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Below are all of Chris.SE's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

All free TV channels in the UK
Monday 3 January 2022 1:54PM

Jim M:

You must have missed it! It's listed twice in two sections.
In the first section at the very top of the page "High definition channels" - 5th entry down - BBC One HD
In the second section next on the page "Main TV standard-definiton channels" - 13th entry down - BBC One (SD)

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Divis (Northern Ireland) transmitter
Monday 3 January 2022 2:14PM


It's the "transmission frequencies change over time" section that has the main errors that the site owner has not "clarified". The main section at the top of the page is correct other than the channel for the Local Belfast LBT mux which is C36 not C30.
All the channels are listed correctly in this post Divis (Northern Ireland) Full Freeview transmitter | free and easy
but also note that Arqiva closed COM8 for commercial reasons at the end of June 2020.

COM7 has been recently mentioned in these posts -
Divis (Northern Ireland) Full Freeview transmitter | free and easy
Divis (Northern Ireland) Full Freeview transmitter | free and easy

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Winter Hill (Bolton, England) transmitter
Monday 3 January 2022 3:12PM


That's quite interesting, good bit of experimenting there. The setup is doing well then as your other output with the passive splitter also works well. Don't forget that Local muxes are beamed in the directions of the areas they are intended to serve. So you're doing well to get a signal on C21 as it's the Liverpool mux.

Just as a reminder for others as well (as it tends to get "lost" being a few posts back) -
Full list of Winter Hill channels at Winter Hill (Bolton, England) Full Freeview transmitter | free and easy
COM8 closure mentioned in Winter Hill (Bolton, England) Full Freeview transmitter | free and easy

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All free TV channels in the UK
Monday 3 January 2022 4:05PM


You'll have to ask the channel provider, this isn't their website and they're very unlikely to see your post here.
I would imagine cost has something to do with it!

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David Strachan:

I'm afraid we're going to need some more detail. We've no idea which transmiitter you may be receiving or what the predicted reception is in your locale. We're going to need a full postcode to check your predicted reception.

A loft aerial could mean you are more susceptible to variations in reception in wet weather if your signal is marginal.
If your TV is correctly tuned, there is absolutely no point in retuning, all you are likely to do is lose correct tuning if you have very low or no signal.

Does the loft aerial point through any party walls, or water tanks etc or are then any very near of metal objects such as flues or lead flashing on the roof?
As well as your postcode the rough compass bearing in which the aerial is pointing and whether the aerial rods (or squashed Xs) are vertical or horizontal would be useful information.

Do you have a distribution amp/splitter? Roughly how old is the whole installation?

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Rowridge (Isle Of Wight, England) transmitter
Monday 3 January 2022 10:03PM

Debbie Edwards:

Without knowing the predicted reception for your locale, it's not possible to give any conclusive answer. Firstly, we'd need a full postcode. Then tell us why did you need a new booster? What happened to the old one? Do you know the make and model number for the old and new ones?
Please give us the rough compass bearing your aerial is pointing in, and whether it's rods (or squashed Xs) are horizontal or vertical. Is the aerial in the loft or chimney mounted?

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Norman Martin:

There are no reported problems I can find for Belmont. The weather was presenting a problem a couple of days ago, there was some Tropospheric Ducting which should have completely cleared yesterday.
Did you retune at all whilst you had no signal, or pixellated pictures etc. - If you did, you should never do that, it will most likely just clear your correct tuning and/or possibly leave you tuned to weak signals from another transmitter (there's 3 you might receive in some circumstances). If your set auto-retunes when there's no signal, turn that function off if possible, it's more trouble than it's worth.

Check in your TV's tuning section that you are tuned to the correct UHF channels.
The UHF channels for Belmont in the order BBCA/PSB1, D3&4/PSB2, BBCB HD/PSB3, SDN/COM4, ArqA/COM5, ArqB/COM6, COM7; Local; are as follows -
C22, C25, C28; C30, C23, C26; C55; C32. You ought to be getting the first six of those, the predictor shows you should be getting good reception but you aren't predicted to get COM7 or the Local mux.

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Norman Stones:

As StevensOnln1 has said a full postcode would be needed as some parts of Kendal MIGHT get variable reception of the COM multiplexes from Lancaster (Granada region) whereas your local "Light" transmitters are Border region.

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Single frequency interference
Thursday 6 January 2022 4:40PM


Well it could be weather but NOT tropospheric ducting at present. It's more likely to be a problem with your aerial installation - assuming it's an external aerial and not loft mounted.

I would check that your aerial seems intact and pointing in the correct direction (bearing 93 degrees - almost due E) with the rods (or squashed Xs) horizontal (even if it's in the loft - they can get accidentally disturbed) and that your downlead looks undamaged and isn't flapping in the wind if external.

Also check all you coax plugs, connections, flyleads etc, unplug connectors check for corrosion or other problems and reconnect them. Flyleads can be a common problem, try swapping them.
See what signal strengths (if any) and quality you are getting for the multiplexes shown in your TV's tuning section, this might indicate potential issues with your aerial or downlead.
If you post the figures for each it may give us a clue.
I notice a while back you reported signal strength and quality, if you did attenuate the signal what is it now, any attenuation may not have been needed.

Faults/corroded connections can affect a single multiplex (but eventually further deterioration could start to affect more/all of them) this is because standing waves can be set up in the cable, this is frequency dependent and depends on the length of cable from the point of fault. It's not that common, but it does happen.
The installation is always worth a check if it's a few years old.

Do you have a distribution amp/splitter and where is it located? If you have one, check that it still has power and check the connections to it.

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ITV +1
Thursday 6 January 2022 4:44PM

Anthony Rice:

Yes, as per the top of the page, Channel 112 apparently.

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