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Front Runner TV

Turning the spotlight on a wide range of popular as well as niche sports and including both live and recorded action.

Main TV standard-definiton channels

How to Watch: Front Runner TV

Below is a list of all the television and radio channels that you can watch in the UK using one of the free services: DAB (for radio), Freeview, Sky No Card - Sky without a viewing card (Freesat from Sky (or fSfS)) and Freesat.. Where a channel can be watched for free, the channel number is listed below. In addition, if you can watch (or listen) immediately online, press the button in the "web" column.

As some channels are exclusive to one service alone, you may need to get receive more than one service to get all the channels you want. The coverage for Freeview differs too - those channels not provided by the public service "Freeview Light" transmitters the current coverage shown thus (54%), taken from Connected Nations Report 2017: Data analysis'

Key: wb_sunny daytime; watch_later nighttime; account_box funded from the TV License; flags show Freeview channel limits.
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Main TV standard-definiton channels
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Front Runner TV        

Regional content: National channel with no regional content or variations.

Sunday, 5 March 2017
4:08 AM

Great channel but having trouble with the sound stuttering, can you not boost the signal a bit to cover a larger area? I Live in Hertfordshire, postcode en118as, Mr S. Burton

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S. BURTON's 1 post GB flag

2:35 PM

S. BURTON : This website has nothing to do with broadcasting any channel or deciding its coverage area and therefore we cannot boost the signal. A check of your postcode shows that you should have good reception of all multiplexes from Crystal Palace. What signal stength and quality levels does your TV/box report for Front Runner?

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StevensOnln1's 3,679 posts GB flag
Tuesday, 7 March 2017
8:06 PM

Should I be able to get Frontrunner TV through normal Freeview ?

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Tom's 1 post GB flag
Wednesday, 8 March 2017

11:21 AM

Tom: You'll need a TV or box that supports Freeview HD and you'll need to be able to receive one of the transmitters that broadcasts COM (please provide a postcode).

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StevensOnln1's 3,679 posts GB flag
Sunday, 12 March 2017
7:32 PM

Great channel, keep the motor bikes all disciplines coming. can I get it on my iPad ?

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Greg's 1 post GB flag

8:00 PM


It does not look as if Front Runner TV is available via the internet as yet.

Please note that this website is completely independent of all broadcasters and any queries about their programmes should be directed to them directly.

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MikeP's 3,056 posts GB flag
Friday, 17 March 2017
Syd Wall

1:19 PM

Hi - I've retuned by Humax HD box and LG HD TV but no sign of channel 91 for Front Runner. My postcode is CV36 4JN. Any suggestions or do I have to move house?

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Syd Wall's 27 posts GB flag
Syd's: mapS's Freeview map terrainS's terrain plot wavesS's frequency data S's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Syd Wall

1:28 PM

Just checked the Larkstoke transmitter and see Front Runner is not broadcast from there. I'd have to retune to Sutton Coldfield

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Syd Wall's 27 posts GB flag
Monday, 27 March 2017
6:49 PM

I have tried reinstalling channels on my freeview but no sign of a channel 91 or anything called frontrunner. Any ideas? I am in leeds if that makes any difference.

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stevo17's 1 post GB flag

7:11 PM

stevo17: Is your TV capable of receiving the HD channels 101-105? Is your aerial pointed to the Emley Moor transmitter or a local relay?

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StevensOnln1's 3,679 posts GB flag
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