How can I get Italian satellite channels in the UK?

You will need a dish pointed at the Hot Bird 6/7A/8 at 13.0ðE satellite to get:
Canale Lavoro
RAI Edu 1
RAI Mosaico
RAI News 24
Camera dei Deputati
RAI Sport Satellite
RAI Nettuno Sat Due
RAI Edu 2
RAI Nettuno Sat Uno
Sat 2000
Italia 1
Canale 5
Rete 4
Senato Italiano
See the following for the list of programming:
Listing for RAI channels can be found RAI TV listings.
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Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Enzo10:00 AM
Does a TVSAT HD exists? How much do they (HD or not HD) cost?
Thank you.
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Sunday, 15 January 2012
frank12:44 PM
i have lost due to scrambling rai1,2,3 what can i do please?
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Monday, 16 January 2012
michael9:15 AM
See earlier posts on this and related pages. Only some broadcasts are soft-scrambled. You will need a Tivu box and a codice fiscal to register and be able to watch all programmes free. Be wary of advertisers offering this "service".
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Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Hello, Great site!
My question in brief: I have redisgned my living room and got rid of the old CRT and bought a flat screen which i've hung on the wall. I chased into the wall all the cables - 5:1 set-up, optical cable, four HDMI's (for future use) and the ariel coax cable.. BUT, i forgot to factor in the cable to connect the satellite receiver which i use for the Italian channels, mainly to keep my old dad quiet when he and my mum come and visit.. So, quite simply, i need the same satellite receiver but with an HDMI socket.. Does one exist? Many thanks in anticipation.
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jb3810:57 PM
Joe Alessi: Just out of curiosity I wondered what model of sat box you are using to receive the Italian channels? as depending on what there may be an easy and less costly way out of the problem, as other than that I cant see any way of getting over the problem without either purchasing a scart to HDMI up-scaling converter (approx £50.00) or possibly a Freesat HD receiver as these have an HDMI output socket.
Obviously although a Freesat device it would be used on its non Freesat mode. (other technical aspects permitting)
Maybe you could also mention the model of TV that you have mounted on the wall.
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Thursday, 2 February 2012
michael9:41 AM
If the flatscreen has a SCART socket, use that. If not, follow jB38's recommendations above. You will presumably know that the main RAI channels are at times not free-to-view. For 24/7 you need a Tivu sat-box activated via a codice fiscal - eg a family home address. See earlier postings here. Good to know that being in the EU brings us greater restrictions than before :-)
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jb389:19 PM
Joe Alessi: (Copied from answer to other heasing - "Feedback")
Thanks for the update, my reason for requesting the model of Sat receiver you are using is because I wanted to check if it had an RF modulator output, as if it had you could have combined that output with the Freeview one through the single cable, however I see that it hasn't got that facility and so the scart to HDMI upscaler is the only answer, albeit a pricey one!
This is the link for the device as sold by Maplin,(mentioned just in case the link doesnt work) of course other sources exist as well like from Amazon etc,etc.
Scart to HDMI Convertor 1080p : SCART Switches : Maplin Electronics
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Saturday, 18 February 2012
Phil Kelman9:17 PM
I have a free sat box it is showing 98 signal quality and 75 signal strength when I select the satellite listed hotbird on 90 cm dish. I am in spain when scan hotbird most of the channels are showing as subscribe channels and there are only about 246 ish but no italian is the dish lined up right. When selecting the satellite the only listing for hotbird dosent offer the this part hotbird 6/7A/8 at 13.0°E as an option can you help.
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Sunday, 19 February 2012
michael9:35 AM
First check the channels you can identify against a web-listing such as lyngsat or kingofsat to confirm your dish is on 13°E. You might be on a different satellite... There are countless FTA channels on 13°E, including a lot of Italian shopping in low-quality video. If these show, tune the receiver to 10.992GHz vertical, 27500, to receive the main RAI channels, some of which will be FTA at any given time. You may need to set up a new TP for 10.992 GHz. lyngsat or kingofsat will give you all the data needed to tune in any other Italian channels of interest. If you are not on 13°E, check identifiable FTA channels against listings for other nearby satellites. That will tell you which way you will need to swivel the dish for 13°E. Tune the receiver to 10.992(RAI) or 11.727 (TVE Internacional) and slowly swivel the dish to 13°E and then incrementally optimise the signal strength and quality as indicated by the signal bars in your menu. RAI and other main channels are now part-time soft-scrambled. A Tivu receiver registered to a codice fiscal (eg family address in Italy) will receive all the formerly FTA channels. See other postings here.
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Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Isabella Andreana8:00 PM
Please could you tell me what signal is sent via satellite to the UK from Italy is it HD or digital. Thank you
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