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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

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Monday 12 November 2012 9:34PM

Gary: A 34% signal is not near good enough to resolve a picture on lots of equipment, and when you say that you turned the booster off then back on were you observing the "signal strength" (not picture) on the TV whilst you were doing this? as the internal power supplies on booster boxes can fail even although any light on the box could still be illuminated.

Please supply the model number of the box in question.

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Mary Macer: Although its a bit late now to say this by the fact of you having already carried out a retune, but any time its found that some programmes are missing (no matter how many) never carry out a retune, because all that's achieved is to lose all of the channels that are already stored in the tuners memory, this then necessitating frequent retunes to try and recover them.

Work of an on-going nature is taking place at the Tacolneston transmitter and with engineering notices to this effect having been posted warning of a possible weak signal, and this could well have been the reason for your problem.

As things are now, you dont really have any option but the carry out a rescan now and again to hopefully recover the programmes lost, once recovered though if its again found that some programmes as missing just leave things as they are as they will return automatically once things at the transmitter are back to normal.

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Martin French: Please see my 11.18pm reply (above) to Mary Macer regarding the on going engineering work taking place at the Tacolneston transmitter, as part of the content also applies to your situation.

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Nick: Just noticed your other postings. As far as those responsible for testing things are concerned, this is something that will not be revealed by any of the indicators on a transmitter as radiation angles does not affect the loading, and even if it was on a subsequent field check then it would be a major problem to rectify once things are powered up.

I have to suffer exactly the same problem on Ch52 from Sandy, me having verified this by carrying out the procedure as mentioned in my somewhat lengthy posting, and although I have numerous facilities at my disposal there is absolutely nothing I can do about the situation.

Regarding you having reported that the engineering work is finished and yet the problem is still the same, yes! that's got to be expected as its not a transmitter problem.

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Russ: You should first of all try carrying out an auto tune with the aerial removed to blank out anything stored in the tuners memory, which when complete which should result in a "no channels found" warning, then after reconnecting the aerial again carry out another normal auto tune.

Its always really best policy to "factory reset" a TV or carry out a "first time installation" with this type of problem, but Sony's are somewhat limited in the facilities offered and its possible that your model does not allow this procedure.

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simon osman: I suspect that the problem you are having is very likely to be caused by interference from the Divis transmitter as it has recently switched to high powered operation and some of the channels it uses are the same as used by Caldbeck.

The channels concerned are Divis's BBC mux Ch27 which is also used by Caldbecks BBC Scottish service, and with Divis's HD service using Ch24 as does Caldbecks Scottish ITV, the channel you specifically mention as having problems with, although when you say that Ch4 / Ch4+1 are on different channels is this because you have tuned them in to Caldbecks ITV mux on Ch28? as the these channels are on the same mux as ITV Scotland on Ch24.

As far as a cure is concerned, excluding the possibility of atmospheric conditions allowing Divis to interfere with Caldbeck and which of course can change, I can only see careful positioning of your aerial as about the only way around the problem as the aerial as such is perfectly OK.

Further advice can only really be given if a more precise location is known, a post code or at least one from nearby, as this will allow access to the reception predictors more detailed info.

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Tuesday 13 November 2012 8:35PM

Ian Penter: The cancellation of Sky has no bearing whatsoever on your problem and which suggests that either a fault has developed in the cable that links the upstairs Sky box to your TV downstairs, or alternatively that the Sky boxes RF modulator power supply (internal) has failed.

To verify if this is the case or not, take the magic eye upstairs and connect it directly into the Sky boxes RF2 socket, if the eye does not light up when this is done then its the box at fault, but though go into the Sky boxes installers menu and check that the RF2 power is still enabled.

By the way when you connect the eye directly into the Sky boxes RF2 there is no need to connect anything to the eyes output.

Also the installers menu is accessible (on standard box) by pressing "Services - 4" then "0 - 1 - Select" and scroll to RF outlets.

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Tuesday 13 November 2012 9:15PM

Gary: Unfortunately I was unable to check the spec of your particular Eagle device as I cannot find it listed anywhere, and indeed any references I did see to Eagle splitters were not on UK sites and were not for digital TV via an aerial either, but for cable TV.

Although I am inclined to agree with Mazbar regarding this device I still think that you should verify if its actually working or not, this by either doing as was suggested in my previous posting or alternatively a modification to the procedure by going into the tuning menu on one of your devices and selecting manual tune, then if you are receiving from your local Hemel H station enter (BBC) Ch44 but do NOT scan, because on most devices the level of the mux channel entered into the box should immediately be indicated "if" any signal is there, note whatever it is and leave the TV on that screen.

The second part is to go into the loft and take the main aerial plug out of the splitter and do likewise with the feed from the splitter that goes to the TV / box with the signal indication on it then link the two plugs together, in other words by passing the Eagle unit by connecting the aerial directly to the TV (or box) used for the test.

Once back down from the loft check the signal strength indication to see if just the same as before or has possibly dropped, if though it is the same as before having linked the two cables together then the Eagle device is defective and should be replaced, possibly by one of the SLX brand booster / splitters as seen on the link.

SLX 8 way booster.

Philex Electronic (UK) Ltd. Homepage

Note: If receiving from Crystal Palace the BBC mux is Ch23.

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Tuesday 13 November 2012 11:14PM

Bob: Its impossible for anyone to pass an opinion on this when you have neither (1) mentioned what you are attempting to get HD channels on, or (2) if not using satellite provided your post code or one from nearby, this to enable access to the reception predictor details.

The receiver model number should also be given.

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Tuesday 13 November 2012 11:35PM

Gary: And should it be what Dave Lindsay has provided the link for then this is not powerful enough, as nearer the 10db mark is more appropriate.

Of course thats if your Eagle device is found NOT to to faulty!

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