Monday 06 October 2008, AM

Opinion, Emily Bell: No need to fight fire with fire any more |Media |The Guardian
On September 22, 1955, the eagerly anticipated new independent television service, the ITA, went on air for the first time. Despite the limited reach and apparent mundanity of this new channel, the BBC reacted, one might say somewhat hysterically, by burning Grace Archer alive. It has inspired innovation and change within TV and radio and online worlds. -
Brussels seeks to ban 14m subsidy to C4 |Media |The Guardian
The European commission is likely to ban the government's proposed 14m aid to Channel 4 to meet the costs of the digital switchover and fulfil its public service broadcasting PSB commitments. Neelie Kroes, European competition commissioner, has cast serious doubts over whether the funding is compatible with EU state aid rules. In a letter sent to the foreign secretary, David Miliband, this summer and seen by the Guardian, she suggested that Channel 4 had enough reserves and revenues to pay for its digital expansion. -
RTL gets green light to put in offer for ITV |Business |The Observer
ITV is top of Zeiler's shopping list, but a move is still thought to be some time away. He will need to borrow to fund a bid for the UK commercial broadcaster, which is valued on the London Stock Exchange at 1.7bn. With credit markets still seized up, that could prove difficult even if RTL were prepared to inject 60 per cent of ITV's equity value. - Meades: The man who reaches parts of Britain that other documentary makers dont - Media, News - The Indep
-Friday 03 October 2008, PM
Google, 2001
From September 29 to October 31, 2008, this page allowed you to search the Google index of 2001. We featured this approximation of our 2001 search engine to celebrate our 10th birthday. Now that Search 2001 is gone, why dont you enjoy what the Web features today - google.comFriday 03 October 2008, AM

Channel Five launches hot dog ad to promote rebrand |Media |
Link to this video Channel Five has taken the unusual step of relaunching its flagship channel with a TV campaign that promotes rival broadcasters' programmes. The TV campaign, which will run on rival digital and terrestrial channels including ITV, features a man in a giant hotdog suit getting hyped up in a changing room before entering a major sporting arena. EastEnders and Doctor Who are among the programmes from rival channels referred to in the ad, which aims to champion the virtues and quality of television. - 02 October 2008, PM

Sky to be thrown out of Freeview? - Rapid TV News
Read more Louise Duffy 04-01-2013 A Pakistani parliamentary panel has asked the government to ban all foreign content in any language during prime time on television. Read more Iaki Ferreras 04-01-2013 Madrid's regional public broadcaster Telemadrid is going through the worst time in its history the company has serious financial problems and is close to shutting... - rapidtvnews.comThursday 02 October 2008, AM

Media Money: Regional job cuts at ITV
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - Today with United Radio..: BBC starts DAB+ transmissions
Serious Fraud Office rules out TV phone-in inquiry |Media |
ITV ended up being fined a record 5.675m by Ofcom over the scandals. For all other inquiries please call the main Guardian switchboard on 020 7278 2332. -
New BBC channels for Scandinavia
It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - UK: Sky pushing high definition service with 10m marketing campaign
It comes at an interesting time, when Sky is being challenged to share more of its premium content with other providers. - hdtvuk.tvWednesday 01 October 2008, PM

News Star
Viewers will need to switch over to digital TV before the signal is turned off on July 22. BBC Two will be turned off a month earlier, on June 24, as a final reminder to make the change. About 80 per cent of the county already has a digital or satellite service at home, but Freeview signals only reach half of homes. - NEWS | Technology | Ofcom rethinks airwaves sell-off
The digital dividend is spectrum freed up by the swap from analogue to digital TV, which will allow for a range of new services to be introduced. The radio waves are being fiercely fought over by broadcasters and mobile operators. Following criticism Ofcom said that it might rethink the sell-off. - 30 September 2008, PM
Virgin Media reprimanded over data loss
ITV to axe 1,000 jobs by February
This includes 430 jobs across its news services - 40 of regional news staff. It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - regional bulletins in jeopardy as ITV News announces plans to axe over 400 jobs
We are sorry to say that you have found our 'sorry' page while visiting You may be attempting to get to a page that doesn't exist or our web gurus are currently trying to fix the issue. Click here to try again Alternatively if that fails and you return to this error page, please click here to try the homepage - round up: 30 September | News Blog | TechRadar UK
-Tuesday 30 September 2008, AM / Companies / Media internet - Sky "should offer rivals premium content"
Printed from http// Print a single copy of this article for personal use. -
Apple knocked off pedestal, comes down squash | Good Morning Silicon Valley
Sky may be forced to sell football and films to rivals at reduced prices |Media |
Earlier this month, BSkyB shelved plans for Picnic, which would see its three free-to-air channels replaced with a pay service, claiming that Ofcom's regulatory review was taking too long. It is understood that BSkyB came close to agreeing a wholesale distribution pricing deal with Ofcom earlier in the summer. Ofcom's consultations will close on December 9 with the findings due to be published in the new year. -
BSkyB considers appeal against ITV decision - Brand Republic News - Brand Republic
BSkyB is expected to register for an appeal as it will want to avoid a firesale of its stake and buy some time to allow ITV's share price to rise. BSkyB is expected to announce whether it will pursue an appeal, whichmust be basedon a point of law. All interested parties that wish to appeal must apply to the Competition Appeal Tribunal for leave to appeal, before it is advanced to the Court of Appeal. - brandrepublic.comProposed BSkyB Digital Terrestrial Television Services | Ofcom
-Pay TV second consultation | Ofcom
-Why Freesat Works - BBCi Labs
How long would it take to press the keys the remote control 10,000 times and check that what you expected to happen, happens When it comes to the shiny new Freesat platform, it takes us less than 20 minutes. We already provide a complete BBCi red button service on the Sky platform. - 29 September 2008, PM
2nd UPDATE: UK Tribunal Orders BSkyB To Cut ITV Stake
BSkyB ordered to cut ITV stake |Media |
Sky had challenged an earlier ruling by the Competition Commission and secretary of state John Hutton that it must reduce its holding to less than 7.5. The CAT upheld Virgin's appeal and has proposed a further hearing next month. The satellite broadcaster is understood to be considering yet another appeal, further lengthening a process that began with then chief executive James Murdoch's dramatic decision to snap up ITV shares in November 2006. - 29 September 2008, AM

