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DAB prediction postcode
(Don't know your postcode? Find it at Post Office Postcode finder).Friday, 20 April 2018
Rae Steward4:22 PM
I cannot receive a decent FM signal (104.40) for Radio Norfolk on a portable radio in the house apart from my FM tuner with a roof aerial. Radio Norfolk advertises it's various frequencies throughout the County including DAB but is does not reach to West Norfolk. I can receive the national stations on DAB on a portable radio. Is it likely that Radio Norfolk will be broadcast on DAB in West Norfolk or shall we remain 2nd class citizens?
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Monday, 25 June 2018
val watts10:40 AM
when will north hessory tor transmitter be turned back on? ihave lost bbc radio devon.
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StevensOnln12:49 PM
val watts: When the planned engineering work is completed. Most likely by the end of the day.
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Tuesday, 17 July 2018
Andy T10:54 AM
FM and DAB signal strength in Warrington seems to be reduced recently and I now struggle to get most DAB and FM stations in my car.
Anybody know why this is ?
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Saturday, 15 December 2018
Richard9:03 AM
Rae Steward: Why not retune to AM band, 873 kilohertz from the West Lynn transmitter, whose coverage area includes Hunstanton and some other places even to the East of you, as far as Fakenham?
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Monday, 21 January 2019
Paul Westwell3:44 PM
I live in Bracknell and have just moved over to listening to Virgin Radio on DAB, previously a radio 2 listener. I notice that Virgin Radio is not currently broadcast from the Coppid Beech relay in Bracknell and there are a few dead spots especially when you drive past the Coppid Beech transmitter you lose Virgin Radio for some distance.
Are they any plans for Virgin Radio to come to one of the Coppid Beech multiplexers?
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StevensOnln14:14 PM
Paul Westwell: Virgin Radio is broadcast on the SDL National multiplex which was expanded to 19 new transmitters last year. There has been no announcement of any further planned new transmitters since then.
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Tuesday, 2 April 2019
aziz9:43 AM
How can I find and set up this radio channel please anyone know what frequency I have to set up my radio to receive Matryoshka Radio I am based in Croydon ????
Tanks in advance
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StevensOnln111:35 AM
aziz: Matryoshka Radio is on the London 3 DAB multiplex which is broadcast on VHF block 11B (218.640 MHz).
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Saturday, 2 January 2021
Ian Grice8:32 PM
Hi everyone,
Is something going on with FM? Is the signal getting weaker? I've noticed this on the car and on 2 new radios in the house. The living room has always been bad and I've had to use a loft mounted aerial but the bedroom was always OK but I have now had to connect the radio to the loft aerial to get a decent signal. Also noticed that reception in the garden has been getting steadily worse. Post Code is LE10 0NS
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