My Sky box has a "no signal message" - what do I do?

If you are getting the message "no signal" this would indicate that there is a problem with the signal from your dish into your box. Even without a card inserted into a Sky Digibox, if there is a signal, you will always get Sky Guide and the free channels.
Try powering off your box, remove the card, check carefully the cables, especially the connection to the dish, reapply the power and then when asked to insert your card you should then be able to see (for example) Sky News on 501 and the BBC News channel on 503.
Once you can see any channel, reinsert your card. This should, after about one minute, give you the channels you expect, such as 103, 104 and 105.
There are three ways you can attempt to reset your box. Please see
What can my do when my Sky Digibox says 'No Signal' ?.
If you continue to get "No signal", you dish may have been misaligned, or there may be a fault with the cables and connectors, or a problem with the Digibox. You can see the signal strength by pressing SERVICES, then 4-SYSTEM SETUP and 6-SIGNAL STRENGTH.
4:58 PM
I lost signal i don't know why, two days it was not working :,(
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4:38 PM
My screen on occasions says no signal! Then after a few minutes returns to normal! why?
Also im unable to view without turning on sky!Why?
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3:42 PM
I have no signal. Have followed all the posts above.
I have sky + box.
The signal strength is 0 on all lines.
Is it worth getting up a ladder to see if everything is connected or try moving it a little??
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4:12 PM
Hello,We had the same problem today, April.14.2013.No Signal from SKY to our
SKY+HD box,we fixed it however by switching the box off,count to ten,then switch it back on again,press the on button on the remote wait a moment,then-Ta-ra as they say-up and running.
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7:19 PM
Lin: As its a Sky+ box then try swapping the two input cables over, if this still results in a no signal warning then try disconnecting the box from the mains and waiting about 30 seconds or so before reconnecting it again then allowing it to go the usual searching for listings procedure, if the situation remains the same then excluding the possibility of the actual box being defective the problem might be caused by the dish having been knocked slightly out of alignment, this usually always being in the horizontal plane (< >) right to left, the only real way to check if this applies or not in the absence of a signal meter being to hand is by trying the box out on someone else's dish.
By the way, I don't feel that there is really any point in checking the two connectors on the dishes LNB as the chances of water having gained access to both connectors at the same time is quite remote, but though if swapping the leads over did result in the picture being restored then that indicates that the coax feed now connected into the LNB2 position is faulty, and so it would be worth unscrewing its "F" connector from the block then further unscrewing it from the coax for purposes of checking for water, drying out if necessary before smearing some Vaseline or similar inside the coax entrance to the plugs body before screwing it back onto the coax.
However if on inspection the connector seems to be OK then that particular LNB port could have developed a fault, best way to check being to swap the two leads over on the LNB, because if one is faulty then the picture will vanish again.
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7:46 PM
I have tried all you have advised with no luck. I don't get any listings or anything the code 29 comes up on the top right hand side then after looking for listings for a few mins it then says no signal from dish
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8:13 PM
Lin: If swapping the two inputs over did not restore the picture then either the box is faulty or your dish has been moved slightly out of alignment, otherwise tests given would have indicated the source of the problem, as error 29 (sometimes 25) only refers to what you are NOT witnessing, that being the signal strength relating to the default transponder that provides your boxes EPG, (electronic programme guide).
If possible you should try and check your box on someone else's dish, as even if it was faulty it cannot in any way damage a dish, just mentioned in case you were wondering!
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2:06 AM
Hi. I have a quad LNB feeding two separate digiboxes. One double feed is direct to the box. The second double feed is to 2/4 LNB inputs on a loft box. The Triax loftbox multiplexes to the second digibox which works fine via a triplex faceplate in the living room and distributes the RF2 signal (voltage on) via a return lead to the loft box and outputs to the rest of the house. A bit snowy on the RF2 and have tried changing channel for the RF2 output with a little bit of improvement. The loft box has outputs for additional digibox and have hooked that up via a single lead to a diplexing faceplate in the bedroom via a long cable run but showing as no signal. At one stage had EPG music on and when checked signal quality and strength, had a very low register and then lost it again. I put an inline 15dB satellite signal booster (powered by the LNB? - think that might be an issue) onto the loft box LNB output to the bedroom but no joy. That was when i got the EPG music but didn't last. Any ideas (a) how to improve the quality of the RF2 output to the other TVs from the loftbox (should I boost the return from the RF2 to the loftbox?) and (2) what I am missing or should try next with the digibox feed to the older box in the bedroom? All suggestions gratefully received. Just looking to use the bedroom digibox for freeview. Hope the description is adequate. Thanks in advance.
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8:15 PM
when it rains or any wind at all i lose signal on my hd box i contacted sky three times each time they say my post code and address dont match up iam getting no where yet they take money from my account each month dish on end off house never had problem till upgraded to hd box
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11:48 PM
wm woods: One aspect of satellite reception that has a distinct advantage over Freeview is that any time the signal glitches or cuts out its NEVER (and without exception) the fault of the transmission source, as the problem is always associated with the receiving side of the equation.
If your dish is not facing into a nearby tree or any other form of vegetation then your problem is either being caused by water having entered the "F" connector on the dishes LNB, or alternatively that the dishes mounting is slightly slack and requires tightening, although the former mentioned is the more usual.
You should carry out a signal check using the following procedure:
Press "Services" on your Sky remote control and you will see the main menu with "Options" being highlighted.
2:- Select the "Settings" menu using the right arrow button and press select.
3:- Use the left / right arrows to scroll to "Signal" and press select, the grey bars displayed will show you the strength / quality levels of the signal being received by both tuners, both having to be around 55% minimum or more to produce a stable picture, because if its significantly less than this then it points to the dish being slightly out of alignment.
If though the quality is seen to fluctuate up and down to any great extent than that can indicate that water has entered the connector.
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