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Read this: 29/07/2022 Radio 4 Feedback

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29/07/2022 Radio 4 Feedback…

BBC sounds music Radio podcasts can anyone calm the culture Wars and create a space where the different sides can stop and actually listen to each other that's what I done flemings new Radio 4 Series antisocial is trying to do some listeners fear for its present Adam you are braver man than me taking a subject I like the series editor if she and her team are being brave or foolhardy and do we have to talk about the Curse I think it's maybe the best thing.

I've heard on the radio since that show about menopausal Wales this really is import a text and if indeed it does need to be discussed shouldn't not be during Woman's Hour will be discussed it often to be subject of the menstrual cycle with the presenter of 28 Days Later and can you find comedy gold in the museums?

Show media isn't real comedy to mine finds out later in feedback.

The war on woke or the culture was call It What You Will is dividing the country with neither side seeming interested in understanding the other and bystanders retreating to The Silence scared.

They will Be Misunderstood or Condemned into this fiercely contested battleground is the new Radio 4 series called antisocial Council accountability culture this and thought it was an accident discussion great to hear different views without hyperbole was really interesting Alain Delon and was happy to listen and learn me taking on these subjects with the first step is a great listen.

I really enjoy the format and think you're onto a winner as long as you don't accidentally cause a arippa.

Me now someone said to me Emma that the person responsible for this broken was either brave of foolhardy, which one are you? I'd like to say was brave I suppose that but I have to confess.

It's probably one of the hardest or if not the hardest project that I've taken out and because these are such contentious issues and whatever you say will be applauded by some people but be Saturday on and fiercely criticised and jumped on by other people and I think that thing to say at the beginning of the program.

We do say you might hear things you don't like you might just like so we know we accept that people are not going to always like what we're saying that the stories were hearing other people hearing does that mean you don't wish to come to a conclusion at the end of the program you want to other word clearway the end so that the arguments of the fact to clear you.

Don't want to draw conclusion yourself.

That's right.

I mean we have to be totally impartial so we're fat checking we're bringing in some of the BBC's experts to tell.

The facts to look at the law look at the background and also some other neutral academics.

We have two people on the program through this through at the hour.

They tend to come from different points of View and often consensus in some areas, so you know that's been really interesting we haven't set up agreement on some things on some things.

Yes, that's right.

Yes people have said that this is like a huge Leap Forward for this kind of journalism.

Some of the emails that we've heard people getting in touch with us and also from the trans rights and programme from the different camps of the people we heard from we had very positive feedback, so it was really hot ning because normally I think it's really hard to do this subject as some people with shy away from doing it and actually when we mentioned the first programme people were like oh my goodness.

Of course he went on to White privilege and schools and with a corresponding to at least the shutter didn't really think that much.

I think of your program a teacher Sociology of race and race to second-year undergraduate students are majority bame students with for all students in the US contribute who said makes perfect sense, but the guest representing the other view clearly did not understand the concept of isn't a problem here generational problem as well.

Lisa will say that all her students understand the concept of white privilege, but a lot of older people living in different parts of the country Mouse won't understand that they'll think you know what's my privilege about working working the factory in or being unemployed or whatever so you're dealing with not only people with different points of View but you're dealing with arguments in which the language is not disputed is off.

Understood that I guess that's the point of the programme that we're trying to go back to the base level to help unpack these arguments so that whatever your age whatever your background.

You'll understand why people are saying things why they use certain language.

What language is in a contested.

So got to as it were examined the language almost before you can examine the argument.

Yes, and that's what we did in the programme about trans.

We unpacked some of the words that are commonly used by different groups of people and some of my very contentious and we explained where's from the background which ones cause offence so we can have had the vocabulary explained before even died into the rest of the program and we talk to a BBC correspondent who is in this area to kind of get my email about Madeleine from West Yorkshire

This program included the BBC LGBT diversity representative they spoke 4/5 minutes.

They gave the wrong legal information about the Equality Act 2010 misleadingly that gender is a protected characteristic.

They did not state that sex is a protected characteristic Emma do you accept the mistake was made by the BBC LGBT diversity representative because explaining was about the Twitter policy on this kind of language and Twitter says that they have rules and gender and gender identity are protected categories under the Twitter policy.

I think Madeline heard it as Lauren saying.