TVonics MDR-250 Freeview Receiver - TrustedReviews
All of this suggests that the MDR-250 could be the ideal entre into free digital TV. At just 196mm wide, the unit itself is tiny by normal Freeview receiver standards, which is good news if you want to hide it behind the TV, and theres an infrared extender in the box that allows you to do so. You might be tempted to keep it on show though as its an interesting looking little box, with a gloss black top section, a silver circle containing the TVonics logo and very little on the fascia besides a small power LED indicator. -
Mark Thompson: The BBC can and must play a central role in the future of public service broadcasting |Comment i
Is Ofcom right to say that we face a real problem with public service broadcasting You can't look at the depressing conclusions about ITV's regional provision, contained in the regulator's report this week, without accepting that. There may be an inevitability about ITV's retrenchment now, but the public have every right to feel let down. - 26 September 2008, PM
BBC NEWS | UK | Free-to-air TV sport reconsidered
Domestic Test match cricket is not on the list of protected events The list of sporting events reserved for free-to-air television is to be reviewed, Culture Secretary Andy Burnham has said. World Cup qualifiers In 1998, the government added certain events to the list of crown jewels - or A list - those deemed too important to be restricted to people with satellite or cable television. Already on the list were events including the Olympic Games, Wimbledon and the Grand National. - news - from
Details on the new box are, well, non-existent, but of course when you have the opportunity to get down to the Freesat stand and see it in the flesh, you might as well look forward to the surprise, no There will also be competitions and, naturally, prizes. Sound and Vision Show has moved to a bigger and better venue at London ExCeL, with more room for better stands and demo rooms. Running over the weekend of the 31st October 2nd November and in conjunction with the world's greatest gadget show, Stuff Live, see the website here to get all the information and book your ticket. - whathifi.comFriday 26 September 2008, AM
Gaelic on Freeview - News
- news.scotsman.comOut in the cold in my quest for wizardry of the digital age - Press Journal
THE bewildering advance of electronic wizardry has left me psychologically scarred and severely out of pocket. It all started 10 days ago, when my son informed me that one of our video-cassette recorders had taken to devouring any tapes fed into its voracious maw. I have been buying VCRs for almost 30 years and am well aware that the confounded machines succumb eventually to the electronic equivalent of senile dementia. -
About 80 per cent of the county already has at least one digital set at home. The switch will extend coverage to all parts of the country and free up airwaves for faster broadband and mobile television. Last year Whitehaven became the first place in Britain to lose its analogue signal. -
iPod tax could be introduced to fund TV news bulletins - Telegraph
An industry tax would put Ofcom on a collision course with Gordon Brown, who in his party conference speech outlined plans to help poor families buy computers and broadband subscriptions. He said that families, who have been identified by local schools as having no access to the internet, will be able to apply for vouchers of up to 700 so they can get online. Ofcom dismissed suggestions that people would be unwilling to pay more for their iPods to fund programmes such as Channel 4 News. -
ITV may be allowed to cut regional news - Media, News - The Independent
The report proposed to maintain ITV1's quotas for original UK productions, independent productions and national and international news. ITV1 could have quotas for programmes made outside London reduced from 50 to 35 under the proposals. Ofcom proposed that the number of regional news broadcasts should be reduced during the day, with the focus on prime-time news broadcasts instead. - on Hereos HD confusion - What Satellite Digital TV
-DTG News: Arqiva and National Grid Wireless begin merger process
National Grid Wireless and its group of companies are now trading under the Arqiva brand as part of the integration process of the two organisations following the appoval of the two comapanies merger by the Competition Commission. Arqiva acquired National Grid Wireless in April 2007 and since then the two companies have operated completely separate businesses while the Competition Commission conducted its inquiry into the merger. Now that the inquiry has ended, Arqiva and National Grid Wireless have begun the process of bringing the two organisations together with guarantees of price and service benefits for broadcast-transmission customers. -
Maggie Brown: Get real Ofcom, your light touch regulation isnt working |Media |
The trio of Ofcom grandees, who unveiled proposals allowing ITV to savage its regional news, were pretty snappy under fire at their press conference yesterday and you can see why. They trumpet their mission in this public service broadcasting review, to recommend to government how quality can be maintained. And, in what sometimes seems like a displacement exercise, they propose future solutions. -
John Plunkett on the joys of regional TV news |Media |
If you lived in Yorkshire, Richard Whiteley was the presenter of the Calendar news magazine first and Channel 4's Countdown second. Holidaying around Britain as a child, other regional news bulletins seemed fabulously exotic with their strange faces, unfamiliar news stories and in the old days at least outrageously clunky opening credits. Each ITV region felt like a whole new TV channel with a unique identity Anglia - 25 September 2008, PM
Weve been promised mobile TV since the seventies, but now its actually happening! | Mail Online
Whatever happened to the promise of tiny wristwatch-like TV sets giving us our favourite shows on crystal-clear screens while we darted about our daily business We've been promised this since the Seventies but it's a technology that has consistently failed to materialise. Even so-called 'mobile TV services' offered by mobile phone companies miss the target, letting you download only a limited selection of grainy, pre-recorded programmes and having to pay a small fortune for the privilege. - News - Panasonic expand their Freesat plasma range
The Freesat service requires users to install a dish and set-top box PZ81 models from Panasonic have the set-top box built-in. Satellite subscribers wishing to use the service may be able to use their existing kit and unlike Freeview, Freesat has the advantage of being free from bandwidth restrictions and can reach more than 98 of the UK population. The new 32in and 37in PZ81 Freesat models will be available in the UK early this October. - 25 September 2008, AM

