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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

ITV 3 +1
Wednesday 22 August 2012 9:54PM

FT Hodgson: That strongly suggests that when ITV3 is being receiving OK that its not at a signal level that's far enough above the cut off threshold for your TV or box.

The other point is that you could be receiving ITV3 from a different station to the other channels, as you are in the coverage areas of both Sandy and Tacolneston, so carry out a signal strength test on ITV1 for purposes of viewing the transmitter mux channel number associated with the indication, and if Ch24 is indicated then its Sandy, as Tacolneston is Ch59.

Should it be Sandy then the ITV3 match for ITV1(Ch24) is Ch51, i.e: ITV1(Ch24) / ITV3 (Ch51) whereas if Tacolneston is being received the ITV3 match for ITV1(Ch59) is Ch42, i.e: ITV1(Ch59 / ITV3(Ch42).

Try that test and give an update on the signal levels indicated for ITV1 & ITV3 if both match up as being from the same station.

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Mark Allison: I think that the Humax engineer was possibly mixing up Freeview with Freesat regarding the population of the EPG, as although the full EPG data is from one transponder on satellite its not so on a Freeview device, as each mux only sends EPG data for the programmes contained on that particular mux and not any others.

You can prove this by wiping out everything stored in the boxes memory by removing the aerial and carrying out an auto-tune, once completed check that nothing is seen in the EPG guide then go into the boxes manual tuning menu and enter "one" of the mux channels used by the station that covers your area followed by pressing scan or search, saving the results once the scan is completed if not automatically done.

Next go into the programme guide or EPG listings and check what EPG channels are being indicated, because no matter how long you wait you will only see the programmes being listed that are transmitted by that particular mux, obviously these being added to when manually scanning other muxes on the station.

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Mark Allison: Re:- "once completed check that nothing is seen in the EPG guide then go into the boxes manual tuning menu" - this obviously after having reconnected the aerial again on completion of the auto-tune without it.(accidentally missed out)

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Diagnostics - old version
Thursday 23 August 2012 11:39PM

david mcnally: If you are receiving the other channels OK and your TV has a "manual tune" option then enter Ch47 and press search or scan, Ch47 being the mux transmitter channel used by Blackhill for ITV4(24) / Film4(15) / Yesterday(12), and so these programme channels should "not" be working either.

You could also try carrying out a "factory reset" on your TV (called "default setting" on some models) before carrying out another auto tune, this action getting rid of any corrupted data in the memory, although I have a suspicion that the signal you receive from mux Ch47 "might" not be sitting at a level high enough above the cut off threshold of your TV's tuner, and that the problem could be caused by the signal dropping under it.

It would also be of assistance to know what model of JVC is being referred to?

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Feedback | Feedback
Thursday 23 August 2012 11:58PM

Nick Anderson: Not necessarily! as unlike analogue TV that can give a picture right down to nearly zero signal level albeit heavily speckled, digital TV on the other hand only produces a picture when the signal it receives is sitting between two sets of levels, high and a low, any excesses up or downwards killing the signal, upwards excesses always easier to cure by using an attenuator.

As you are located about 15 miles away from the transmitter then its doubtful if you could have success in the way mentioned, although a loft aerial used in conjunction with a "minimum powered" splitter should be OK.

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Michelle Keable: It depends on whether or not when you had first taken out the multiroom subscription that Sky registered the serial numbers of the boxes being used over the one they had provided, that is if they supplied one free as part of the deal, as if they did then the card would not work unless inserted in that particular box as the card would only allow access if the serial number matched to the one programmed into the card.

However this might be academic, as the simple way to find out is to borrow a standard box and try a test with the multiroom card.

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Pamela: When you say that the signal strength and quality is good just exactly how good is it? as both strength / quality "has" be at about 60% minimum (equivalent of, as percentage might not be indicated as such) or the picture is liable to suffer glitches or drop out altogether at times.

As you have mentioned the No2 signal then you must be referring to a Sky+ box and the No2 input should be nearly identical to No1, if its seen to be jumping up and down you are likely to have poor quality recordings as No2 input is basically used for that purpose.

Signals jumping up and down on a satellite box is suggestive of a bad connection on one of the "F" connector plugs, and although it could be at the box end its far more likely to be where its connected to the dishes LNB, as water has possibly managed to have crept inside the "F" plug.

This would require it to be unscrewed from the LNB and then further unscrewed from the actual coax, closely examining its interior for the slightest signs of water, drying out same if there is then carefully re-assembling the connection again.

Try swapping the boxes No1 and No2 inputs over, as if its a dish / coax problem then the fluctuations you noticed should now be seen on No1 signal check screen.

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Andrea: And just to add to that said by Michael, if the deterioration in quality had suddenly happened then it could well be a dish alignment issue and caused by what Michael has suggested, however the other thing that can also cause this is problem is through slight corrosion having developed on the LNB's "F" connector, this caused by moisture having crept in during bad weather if the bottom end of the plug wasn't covered properly.

The "F" connector would then require to be unscrewed from the block and then further unscrewed from the coax for purposes of close examination for traces of moisture, and if any it being dried out with a tissue then carefully re-assembled / installed the LNB.

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Winter Hill (Bolton, England) transmitter
Saturday 25 August 2012 12:28AM

Joe: Yes, Pendle Forest (@ 12miles / 52 degrees / V Polarisation) would "appear" as your best bet for "full service" reception when viewed by clicking "Digital UK tradeview" at the R/H/S of your posting.

Just out of interest, on a quick look at the rooftops in your Lane I see aerials facing a variety of directions, this always a indication of an area being a touch iffy for reception.

As far as your aerials cross beam end blanking plug colour is concerned, black (wideband) is perfectly OK albeit that "red" (group A) favours Pendle Forests channel group, but I wouldn't let that worry you as in practical terms the difference in strength isn't that great.

Just out of interest you should try a test manually tuning in Ch28 then Ch25 (BBC & ITV1 from Pendle Forest) although the impediment to good reception from Pendle that I see is that signal path between there and you passes over quite a number of trees and industrial units at various points along the way, this not exactly being an ideal situation when the transmission source is only 100 watts.

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Donald Hindley: Radio waves of a microwave nature cannot pass through water above a certain density and heavy thunder type clouds are exactly that, you would get the same effect if you soaked a towel in water and threw it over your dish so that it covered the LNB, the results being an instant "no signal" warning.

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