Equality Act issue Twitter for example has something for the hateful conduct policy which stipulates that one can't threaten or promote violence against others into protected categories of protected categories can include a race religion age disability or for the purpose of this conversation gender gender identity and sexual orientation what we were trying to say we got right, but I think we have had a couple of other emails ourselves about this and I think they probably needed to be a bit clearer just to make sure that it was totally clear what the Equality Act and what the Twitter rules are there is a grey area around this because having a general conversation and having a thread that can be interpreted differently and like I said people are entitled to their views and remember what's referred to as gender critical beliefs are also protected under the Equality Act with packing a lot of information into these programs and we will get something is wrong, but will.

My best to make sure that is as clear as possible.

Just before we move on Madeleine has another point the presenter also allowed the speaker Steph to use the word turf without further discussion that this is a derogatory word created by an ideology that is leading the Revolution of women's rights to think that term should have been challenged and also the cost of terms assigned at birth and sis.

I mean how much agreement is there on these terms now.

I think it goes back to what I was saying that one word will be horrific for one group of people and another finds no problem with it if we jumps on everything that everybody we would end up with a program which felt like a Match Edition on news interview where people end up being backed into the corners and getting more strident and nephews and more polarised and what was trying to do is try to break.

Please can a polarised arguments and understand a bit more we absolutely will pick up when there's something massively wrong, but we may wait a couple of minutes to make the point that word is not take it away upset some people because we have an hour for the program and you know we just need to make sure that we're impartial across the whole at the end of all at this series.

I mean will you feel that you've done it or will you feel the really isn't need to continue.

It's a rich territory and therefore.

I think that there are infinite numbers of different programs and different arguments.

We can look at the kind of broad issue might be freedom of speech so I thought we can continue and you really have an appetite to do more after this afternoon in the culture was right at the front you to stay there, but I don't want to be causing heat myself and the team doesn't and I just like to say it's an amazing team who are also brave to take this.

And there's a real Sword of public service elements to doing as well even though it's quite sometimes quite uncomfortable territory to be in and there's a risk of putting your foot wrong.

I might be back on feedback.

If she thought that I could end up being on feedback from my feedback appearance because it's so easy to say the wrong thing without meaning to have to see next week Emma Ripon and we may be talking.

Thank you very much.

You're welcome and please do let us know your thoughts about that interview or of course anything else to do with BBC Radio and podcasts.

This is how you can get in touch you can send an email to feedback at or write a letter to the addresses feedback PO Box 672 London SE18 4ax.

You can follow activity on Twitter by using at BBC R4 feedback.

Or you can call us and leave a phone message on 0330 333 4445 standard landline charges apply, but it costs more answer mobile networks all those details are on our website for asking to see radio listeners to step out of their comfort zones and listen to a program that wouldn't normally be on their Radar and this week.

We have Sarah Fox from York and Jessica man's from London to get sense of your tastes.

What would be your top 3 programmes if you were stranded on that mythical desert.

I'll send my top 2 programmes with p.m.

With Evan Davis Morales and last time I Jessica what about you? What three programs.

Would you take to your dissertation well again wireless, but also inside Health and the world tonight.

We asked you to listen to No journalist.

Nothing like that at all this the same very different send it was a podcast and now is a late night 15-minute programmes on Radio 4.

It's called welcome to the Neighbourhood Jessica how would you describe this program is a montage of post actual boobs have been uploaded to forums such as next door other online and I'm told that really is genuine post because it goes beyond the program people have to send screenshots of the Post she'll forums jokes and or annotations live on the air.

Can anyone thanks for all your help? It was an honest mistake? I feel quite silly Stacey what happened.

So basically years ago.

I put my car on pay to park.

It's the thing where you at your drive to people and they pay you to do it and obviously someone's done it and no one let me know so yeah, that's what happened.

I am mortified beyond belief that I am a static that I've got such a wonderful street works hosted by Jade Adams who has a different guest and every week and obviously entertainment or intended to be Sarah did it entertain you I lost a couple of times good laugh a couple of times.

I can't say that in 15-minutes to laugh and funny comedian.

Helen like that and it felt like something that would be funny if you were chatting about it with your

I'm not sure how well it translated into her a bigger audience.

It was or is a podcast as well and then has found a home and Radio 4.

Do you think if you were regarding it? Just as a podcast and not a sunny in the switch on to on a broadcast you think you have a different possibly.

