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Main TV standard-definiton channels

How to Watch: UTV (SD)

Below is a list of all the television and radio channels that you can watch in the UK using one of the free services: DAB (for radio), Freeview, Sky No Card - Sky without a viewing card (Freesat from Sky (or fSfS)) and Freesat.. Where a channel can be watched for free, the channel number is listed below. In addition, if you can watch (or listen) immediately online, press the button in the "web" column.

As some channels are exclusive to one service alone, you may need to get receive more than one service to get all the channels you want. The coverage for Freeview differs too - those channels not provided by the public service "Freeview Light" transmitters the current coverage shown thus (54%), taken from Connected Nations Report 2017: Data analysis'

Key: wb_sunny daytime; watch_later nighttime; account_box funded from the TV License; flags show Freeview channel limits.
Choose from four options: ■ Show everything ■ Just on Freeview ■ Just on Freesat ■ Just on Sky
Main TV standard-definiton channels
Channel name arrow_drop_down web radio Freeview Sky Freesat
UTV (SD)   3 northernireland flag 803  

Regional content: Channel 3 network for adverts and regional news. See ITV, UTV and STV regions - overview map - interactive maps. . For full details of broadcaster contacts, see the link icon UTV (SD) page.

Official site: See the link icon UTV (SD) website.

From Wikipedia: UTV was the last of the ITV stations to cease broadcasting on analogue transmitters. The station was the last in the ITV network to begin 24-hour transmission in 1988. UTV's ident at this time did not animate and was not accompanied by a jingle. - link icon read more about UTV (SD) on wikipedia (summary by Clipped).

Freeview multiplex: UTV (SD) is on multiplex PSB2 in northernireland flag.

Friday, 3 August 2012
Frank Gilleece
5:04 PM

We are located in Belturbet Co Cavan.
Our reception on all BBC (digital)stations is perfect (strength about 90%+ and quality 80+). Utv and the ITV stations is very bad reception often breaking up badly or disappearing.
Are they not coming from the same transmitter at Brougher Mt or are they being send at different strengths.

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Frank Gilleece's 1 post IE flag
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
8:18 PM

Hi can yov give a list of the channel numbers for all the Freeview stations as i want to manually put them on my TV in a particular order. or where can i find this information on the web

thanks Richard

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RICHARD ROSS's 1 post GB flag
RICHARD's: ...
Wednesday, 15 August 2018
Cate Taylor
11:09 PM

My husband and I used to live in Omagh. We anted to watch the Omagh documentary this evening but it appears that UTV is blocked in England. We have Sky q but cannot get UTV on it. Tried to watch online via ITV hub but UTV is blocked in England. Does an yone know how we can watch UTV programs, preferably free of charge.

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Cate Taylor's 1 post GB flag
Thursday, 16 August 2018

12:40 AM

Cate Taylor: According to

Sky manual tuning - a516digital

you can add them manually:

SkyQ - the "settings" menu
Go to "Home", "settings", then "manual tuning".
You will need a number of tuning parameters such as frequency, polarisation and Symbol Rate and then save the newly added channels.

UTV and UTV+1 are free to air on frequency 10906, polarisation V, Symbol Rate 22000.

UTV HD is free to air on frequency 11068, polarisation V, Symbol Rate 23000.

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js's 872 posts GB flag
Sunday, 19 August 2018
10:44 PM

Hello was there transmission channels fault today We could not get any Channels on our Tv today we are old aged pensioners and do not understand all the jargon we thought our television was broken!! Can you let me onow please as we never had problems before Many thanks in advance from Kathleen Teresa

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Kathleen's 1 post GB flag
Monday, 20 August 2018

10:47 AM


We need to know which transmitter you are using so please provide a full post code. Then we will be able to see what the signal reception conditions are like at your location and advise accordingly.

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MikeP's 3,056 posts GB flag

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