Main TV standard-definiton channels
How to Watch: RTÉ Two
Below is a list of all the television and radio channels that you can watch in the UK using one of the free services: DAB (for radio), Freeview, Sky No Card - Sky without a viewing card (Freesat from Sky (or fSfS)) and Freesat..
Where a channel can be watched for free, the channel number is listed below. In addition, if you can watch (or listen) immediately online, press the button in the "web" column.
As some channels are exclusive to one service alone, you may need to get receive more than one service to get all the channels you want.
The coverage for Freeview differs too - those channels not provided by the public service "Freeview Light" transmitters the current coverage shown thus (54%),
taken from Connected Nations Report 2017: Data analysis' Key: daytime; nighttime; funded from the TV License; flags show Freeview channel limits. Choose from four options:
Main TV standard-definiton channels
Regional content: National channel with no regional content or variations.
Official site: See the
RTÉ Two website.
From Wikipedia: Owing to a technical fault, audio from BBC2 was played during the countdown instead of the proper soundtrack, and when the channel commenced programmes, there was no audio for the initial 15 seconds or so. At first the new channel broadcast in the evenings only. edit RT 2 19781988 60 of the Republic of Ireland could receive UK channels via spillover or via cable. - en.wikipedia.org
read more about RTÉ Two on wikipedia (summary by
Freeview multiplex: RTÉ Two is on
multiplex NIMM in