I still don't think that I would listen to it necessarily but with a podcast really like it then you just listen to All the podcast episodes and get really into it feels like it suits that format quite well.

Where is yeah with it being on the radio? I think any older person could just catch it and I'm not sure Jessica do you think it sounded strange on Radio 4 or be late at night? I think you'll be fine either as a podcast or radio show that I wouldn't want anything too heavy.

Podcast Taurus so I will jump between podcasts.

I went subscribe to show necessarily and listen to every single episode should we go through the what the program itself and see whether you and Jessica agree with it first of all it says train Adams and guess dive into the feisty world of community apps and message boards can we it's feisty feisty Jessica ok and then through the angry neighbourhood will we want to screw about that to find disgruntled comedy Gold so they went prospecting did they find? It's a comedy bronze movie genuine almost amplifiers the humour of it because it isn't but someone else starting Windows

Francesca has replied to the original post hosing is the best solution as they don't like it up them.

So how would you feel if you saw your neighbour going at a cat box with a hose most of us, don't know that's going on almost two years older Radio 4 listen spots don't realise goes.

I definitely know that these types of conversations.

Go on and I do my funny.

I do find the hearing them.

I didn't introduce a new type of conversation.

I think I just find it funny when I know that it's in my local area local WhatsApp group.

They would for him or whatever and just a bit eye-opening Oreo opening to you.

I mean did you know all these groups existed and talked about the sort of things we had and I do recognise them for my

What time is a captain from real life and hence I did more I think I mean we asked if you're out of your comfort zone.

You are needs with you you you know this world exists whatever but are you going to go back and search for comedy Gold if I am the hour and the radio is on I will listen to it and Sarah are you? I wouldn't see to out to listen to it on BBC sounds, but if it came on the radio.

I wouldn't turn it off.

I think it's not a qualified improve probably just getting Sarah thank you very much indeed for talking to us.

Thank you.

Do we really need to talk about menstruation journalist in the Americas and thinks we do her podcast series 28 Days Later released in March is now broadcast on Radio for every weekday at 1:45 p.m.

And a little later at weekends each 15-minutes edition represents a day in the menstruation cycle.

It looks at the science impact on women's bodies and Minds and the way menstruation has been treated throughout history.

Is it the sort of thing you think should be on Radio 4? This is how some listeners reactor Helen 28dayslater is a wonderful program.

I'm 66 and my daughter is 27 and we are both thoroughly enjoying the Ernie such a massive amount of information about our bodies and having work surprise.

I wish I'd known some of the information.

To hear it is really valuable this would have been subject not too long ago.

I am Maddie from London one of the best things.

I've heard on the radio and ages.

I've learnt more about my body through this series that I ever learn at school.

I sent it to all of my menstruating pals and we stayed with everyone without Mum's and passes and our friends.

I have a friend who is Reading to line up with their cycle.

I'm thinking about getting into full moon bathing and millions and friends.

I have a period in there.

We talk about all of the things that we've learned.

I can't believe the ovaries are not actually connected to the fallopian tubes very many pictures is often very near it, but it's hardly ever attached to it directly so the egg is made in the ovary and

The finger-like projections through some I still think it's some sort of Magic wizardry know when the eggs been released but when they project their fingers to sort of into the tube North Yorkshire an admirable achievement well.

I'm delighted to be joined by the presenter of 28 Days Later in Wrexham indeed.

Why did you decide on this topic? It's not an obvious for broadcast.

I think it is actually it's interesting perhaps some people feel that maybe it's a little bit awkward or a bit achy, but I actually think it's the perfect to tell for broadcast because I was many people have talked about periods a lot in the past what this does is it hangs together the story of our body is so it takes the menstrual cycle.

The science what's happening hormonal in our bodies what's happening in the uterus but also uses that that story that narrative of the body to heal back and look at how women's bodies have been viewed have been controlled have been held back in science and research.

So I think it's a really obvious story to tell and learning but any other hasn't been serious like this before you might find something about it in once.

I probably would but you wouldn't have this sorted examination of the issue.

Why did you decide on this topic? Did you realise that many people have caught mad as a particular pretty ignorant about a lot of the details.

Yes, I mean the whole reason.

I did it is because I was very ignorant about all of the details.

I would but most of the details.

I would say basically my partner and I were thinking about having a baby and I just thought it up quite a curious person and I was just wanted to head.

