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Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Saturday 28 July 2012 7:48PM

Sarah T: As far as I am aware Dave is not available on any free platform except Freeview, as on Sky its encrypted and can only be received as part of a Sky package.

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Saturday 28 July 2012 8:23PM

Janet Armstrong: Carry out a signal strength check (via services - system set up) to find out at what level the strength / quality is sitting at as "both" should be at least about 75%, if though the quality is considerably lower than the strength then that can indicate that the dish is slightly out of alignment.

I would though like if you to check what model number of box you have just in case its an Amstrad DRX280, as these are prone to a power supply problem which results in reception cutting out on one of the tuners.

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Divis (Northern Ireland) transmitter
Saturday 28 July 2012 8:39PM

Anne: If you are referring to Freeview (analogue still being in operation) then you are predicted to receive BBC from the Divis transmitter as your local Leitrim relay station will not be in operation until October 10th as far as BBC is concerned.

However BBC from Divis is only transmitting on 2.3Kw and with it being at approximately 25 miles away irrespective of what the predictor might show I would expect problems such as you are experiencing until October 10th when Divis BBC changes to high powered operation @ 100Kw.

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Chantelle: Error 29 is just another indication of the box not receiving a signal, connect up your old box again and once its been on long enough to see searching for listings etc press "Services" then 4 - 6 and check if anything is showing in the strength / quality bars, as if not then it can indicate that the dish has been knocked out of alignment or that there is a fault in the "F" connector plugs, which should be unscrewed to check if a strand of braiding wire is touching the middle core, or that the LNB has failed.

On the latter though, if the dish was being used with a Sky+ box then there will be two leads coming in from it, so try the other one as well as they are totally independent of each other.

Finally, you do not require a card in the Sky box to be able to view the majority of free channels.

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jim: Maybe its always been at that but that is the lower limit whereby any further slight drop in the signal is liable to cause problems, its always best to have it about 70% on quality and strength.

It depends though on just how long your cable run is from the dish as that can pull the signal down, or the LNB (if old) has lost its efficiency.

That said, it is quite normal for a satellite signal to drop out during a really heavy thundery down pour, although the use of a slightly larger dish reduces the chances of this happening.

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Film 4
Saturday 28 July 2012 11:31PM

Floyd: Its quite impossible for anyone to assist or pass an opinion when you have failed to mention your location and which could be anywhere in the UK, a post code or one from nearby being suffice as this would then enable access to the reception predictor covering wherever you might be located.

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Sunday 29 July 2012 7:54AM

Janet Armstrong : Obviously these indications are perfectly OK so long as it applies to both inputs, as both could mean signal & quality, so the only thing left for you to try is disconnect the box from the mains supply and swap over the two "F" input connectors, then after reconnecting the mains supply give the box a test out by recording something, should however nothing have changed by having carried out this action its inclined to point to the box being faulty.

By the way if you have set the box for "auto-standby" when you were setting it up switch that back off again for purposes of testing.

On the other hand though if something else is found to have stopped working then the fault is connected to the LNB on the dish arm or the leads from including the "F" connectors.

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Sunday 29 July 2012 8:06AM

Janet Armstrong: Just as after thought and purely out of curiosity, are the programme channels you have problems with +1's of anything? my only reason for asking being that timing errors can happen on some +1 channels for reasons not connected to the receiving equipment.

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Suzy: Now that you have all the correct mux channels stored needless to say do not be tempted at any time to carry out a rescan or you will be back to square one, and if your TV or box has a channel auto update facility switch that off.

As far as Ch52 is concerned you are certainly not alone as far as having problems trying to receive that channel, and which I have to say unfortunately includes myself as well as others local to me, and as I have every facility at my fingertips so to speak for carrying out tests I know its NOT a case of moving the aerial to a slightly different position to rectify the problem as it doesnt, I am also aware that this same problem also exists in parts of Northamptonshire.

However as you are at a different (lower) angle to Sandy than the areas I was referring to the best thing I can advise you to do is find out from anyone you know in your area (not too far away) if they can receive (11) Pick TV and give an update on your findings.

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Suzy: Further to, and connect with what I mentioned about Ch52 I would like if you could carry out a test on that channel albeit that it isn't actually stored, so go into the tuning menu again and enter Ch52 using the same procedure as before but do NOT scan it, as all I would like to know is what (if any) indications you see on the strength / quality bars, as even signals at a level that wont produce a picture are generally still seen indicated as the box is purely acting like a signal meter.

By the way after you see and make a note of the signal indications just back out of the menu screen again, this action not upsetting anything previously done as far as channels stored are concerned.

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