Main TV standard-definiton channels
How to Watch: BEN TV
Main TV standard-definiton channels
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Regional content: National channel with no regional content or variations.
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Friday, 22 May 2015
dean1:51 AM
Communication at high level between mr seymour and britain security.
Firstly you will not see me again in britain as it stinks i was a reject asylum 2 years ago same.organised bye hill clinton and julia gillard and sec UK.unlawfull rejection ajudicated later bye UN secuirty council.If you have any concerns about complaint comming please refer of to un security council.I'm international security class USA.You have illegal communication to me via 2 way ESP.You cant.You also have used UK person's in law inforcement position here against same and other conected to me.You remove all UK person's from uniform from australia ASAP.Unless i deem it neccessary under international law to use leathal force against same.The UK media are now also informed of this communication today.You apparently at royal command and so forth destroyed my life on the ask of some criminal at the time in NSW,via paper work.family and lifestyle you were tricked. secition 2 to continue.
The impact the UK has had on my life for the best part of 14 years now is unexplainable and i dont wish you to be around in any capacity.I'm all but on the button with you also.Now i will delve into a sharade with you,,,,say you in the back to the futre car,i believe mr hitler may have more luck with some insight from our time,you dont know the are'a i frequent,i wouldent like to see the wave of england no longer existing if the event occured.But that is the general feeling around many a country.i have spoken to many a worl leader,and see england sitting bye them selfs on my matter's with no EU or UN help in same the evidence in compelling.You have no USA support either from where i come from only a compliance at war level.i am not here to tell you what i need or want to achieve with you,but to order you away at all level's with you relizing the basterization act you have.Please stay away and we dont want to know you or allow you to think you own me.Uk media understand what goes on behind closed doors.
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