The first but I picked up with period power Maisie Hill just completely floored me and I just thought how am I 33 and I have no idea about this incredible stuff that's happening and I'm insured with the wasn't it between you and your friends was it between but they would be a taboo about talking it more open with parents or people from the opposite.

Where is the taboo? Do you think this is the problem in that we end up talking about the taboo of periods a lot because we end up talking about the bleeding part of the cycle a lot and that makes no sense.

It's most visual bear is the bit that we can see talk about understand but the problem with that is that we can still get stuck on the to Bupa I think there's always seem to be always talking about the bleeding.

That is really important unit period poverty is a very Real Thing people's pain.

Heavy bleeding is extremely debilitating sometimes but if we just stay in those.

Is it the cycle we're not going to fully understand what it's what the menstrual cycle actually is a wonderful program, but not all his one who was some Tracy I'm a female who is listening to Radio 4 at the moment and they have a segment on called 28dayslater.

I have to say I find this very poor taste and have changed the chair of the population has a menstrual cycle.

I do not find it appropriate to have to listen to it at any point in the day let alone lunchtime this really is import a text and it does need to be discussed shouldn't not be during Woman's Hour this approach.

Series was first of all put out of 28 well, 28 and a half hour podcast in March and it's only now on Radio 4 podcast you have to take it out you switched on you know what you're going to get weather broadcast Radio 4 without warning and some people really don't like that.

This would be better as a podcast rather than something which is broadcast isn't the point of broadcast a lot of the time that we put live radio on return to be surprised to be educated to find out something new without no we can do the same to you and I don't I don't want to listen to sad and then I listen to podcasts and I thought what it is.

I will really enjoy the Greek Attitude but nonetheless my first so you got to warn people some and some people do say to us doing the woman said that we know what we're gonna get series.

We were fully aware.

We won't even thinking all there's a risk that some people will find it difficult to listen to we knew there was a rest some people find it difficult to listen to because like we discussed.

Is Taboo people do find it in a some people still find it quite gross quickie, but if we don't put it out in really important slots.on station Site Radio 4 I think by as you will have heard from listening to the series.

We spend so little time talking about the very sad of bodily functions element of Period of the impact on the chemicals and it's very very wide-ranging the main points of the whole series is to dig into why we are left with such an enormous data gap between women and mental and it gets to write down to why this is like dangerous for women why it's still impacting the lives of everybody around us and it is for everybody really want you really want to listen to it.

Really want to listen to this and we want it to be like we really clear in the first episode of this is for everybody a lot of men would feel very embarrassed about this if they were talking to.

But they wouldn't talk to their girlfriend or partner about it.

Do you think you are in a sense creating the space for a discussion to take place after missing two This podcast I really really think we are overwhelmed by emails and messages from people from doctors researchers from men father's uncle's Brothers everybody just saying thank you.

No idea about this and more than that as well for the few who find it gross or inappropriate or in the wrong slot I cannot tell you the number of people have been in touch to say this is changed my life and is quite you actually get to make something that is life-changing but people have as a result the series been to the doctor and it's just pain discussed heavy bleeding have had diagnosis for endometriosis or fibroids doctors and obstetricians and gynaecologists of been in touch with me to say this is better than the syllabus.

We have on this topic and that is one thing I would like to really add as well as that it.

Really well as a podcast let me know that because people have listened to it once and then it's gone back and listen to it again with their cycle on the same day as thanks to India racism presenter of 28 Days Later which of course you can find on BBC sounds and that's it for this week.

Do please keep in touch with your comments and questions until next week, goodbye.

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Sunday, 31 July 2022
Barry kenneth Richardson
1:33 PM

The Brighton/Coldean transmitter has been off service (all channels) for several hours

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Barry kenneth Richardson's 1 post GB flag

4:18 PM

Barry kenneth Richardson:

Can't find any faults listed at present and it's not listed for Planned Engineering at this time either.

Have you checked that your aerial is still pointing the correct direction with its rods (or squashed Xs) vertical.
Check all your coax connections behind the TV etc.
Do you have any form of amp or distribution amp?

Another possibility is there is some tropospheric ducting/temperature inversion around which can be causing interference from other transmitters (continental interference in old money)!
But that doesn't usually carry on for length periods affecting all multiplexes and there's nothing you can do but wait for it to clear.

Have you signals returned yet?

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