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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Stuart: If as you have mentioned in an earlier posting that you cannot receive any picture when using a set top aerial and something which you should have been able to do, unless that is you are genuinely experiencing a very low signal caused by the "umbrella" effect, i.e: shielded by being too close to the mast, although I do feel that you are a little too far out for this type of thing to affect you.

But though on checking back on your various postings I cant say that I noticed you having mentioned at any time anything regarding your aerial arrangements, insomuch is the aerial yours? and if so where is it mounted, or is it a communal aerial system that you are connected to? as its important to know this and especially so if its communal.

However apart from that said, as you seem to have exhausted tests / things to try and this being coupled to your locality making it difficult to check / assess the problem using Google earth, as it does appear that you are located in a reasonably high density housing area have you as yet checked with anyone else close by to find out if they are also suffering from the type of problems as you are?

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Ben Ward: Many thanks for your update on the situation and pleased to hear that you are fully operational again.

With regards to the powered splitter having failed, this as you will most likely have sussed out was the reason for my request (13th July @ 2.21pm) for you to try switching off the mains supply to the splitter, as if nothing changed by you having taken that action then it was positive proof that the unit was faulty, as of course it transpired that it was, but though I do fully understand your reasons for not being able to carry out the request by fact of its power source actually being in the loft thereby not being easily accessible.

And on the subject of the booster / splitter, if indeed its actual power supply had failed then nothing could really have caused that to happen excepting the possibility of its power transformer having tripped out (thermal fuse) through running continually in a slightly overheated state.

On the other hand though if it wasn't the more usual fault of the power supply having failed and the input to the device was connected to your outdoor aerial, then its likely that its transistorised input amplifier had failed through the aerial having picked up an excessively high level of static rain during some thundery conditions that may have occurred at some time, as boosters / splitters can suffer from this in exactly the same way as do some mast head amplifiers when connected to roof aerials.

Of course this latter comment re: input amp failing is never applicable at any time to loft mounted aerials.

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Stuart: If as you have mentioned in an earlier posting that you cannot receive any picture when using a set top aerial and something which you should have been able to do, unless that is you are genuinely experiencing a very low signal caused by the "umbrella" effect, i.e: shielded by being too close to the mast, although I do feel that you are a little too far out for this type of thing to affect you.

But though on checking back on your various postings I cant say that I noticed you having mentioned at any time anything regarding your aerial arrangements, insomuch is the aerial yours? and if so where is it mounted, or is it a communal aerial system that you are connected to? as its important to know this and especially so if its communal.

However apart from that said, as you seem to have exhausted tests / things to try and this being coupled to your locality making it difficult to check / assess the problem using Google earth, but as it does appear that you are located in a reasonably high density housing area have you as yet checked with anyone else close by to find out if they are also suffering from the type of problems as you are?

(This is a duplicate posting to the reply made under the other heading you have used.).

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jessica-michelle: If they are both Freeview devices then purchase a basic simple two-way powered splitter and connect the lead from the aerial on the roof into its single input socket, then have a coax cable running from each one of its two outputs to the respective viewing positions in each room.

If though the cable from the roof runs down the outside of the building and then into your lounge or whatever, then obviously have the powered splitter conveniently placed somewhere downstairs and then run another cable from the splitters 2nd output to upstairs.

You can of course purchase non-powered two way splitters, but I never recommend their use without being able to assess (for myself) the level of signal expected in the area concerned, this only being possible with knowledge of the post code involved or at least one from nearby.

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Rich Reed: You are indicated as being able to have good reception from the Plympton transmitter at roughly 4 miles away, and so you should ensure that your Humax is receiving that station and not Caradon Hill, the way to check being to carry out a signal check on BBC1 and mux channel number 54 should be indicated along with the signal strength / quality, if though its 28 then thats Caradon.

Do likewise on ArqA (11-Pick TV) and in that case mux Ch45 should be seen whereas 24 if Caradon.

You should also try a test without using the booster and giving an update on the results of your findings, as although Plympton is predicted as being by far the best bet for reception some local impediment to its reception might well be applying which will not show up on the predictor.

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Stuart: Thanks for clearing that up as I suspected that something else must be involved.

What I would like you to try is if your Virgin V+ box has the name "Scientifica Atlanta" printed on the left hand side of the rear (when viewed from) then along to the right of this you will see two RF sockets one above the other, take these plugs out and couple them together then check what your signal is like on the LG as the signal will then be straight from the communal aerials distribution amplifier.

If its not terribly much better then couple the lead from the actual aerial straight into the TV, giving a report on the results.

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James: Yes, but does the aerial feed to these other devices being used loop through the cheap Freeview box? whereby when you unplug the box you also have to link the in / out RF conectors together.

If this doesnt apply then where is the coax lead from your aerial fed into?

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jeff paterson: Switch over events took place at three transmitter sites on these dates albeit that only two of (Bluebell Hill & Dover) are indicated as being receivable at your location, although Sudbury as well as Crystal Palace do also come into the equation.

However, although I am NOT daring to request that you carry out a rescan, I would though be interested to know what mux channel numbers are seen indicated if a signal strength check is carried out on the following programmes, should of course you have been able to pick them up! as signal strength info always (or should anyway) being accompanied by the mux transmitter channel number associated with the reading.

BBC1 - ITV1 - ITV3 (10) - Pick TV (11) - Yesterday (12)

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M Brown: Should this just have been fitted (as you haven't mentioned) then have you ensured that the aerial is mounted vertically and is facing 296 degrees if receiving from Poole @ 1 mile or alternatively 97 degrees if its Rowridge @ 25 miles, as indications are that you should be able to have good reception from both stations.

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jeff paterson: Well unfortunately not really, although I suppose I should have given you the reason for me requesting this test, and being, that because your location is indicated as being able to receive (in theory) transmissions from Bluebell Hill, Dover, Crystal Palace and Sudbury this creates the situation whereby its possible for your TV / box to have picked up alien channels to what's required during an auto tune, a situation that's bound to cause problems.

However Bluebell Hill does seem to have the edge on the other stations mentioned, and so if you carry out the test again using the EPG programme numbers mentioned the "multiplex" channel numbers you should see being indicated accompanying the strength / quality should be: 46 - BBC / 43 - ITV / 45 - ITV3 / 39 - Pick TV / 54 - Yesterday, these being the five mux transmitters corresponding in the exact order to the programme numbers that I requested you use for the check. (HD left out for purposes of the test)

If though you see a mux number being indicated other than any of the aforementioned ones, then that channel number is out of sequence from the others and not from Bluebell Hill, and if you state the mux number seen its source can then be determined.

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