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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Lewis Spedding: The problem referred to is more inclined to be caused by some form of glitch having occurred in your TV or boxes tuner, you should try carrying out a manufacturers reset on your Freeview device rather than just a normal auto-tune, as resetting wipes out everything stored in the tuner including any possible data glitches.

By the way, "reset" is also known on some devices as "default setting" - "first time installation" or some other similar sounding meaning.

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Lewis Spedding : Meant also to say. That this procedure is sometimes more effective on some Freeview devices if the device in question (TV or box) is completely switched off (unpowered) "after" having carried out the reset, the retuning being carried out once the TV or box is powered up again.

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Ian Steel: If you are referring to a late edition Sky+HD box? then these devices are not fitted with RF modulators, therefore the way of getting around the problem is by purchasing a device called an I.O port modulator. This is effectively an external RF modulator which is connected into the I.O port on the rear of your box and which performs exactly the same as the previous internal same.

These devices can be obtained from a variety of suppliers such as e-bay or Amazon etc, the undermentioned links used purely to illustrate the type of device I am referring to.


Triax IO Link RF Output FOR SKY HD BOX USE 370419 | eBay

If though you are not referring to the aforementioned? then please give the model number of the box in question.

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Heathfield (East Sussex, England) transmitter
Tuesday 19 May 2015 11:44PM

Kevin Farley : Although as MikeP has mentioned, a post code is really required in the interests of accuracy, however according to DUK's reception predictor the post code of RH8 9EH is best served by Crystal palace (@ 12miles) and with Reigate (@ 9 miles) being second best, Heathfield (@ 22 miles) not being receivable except for D&4 and SDN, although both are indicated with a status of poor.

It should also be pointed out, that only Crystal Palace and Reigate's PSB multiplexes are indicated with the status of good, all COM's from both stations having the status of variable.

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Ian: Try the following.

Make sure that you have the coax to the other room connected into the boxes RF2 outlet and "not" RF1.

(1) Press : Services then 4 (picture highlighted)

(2) Press : 0 - 0 - 1 - Select (this will take you into the installers menu)

(3) Select : 4 - then press on RF outlets.

(4) Finally : Ensure that RF2 power is switched on.

(By the way, when you press 0 - 0 -1 - Select, do it in continuous fashion)

If the Sky link light is still off, try connecting it straight into the Sky boxes RF2 outlet.

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Ashburton (Devon, England) DAB transmitter
Thursday 21 May 2015 6:20PM

Patricia: As no engineering work is listed against the Ashburton transmitter, the best policy would be to find out if anyone else in your area is also suffering a similar problem with their reception, because they are, then this will eliminate the fault being associated with your installation.

If though others are also being affected, then the problem could be caused by the "electrical power supply to the transmitter" being interrupted due your local energy supply company carrying out essential maintenance work, something which will not be listed as a transmitter fault.

As far as the fault being associated with an installation is concerned, one example of where a time factor can be involved is on an installation that uses a mains powered aerial amplifier connected into a socket fed via an electro mechanical time switch used for other purposes, e.g: switching outside lights off / on, any interruption in the power supply to the time switch upsetting the on/off time, likewise the Freeview signal.

Further advice dependant on feedback.

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Christine: Pressing "OK" on some brands of devices can result in the TV or box rescanning to update the programme guide, the problem there being, that "if" you reside in an area where programmes can be picked up from more than one station? your equipment has possibly tuned into the one with the weaker signal.

You should try carrying out another retune as this "might" rectify the problem, if though it doesn't, then your reception possibilities can be checked if you indicate your location, this preferably in the form of a post code or one from somewhere nearby, e.g: a shop / post office.

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Tommy Dobson: Your problem is possibly down to the planned engineering work being carried out at Pontop Pike this week, as a "possible weak signal" notification has been in force since the 18th.

You should try carrying out a standard retune in the evenings and check if this resolves the situation, although it may not dependant on the reason for it having to be temporarily reduced in the first place.

However, a better way to determine if the signal has returned to normal without upsetting programme channels already stored, is "if" your TV/box offers a manual tuning facility? if it does, then carry out a "manual" scan on the PSB Mux C49 (BBC / ITV etc HD) the two other HD Muxes being COM7 / C33 and COM8 / C34.

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Nigel Gout: Quest (37) is on the same multiplex as ITV3 (10), if you are also unable to view the latter then you are not receiving COM4/SDN.

It should though be noted that engineering work has been taking place at Rowridge since 18th, with a "possible service interruptions" tag listed against the station, and so this might be the reason for your problem.

As COM4 from Rowridge transmits on Mux C25, try carrying out a manual scan on C25 now and again, as this might resolve the problem without upsetting anything already stored.

Just out of interest, is your aerial mounted vertically or horizontally? as the ERP power on COM4 horizontal is only 50Kw, whereas on vertical its 200Kw, therefore should any temporary reduction in power prove to necessary for safety reasons etc, this will always have a greater effect on installations with horizontally mounted aerials.

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david brown: If, as appearances might possibly suggest, you are connected into a communal aerial system? then its advisable to check if any of the other residents in the apartment block are also experiencing a no signal problem, if they aren't, then you should check the jumper lead used to connect your TV or box into the wall socket.

The reason for suggesting this being, that although Sudbury was tagged as having a weak signal on the 19th & 20th, however according to engineering info it did not apply to the 21st / 22nd.

Another point to note being, that is "if" applicable, should you retuned your TV / box whilst the signal was down? then this will have deleted everything stored in the tuners memory, another retune being required to recover same.

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