C4 Cuts Bite into Next on 4 plans
24 September, 2008 By Robin Parker Channel 4 has been forced to scale back its ambitions for kids programming and online public service content as a result of its plan to save100m over the next two years. It takes just 2 minutes and offers full, instant access to the Broadcast website along with a copy of the magazine delivered every week. - HD: What Works Best?
I want to deal, though, with some of the comments about the channel content, and also to share with you some of the issues we face in making decisions for the channel. I believe firmly that the BBC has a responsibility to consider programmes from across the full range of content and channels which we broadcast, and that we should continually experiment with forms of programming which are not available elsewhere in HD. Even though we've been making programmes in HD for some time now, we still have a great deal to learn about the best ways to work with what remains an emerging technology. -
BetaNews | Congress may see the glass half-empty on DTV transition
After a pair of congressional hearings in recent days where witnesses gave generally favorable reports on the status of the nation's transition to digital television -- still slated for next February 17 -- leaders there are still putting out the word that a crisis of misinformation may not be avoided in time. Roughly 80 of those calls were from residents needing technical assistance with getting their converter boxes to work, while the remainder sought installation assistance that the city had offered through its local fire department. Fire personnel were only too glad to help, Saffo said, because it gave them another opportunity to check to see whether households had proper fire safety equipment such as smoke detectors and extinguishers. - betanews.comWednesday 24 September 2008, AM
BBC NEWS | The Editors
We have been working on this new look for a few months, and what you can see from today is just the beginning. Further changes and developments will be rolled out across the site over the coming months. The changes to the design of the site have been largely driven by your feedback, either through our regular site surveys or the feedback forms we have put up on the site over the past couple of years. - 23 September 2008, PM / Companies / Media internet - Channel 4 to cut 15% of workforce
Printed from http// Print a single copy of this article for personal use. -
Broadcasting - News - Five unveils new on-air, off-air look - Digital Spy
Five is to launch a new look for its main channel on Monday, October 6, it was confirmed today. The first major off-air campaign will support Benedict Allen's Unbreakable adventure series and Paul Merton in India. - 23 September 2008, AM
Absolute Gadget - 200809221693 | Aldi is so ready for HD | Television | News
-Monday 22 September 2008, PM
informitv - Microsoft and Emuse show next generation of interactive TV
Microsoft also announced support for H.264 in Silverlight and a secure architecture for television tuners in personal computers. Microsoft showed informitv the concept demonstration of the BBC service. The result is more like a modern web experience than a traditional interactive television service, using the broadband connection to good effect. - informitv.compick a page