected to hop into a car and head over to the palace to ask for the dissolution of parliament. This is not easy the bill tends to add bits to other existing acts, such as the Communications Act of 2003 and the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988. Minimum broadband speed of 2Mbps Doesn't actually require legislation. -
Sunday 21 March 2010, PM

TDF - Radio sur mobile : une facture de 74 millions deuros par an

Grab this Headline Animator Inscription la newsletter Qu'est-ce que 'DR' Diffrents formats et normes sont aujourd'hui disponibles sur le march par le biais de diffrents consortia de fabricants et radiodiffuseurs. Trs simplement - la radio numrique utilise diffrentes technologies qui convertissent le signal analogue, musique ou voix, en un code numrique. -

Premier League football to be made available on terrestrial Freeview television - Telegraph

BT Vision, which is a digital television service, would be the main provider of the programmes, if, as expected, Ofcom decides to order Sky to cut the price it charges other operators for its premium content. Sky is set to launch a legal challenge against the watchdog's ruling on the grounds that Ofcom would be using its powers inappropriately in forcing Sky to drop its prices, thereby threatening its market position. The television operators argue that such a ruling would encourage competition for sports rights and would be good for consumers because it will result in more competitive pricing. -
Friday 19 March 2010, PM

iPlayer beta now on Sagem Freesat HD receivers


Feedback: 19 Mar 2010: Just A Minute rule changes?

Did 6Music hijack Radio 4 last night?

On Twitter, miss_s_b wondered is it just me, or did 6music just hack radio 4 Listen back to this most unusual upset Or download the MP3 here. -
Friday 19 March 2010, AM

New ITV boss to get 200,000 golden hello

The outgoing post chief dubbed Britains highest paid public servant after his years at Royal Mail is also guaranteed to get 3.2million over three years and could pocket over 16million by 2015. Hard-hit ITV will pay Mr Crozier 775,000 a year, a one-off deferred share incentive worth more than 2million, and further shares of 420,000. He will also be entitled to a regular annual bonus and long-term share scheme payouts, pushing up his yearly income to about 860,000. -

Media Talk: Erik Huggers and Michael Wolff
Thursday 18 March 2010, PM

British Sky Broadcasting (LON:BSY) report: Now Virgin Media may offer free Premier League

The package is expected to be priced at some 18/month, compared to BTs 21.99 and a Sky subscription for 26. - Sky currently offers wholesale access to its basic sports package at 13.40 the possibility exists that Ofcoms Consultation will force a reduction to as low as 8.00, which would allow the possibility of absorbing this within the current bundled package price range. -

Michael Grade leaves ITV with 2.7m as Adam Crozier chases 16m |Media |

Grade picked up 2.126m in salary and annual bonus for his last year as executive chairman of the broadcaster, and also sold shares worth a further 401,567 under the company's share options scheme, according to ITV's 2009 annual report, published today. The ITV board also awarded him a further 167,000 to cover the remainder of his contract which expires next month but calculated the payoff as if he were merely non-executive chairman of the firm. He will also be awarded 420,000 worth of shares when he joins on 26 April, which he can collect over the next 18 months. -

Bogus Piracy Report Misleads EU Legislators | TorrentFreak

By selective use of sources and shoddy research techniques, lobbyists hope the report will open the doors to tougher anti-piracy laws. The entertainment industry is known to commission reports and research that hugely benefit their lobbying practices. A new report, Building a Digital Economy was released yesterday. -

Google and Partners Seek Foothold in the Living Room -

Google and Intel have teamed with Sony to develop a platform called Google TV to bring the Web into the living room through a new generation of televisions and set-top boxes. The move is an effort by Google and Intel to extend their dominance of computing to television, an arena where they have little sway. The partners envision technology that will make it as easy for TV users to navigate Web applications, like the Twitter social network and the Picasa photo site, as it is to change the channel. -
Thursday 18 March 2010, AM

