That's Surrey
Main TV standard-definiton channels
How to Watch: That's Surrey
Local TV channels
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That's Surrey | 7 (54%) |
Local content: This is a local TV service.
Official site: See the
Freeview multiplex: That's Surrey is on a special local multiplex broadcasting only to the Guildford area.
Tuesday, 5 September 2017
Chris Warner9:39 AM
I have attached a copy of a posting I composed on Facebook, Guildford Past & Present recently and to date have received 265 comments and 76 likes. I was wondering if the content of this is something that your station would be interested in covering. Would it be possible for your news team to qrecord the problems at the locations I have listed during busy periods.
Also another area that has arisen in the comments from locals that seems to be causing holdups is the pedestrian crossing adjacent to Debenhams store
I look forward to your comments.
Chris Warner
Facebook posting below
It has now been officially recognised by a survey carried out by Inrix (see Eagle Radio Local News) that Guildford has the worst traffic congestion problems in the whole of the UK. With this in mind would it not be prudent for some form of action to be taken to alleviate the problem.
If the bus lanes that run along both Woodbridge Road and Onslow Street were removed allowing vehicles to use the full road width this measure would I feel greatly assist the traffic flow especially drivers wishing to use the A281 towards Shalford.
A further bottleneck is the roundabout near to the Police Station where York Road, Woodbridge Road, Onslow Street meet. Congestion is caused by motorists ignoring the "Keep Clear" road markings during busy periods. The remedy for this would be to install "Peak Time" traffic lights to control the traffic.
I feel that it does not take a lot of thought to see an answer to the problem.
Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad
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StevensOnln110:14 AM
Chris Warner: This is not That's Surrey's website and they are unlikely to read your post here. I would suggest you try contacting the broadcaster via their own website That's TV
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