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All posts by Chris.SE

Below are all of Chris.SE's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Freeview intermittent interference
Saturday 16 October 2021 1:33AM

business web design:

This is a UK website and probably not the place to help with your query.

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Divis (Northern Ireland) DAB transmitter
Saturday 16 October 2021 1:41AM


There has been some quite variable "Tropospheric ducting" around over the previous few days which might have been the cause of your observation as there doesn't appear to be any listed faults. That should have now cleared.

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Francis Byrne:

There was some quite variable "Tropospheric Ducting" around over the previous couple of days which could well have been responsible for some disruption to reception. That should have now cleared and your reception should hopefully be back to normal.

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Sunday 17 October 2021 4:37AM

Emma Seaward:

Hi. I'm frankly not surprised, Freeview can be quite useless at times and no help!
Winter Hill hasn't been listed for Planned Engineering for some considerable time and records of any faults a while ago will be virtually impossible to find. So what caused your problem will be impossible to say. There has been several occasions in recent time where certain weather conditions may have resulted in interference from more distant transmitters to some multiplexes.

In normal circumstances you should get excellent reception of all the main multiplexes from Winter Hill, but in the wrong circumstances you might also get reception of a relay transmitter that''a quite close to you albeit with different aerial polarisation (vertical) instead of horizontal like Winter Hill, as it's in a almost identical direction from your locale, or you might have got tuned to a more distant transmitter whose signals have now disappeared as weather conditions changed.
If you retuned when you had no signal or badly pixellated signals whether it be due to a transmitter fault, Planned Engineering or weather conditions, any of the previously mentioned could happen. If your set has an auto-retune function for no signal, disable it if you can, it's more trouble than it's worth.

Check that your aerial is still pointing in the correct direction - bearing 197 degrees, that's about 5 degrees S of SSW (compare with neighbours if need be), with the rods (or squashed Xs) horizontal.

Your best bet will be to try a retune as follows - first unplug the aerial and in your TV tuning section carry out a full automatic retune, this should clear all previous tuning from memory as no channel;s should be found.
Plug the aerial back in and then repeat the automatic retune and hopefully all your channels will be correctly restored. If for some reason that hasn't worked, check in your TV tuning section that it tuned to the correct UHF channels for Winter Hill -
The UHF channels are C32, C34, C35, C29, C31, C37, C55 (C means channel) for the main multiplexes
If it's not correctly tuned, clear the tuning again and try a manual tune for each of those UHF channels.

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Johnny Blair:

The RH11 postcode is a large area and dependent on your full postcode, you might be able to receive several transmitters depending on which way your aerial is pointing. The two most likely are the Reigate relay transmitter or the Crystal Palace main transmitter, neither are reporting any faults.

Check that your aerial still looks intact with no missing elements and the downlead is correctly attached and not flapping in the wind, and that the aerial is pointing in the correct direction.
Dependent on your full postcode, it'll be roughly somewhere around due N for Reigate with the rods (or squashed Xs) vertical. And for Crystal Palace about half way between due N and NNE with the rods (or squashed Xs) horizontal.

Also check all your coax plugs, connections, flyleads etc, unplug connectors check for corrosion or other problems and reconnect them. Flyleads are a common problem, try swapping/changing them.
Then carry out a full retune.

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Richard Cooper:

I don't if you've seen this document or if it's any help or interest….pdf
There's the possibility it could be Block 9C but that's to be confirmed.

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Freeview will not survive another 16 years
Sunday 17 October 2021 11:06PM

Keith john Alger:

There has been plenty of commitment by Arqiva, they have had some difficult "hurdles" to over come. I suggest you have a good read of many of the posts on the Bilsdale Freeview Transmitter page and the links within them to dedicated pages from Arqiva and Freeview as well as pages in the local press etc.
That should give you a better understanding of the complexities involved in restoring services.

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David Rowlandson:

I believe it's also beamed in an ESE direction towards Spalding and maybe as far south as Peterborough, so if you live in an area bounded by them and the transmitter you might be able to receive the Local multiplex. Try a Manual tune on UHF C41 (auto-tune may miss it if the signal is weak but just receivable).
Local multiplexes are only provide at a limited number of main transmitters and signals beamed towards specific largish centres of population due to the limited number of channels available and costs involved in providing commercial services.

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Hannington (Hampshire, England) transmitter
Sunday 17 October 2021 11:34PM

John Sllen:

The issue is most likely to be current weather conditions - temperature Inversion/tropospheric ducting to be precise, there is current some quite strong conditions affecting parts of the S of the UK.
It sometimes comes with high pressure How does good weather affect my television? | Help receiving TV and radio & Effect of tropospheric ducting on Freeview | Help receiving TV and radio

This type of ducting affects different frequencies by differing amounts in different locations, which is probably why you are only currently seeing an issue with COM7. It can vary by the second or be stable for much longer periods. It can also affect FM & DAB radio & probably mobile phone signals but not to an extent that people have realised.

As for the Quest issue, if it's persisting, it could possibly be a Hannington issue as I'm not getting that at time of posting (not on Hannington) but there may have been some connection with the Snooker overrunning. If it's persisting at Hannington, suggest you contact Quest.

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Having problems with TV background music?
Sunday 17 October 2021 11:46PM


Totally agree with you. The people that are responsible for current productions have been badly trained (if they actually are) - I don't know what courses (if any) they do these days but they are obviously taught about introducing music etc to add "drama" to the programme at appropriate points, but they clearly aren't taught anything about sound levels or intelligibility of speech, or even listening to the final mixed output (or even off-air as it used to be). I get the impression all they do is sit there and just look at their LED PPMs, it's a joke. The public have complained many times to no effect. Don't you have any contacts left in BBC Sound you could chat with and maybe get some initiative moving to get a major improvement on this problem (and of course it's not just the BBC, it's all of them!).

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