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All posts by Mike O'Pray

Below are all of Mike O'Pray's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

I get digital from Sandy Heath at the moment but the transmitter strength map shows that I would be slightly better off using Sutton Coldfield.

Assuming that "slightly better off" will be worthwhile, there may be two problems in changing:

1. I have two aerials, one of which points to somewhere in the East Mids( I assume Waltham but I am too far away according to the map although E Mids news comes in strongly) and the other to Sandy Heath.

In analogue days the aerial fitter pointed the aerial N.E. based on a line of high trees quite close to the property interfering with the signal from the S Coldfield area(W Mids).

If I had the aerial moved to point to S Coldfield would the same problem apply to digital?

2. If I want to hear local news for N'pton and Daventry area I need Look East but I take it that as I currently get good digi reception on BBC East then I could simply find the BBC Look East channel when needed?

Essentially my problem was Film 4 and ITV4 reception and todays re-tune based on Sandy Heath has made no difference but there is another re-tune on 14 Sept and then on 23 Nov.

Will these two further re-tunes improve both channels?


Mike O'Pray

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Freeview reception - all about aerials
Thursday 1 September 2011 5:45PM

I posted yesterday. It shows up on my posts with a time and date and yet it hasn't appeared here.

What do I need to do to ensure that it is seen?


Mike O'Pray

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Freeview reception - all about aerials
Thursday 1 September 2011 5:52PM

Here is the post I refer to in my previous note. I have copied and pasted.

Please ignore point 2 as I have discovered that I can get Look East on another channel

However I am curious as to how I get E Mids so well when neither aerial points that way and I am shown as being way out of the range of the Waltham transmitter

Yesterday's post reads:

I get digital from Sandy Heath at the moment but the transmitter strength map shows that I would be slightly better off using Sutton Coldfield.

Assuming that "slightly better off" will be worthwhile, there may be two problems in changing:

1. I have two aerials, one of which points to somewhere in the East Mids( I assume Waltham but I am too far away according to the map although E Mids news comes in strongly) and the other to Sandy Heath.

In analogue days the aerial fitter pointed the aerial N.E. based on a line of high trees quite close to the property interfering with the signal from the S Coldfield area(W Mids).

If I had the aerial moved to point to S Coldfield would the same problem apply to digital?

2. If I want to hear local news for N'pton and Daventry area I need Look East but I take it that as I currently get good digi reception on BBC East then I could simply find the BBC Look East channel when needed?

Essentially my problem was Film 4 and ITV4 reception and todays re-tune based on Sandy Heath has made no difference but there is another re-tune on 14 Sept and then on 23 Nov.

Will these two further re-tunes improve both channels?


Mike O'Pray

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Sutton Coldfield (Birmingham, England) Full Freeview transmitte
Thursday 1 September 2011 8:53PM

Mike O'Pray:

Thanks Mike. ITV4 and Film4 did get better later in the evening but still "blocky" too frequently for enjoyable watching.It sounds as if I should be OK reception-wise after Sept 14th with a further improvement in some more channels after 23 Nov

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Freeview reception - all about aerials
Saturday 17 September 2011 5:35PM

I receive my programmes from Sandy Heath and have previously mentioned poor reception from Film4 and ITV4. I think I recall getting a reply to the effect that in Aug/Sept the further re-tuning that was required on 31 Aug and 14 Sept should transfer the two channels mentioned above to a stronger group and reception might then be fine

Well I did both re-tunes and the two channels are still basically unwatchable for almost all of the time. It may be that the Aug/Sept retunes have still not transferred these two channels to the max signal strength of course

Will the re-tune in Nov cure the problem or can I now assume that my standard aerial needs upgradng and without an aerial change my reception of these two channels will remain probematical?

I have the standard aerial on the roof and it is pointed at Sandy Heath.


Mike O'Pray

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GB flag
Freeview reception - all about aerials
Saturday 17 September 2011 7:48PM

I have had the chance to check what Mike Dimmick said when I wrongly posted on the Sutton Coldfield tramsmitter forum

His advice was to stay with Sandy Heath.It appears from his reply that Film4 and ITV4 have moved to their final resting place on Sept 14th so it looks as if their signal strength and quality is all that it is going to be unless it is still powering up. How many days does it take to get to max power?

I am unsure if Des Collier is replying to my post of 5:35pm but if he is, can Des or any other knowledgeable person explain in simple what his reply means after the word aerial on line two. Specifically what is it that I need to do? Belmont and diplex group A with a group C/D to get all multiplexes means nothing to me.

Sorry but I need a simpler explanation


Mike O'Pray

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GB flag
Freeview reception - all about aerials
Sunday 18 September 2011 12:15AM

Steve P I take it that you mean two different types of aerial. I have two aerials which are the same but pointed in different directions although there is only one wire into the room. So does this indicate a diplex?

My post code is NN11 4HL

When I switched on tonight at about 7:30pm and tuned into ITV4 and Film4 the reception seemed better on both although the picture occasionally froze and there were small blocks in the picture also.

However I then connected the TV to the HDD box and switched to the SCART connection to connect the HDD.

The reception on both ITV4 and Film4 then became perfect and has remained that way all evening.

So is the signal strength still powering up to explain why ITV4 and Film4 were better although not perfect and will the powering up continue until the reception is perfect via the TV alone and if so in how many more days?

Secondly why does connection via the HDD improve the reception to what seems to be a perfectly satisfactory standard?

So via the HDD the problem may be solved but if I connect via the television only will the powering up eventually solve the problem in the next few days?


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Freeview reception - all about aerials
Sunday 18 September 2011 6:59PM

I hope I can now assume that the channels giving me ITV4 and Film4 will now stay at the strength I am now receiving today because I am now getting a good picture on both channels via the TV alone without connection to the HDD

So it would seem that since yesterday the signal strength has risen and this is confirmed by the figures that appear under the channels to indicate strength and quality.

However I am still curious about the apparent beneficial effect of the HDD last night.

Any ideas, anyone?


Mike O'Pray

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GB flag
Freeview reception - all about aerials
Tuesday 20 September 2011 7:36PM

Weak signals may well be the case but what is it about the HDD that improves things? Last night for instance the signal strength via the TV had regressed and ITV4 and Film4 were not really watchable but were fine via the HDD

PS I just tried both channels in the last few minutes and exactly the same thing happened. Blocky and jerky via the TV and perfect via the HDD

I can only conclude that the HDD makes a difference but how?

Finally and just to repeat once more a question I asked on my first post a couple of days ago, is the signal strength still increasing since 14 Sept or is it at max and if so will the further change on 23 Nov make things any better for the two channels in question?


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GB flag
Freeview reception - all about aerials
Saturday 12 May 2012 9:52PM

I did what I think is the final re-tune on 9 May and now cannot receive any signal for ITV3 as of Saturday 12 May.

How do I now get ITV3?


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