By providing a full postcode (such as W1A 1AA), national grid reference (for example SE123456) or latitude, longitude pair (like 54, -0.5) this page will provide a map, terrain plot and detailed information of the location showing the UK and RoI television transmitters that it is possible you receive Freeview, Freeview HD, Youview, BT TV and Saorview from.
(Don't know your postcode? Find it at Post Office Postcode finder).
UK Free TV uniquely shows you transmitter coverage maps, aerial to transmitter terrain plots, the closest 10 mobile phone masts (for possible 5G-at-800 interference) as well as tabulated information (sorted by direction, by received signal strength, by frequency, by service names or by transmitter name).
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Click on these links to see how this page looks with these sample postcodes: NR302NW, IV125QZ, BN90NB, BN31AN, WA46PQ, PL71SW, BT388NB, WR80NP, NE109BH, BL65NU.
Please note
These predictions are based upon a rooftop aerial and depend on the suitability of the aerial, the distance to the transmitters, the power of their signals, the postcode area, and local terrain.Sunday, 1 December 2013
Kevin Dickinson9:32 PM
ITV also went off in the North East Fenham/Pontock Pike Transmitter at the start of Celebrity get me out of here
Back up now
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9:44 PM
9:44 PM
From the range of comments above, it would seem that the main distribution suffered some kind of problem, only Arqiva would know as they operate the transmitters.
It's obvious that is has affected several regions.
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Paul10:03 PM
Back on now......
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Paul's: mapP's Freeview map terrainP's terrain plot wavesP's frequency data P's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Monday, 2 December 2013
hugh ferguson3:11 PM
please explain why channel CI+I is blocked even that it is not a an HD programme
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hugh's: mapH's Freeview map terrainH's terrain plot wavesH's frequency data H's Freeview Detailed Coverage
4:18 PM
4:18 PM
To all having trouble with lost ITV programmes recently. Please see BBC - Newsbeat - ITV apologises for lost signal during X Factor live show where ITV admit to a 'technical problem'.
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Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Mrs Lymer9:19 AM
am having problems with bbc1 and bbc2 this morning. It is only the upstairs tv that is having the problem. Any advice as to why will be gratefully received
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Mrs's: mapM's Freeview map terrainM's terrain plot wavesM's frequency data M's Freeview Detailed Coverage
I live In Glenluce and only receive CBBC,BBC3 and 4,film 4, e4 and itv2.. we should be receiving so many more channels! Not fair that Dumfries get more than us. Please get us more channels!
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Ruth's: mapR's Freeview map terrainR's terrain plot wavesR's frequency data R's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Michael4:27 PM
Ruth: You receive all the channels you will ever likely get from the Glenluce transmitter - the commercial channels are not obliged to broadcast from all of the transmitters, unlike the public service channels. If you want more channels, get Freesat.
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Ruth: This is the effect of a free-market. What you have is thanks to the "Public Service" obligation of the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5.
See here for an explanation of why the UK now has a two-tier system:
Londonderry (Northern Ireland) Freeview Light transmitter | - 11 years of independent, free digital TV advice
You're not likely to receive more channels from any other transmitter. Probably best to go with satellite (e.g. Freesat) if you wish to increase your number of channels.
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