Media: Reporting Sahil Saeed's kidnap 18 Mar 10

BBC Trust ignoring Canvas concerns, says BSkyB |Media |

The pay-TV company, which has been backed by rival Virgin Media in opposing Project Canvas, says there is a conflict between the trust's role as guardian of licence fee payers as and its job setting the strategic course of the corporation. BSkyB has also cautioned that the funding mechanism, and in particular the start-up research and development budgets that the BBC has provided, run the risk of breaching state aid rules. However, a BBC spokeswoman said the corporation's RD spend had not increased 300, as last year's annual report suggested. -
Wednesday 17 March 2010, PM

38 Degrees | Dont rush through extreme web laws

This week, Harriet Harman, leader of the House of Commons, received thousands of emails. Over the last week MPs have been sent more than 14,000 emails opposing the bill. Yet the government is still planning to force the bill into law - ignoring all opposition. -

Anger over rushed digital economy bill leads to online lobbying effort |Technology |

The newly-created page on the 38 Degrees site lets people find their MP via their postcode, and then email them to demand that the bill gets a proper debate - or is abandoned for this Parliament. Despite all this opposition, the government is trying to rush it through quietly just before the election without proper debate without a chance for us to voice our opposition. Bad law isn't made good law by not being used badly it's made good by actually being well-drafted. -

GMG to drop original programming and cut staff at Channel M |Media |

The channel, which serves Great Manchester, will remain on air with four staff overseeing a mix of archive material, traffic and networked news in the short term. Channel M will stop broadcasting its magazine programme Channel M Today from Friday and switch to archive programmes and networked news. GMG said it was in consultation with the channel's 33 staff about the cuts. -

The market doesnt need Project Canvas |Media |

The reason for Sky's growing interest in broadband delivered video is simple. As we invest more than 1.5bn a year in content, it is important to make that investment work as hard as possible. Taking an agnostic approach to technology means we can extract every drop of value from our investments while customers consume our content on their terms. -
Tuesday 16 March 2010, PM

BBC iPlayer - Panorama: Are the Net Police Coming for You?

Music artists discuss unlawful file-sharing You must enable javascript to play content The record industry claims to be losing 200 million a year to people downloading music for free and the government is introducing the Digital Economy Bill in an attempt to combat this. -

Virgin Media HD V Box unveiled - Which? News

Virgin claims that the V HDBox, made by Cisco, will be 3D-ready. Film4 HD will show a daily line-up of movies. You'll also be able to watch international films in HD including US independent films, Hollywood blockbusters, mainstream drama and comedy. -

ITVs Archie Norman considers U-turn on dumping regional news |Media |

The scheme is being rushed through parliament ahead of a likely May general election. ITV currently provides regional news programming for two of the three pilots, in Wales and the North-East and Border region, and staff in these areas will transfer to the consortiums. Should ITV wish to make a U-turn on dumping regional news production, the decision is not currently in its hands. -

Brits: ask your MP to demand a debate on new copyright law before voting! - Boing Boing

For context Labour cancelled its anti-fox-hunt legislation because there wasn't time for proper debate, but they're ramming through this copyright bill even though it's far more important and far-reaching -- for one thing, a broken UK Internet will make it harder for people who care about fox hunts one way or the other to organise and lobby on the issue. Now, 38 Degrees is asking Britons to write to their MPs and ask them to call for a full debate on this law before they vote on it. It seems stupid that we'd have to ask our elected reps to actually give sweeping proposals consideration before turning them into law, but there you have it. -

Five bails on Freeview HD


John Simpson: Im very pessimistic about the future of the BBC |Media |The Guardian

The BBC is very jumpy these days, and usually when you interview one of their bigwigs they insist on a PR person sitting in to make sure nothing controversial gets said. He makes it clear to me when we meet at his agent's offices in Chelsea that he didn't have to bring the PR along he is a freelance and not subject to staff rules but he wanted to because he has no intention of holding back and he wants the Beeb to know exactly what he said. We are meeting to discuss his new book, Unreliable Sources, an exhaustive and sometimes exhausting 600-page history of the 20th century, as seen through the eyes of the British media. -
Monday 15 March 2010, PM

