Read this: BBC pulls local morning TV bulletins as 'pingdemic' leads to staff shortages

Summary: From Monday, BBC One's Breakfast programme will no longer have local news bulletins covering English regions, while further regional programmes might be at risk if staff need to self-isolate amid rising cases of Covid-19.The broadcaster said it hoped to be able to restart morning local news bulletins from September. The crisis has left managers feeling that they had to sacrifice some of the BBC's local television news output to allow staff to focus on the early evening news bulletins for their region. - www.theguardian.com
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Friday, 6 August 2021
Mike4:31 PM
When I first heard this is was very surprised. My local broadcaster in Southampton seems to have no end of different presenters of the news, weather and local affairs.
If they had a couple off for whatever reason no one would notice. Plenty more to call on.
As usual Covid is being used as an excuse to cut services, put people out of a job and anything else they can think of. The BBC is no exception.
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