The missing dimension in 3D TV | Tech Gear News - Betanews

I risk being tagged a curmudgeon, but I'll say it anyway 3D television isn't ready for prime time. Despite the headlines, breathless press releases, and similarly breathless product reviews, 3D TV has no immediate future in the living room. That may very well change, someday, but it'll take a whole lot of evolution -- in technology, content and marketing -- before 3D makes the mainstream leap from movie theaters to living rooms. -

Channel 5 HD slot deferred to BBC

Ofcom has announced it will currently not be reserving an HD slot for Channel 5 on Freeview. In June 2009, Ofcom made a provisional decision to reserve a HD slot for Channel 5 to provide new services on Freeview from 2010. This decision was subject to it resolving certain key criteria by the end of 2009. -

No Channel Five on Freeview HD before 2012 |Media |

Channel Five will not be launching a high definition TV service on Freeview before 2012 after failing to give a launch date or programming schedule to the media regulator, Ofcom. Ofcom, which last June reserved a slot on Freeview for a HD service for Five, said today that it would no longer reserve capacity on the service for the broadcaster, which made a loss last year. The broadcaster had intended to run a selection of its own programming in HD each evening and shows from other suppliers during the day. -
Monday 15 March 2010, AM

D-Day looms for Channel M as rescue consortium confers - North West Media News - How-Do


It may be time to pin down some blue Sky thinking | Emily Bell |Media |The Guardian

In terms of control, it is very much a Murdoch company, but this is 39 stake of equity. A feeble rise in BSkyB's share price reflected a rumour that News Corp would buy the 61 of the satellite broadcaster it does not already own and take the company private. Often the markets are wrong about such rumours, but it would be unusual if News Corp was not thinking about how best to tackle the next five years and whether the publicly traded market is necessarily the best place for its prized assets. -

Maggie Brown interviews Jay Hunt, the controller of BBC1 |Media |The Guardian

Jay Hunt, the controller of BBC1 for the past two years is talking very, very fast in coherent sentences about the thinking underpinning her approach to running the channel. You have viewers, journalists, audiences of all persuasions who have strong views about what we do, and there will be occasions when they are not happy with what we do. Event television can be an incredibly compelling way of bringing audiences to the channel. -
Friday 12 March 2010, PM

Feedback: 12 Mar 2010: Jon Venables case, political bias and 6music

ITV1 HD on Virgin, Sky, Freeview and Freesat from April 2


BBC HD quality complainers get a boost from Astra

Friday 12 March 2010, AM

Media Talk: The Murdochs in Abu Dhabi and BBC digital radio roulette
Thursday 11 March 2010, PM

Tories to pledge fastest broadband in Europe

All parties say broadband access is important for UK business The Conservatives have pledged to give Britain the fastest high speed broadband network in Europe, if they win the general election. The Tories say they want the next generation of firms like Microsoft and Google to be created in the UK. The party has said it will deliver broadband speeds of 100 megabits per second Mbps to most homes by 2017. -

BBC Trust - Trust to review Radio 3, Radio 4 and Radio 7, and nations local radio

Please visit the BBC Trust homepage to find the information you want. you may have typed the web address incorrectly - please check the spelling, or that there are no spaces or capital letters. Alternatively, please try the other links and search box on this page. -

RTL cuts value of Channel Five by half after tough 2009 |Media |

The writedown values Five, and its digital channels Five USA and Fiver, at 112m. RTL made a 337m writedown in the value of Channel Five to 252m in its full-year results for 2008. RTL said that it planned expansion into digital pay channels to reduce reliance on TV advertising. -
Thursday 11 March 2010, AM

Media: Aid to Ethiopia and BBC Three 10 Mar 10
Wednesday 10 March 2010, PM

Humax Freesat iPlayer service out of beta


get_iplayer dropped in response to BBC s lack of support for open source | Linuxcentre

The events of the past two weeks here, here, here, here and here have clarified the BBCs stance on allowing interoperability with open-source iPlayer clients. I have no desire act against the BBCs wishes in this respect. The BBC iPlayer is built on many open-source products and yet, in this case, they have failed to let open-source clients access the very same service. -
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