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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.


Thursday 1 November 2012 11:45PM

noopin: This forum is based on providing assistance with reception and other technical problems as well as general information on how to view a variety of programmes, it is however not connected in any way whatsoever with any of the actual programmes or the providers of, this being why answers are never given to any complaints made concerning these programmes.

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Thursday 1 November 2012 11:55PM

susan: This problem is caused by either a faulty connection on the feed from the dish (check "F" connectors) to your standard Sky box, or possibly that the LNB port on dish used to feed the signal to the second box is defective.

When the bedroom box goes off press "Services - 4 - 6" and check if the signal levels are still being indicated, as both strength / quality "must" be at least the equivalent of 55% to provide a stable picture, as underneath this the picture is liable to vanish.

Further info dependant on findings.

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Whole house digital TV | Installing
Friday 2 November 2012 12:10AM

Phil: Well its really a case of using a dual system, insomuch that if the LNB fitted on your dish arm is either a dual or preferably quad type then you have to run a second coax feed from one of the spare ports on the LNB to a second Freesat box.

By the way if you were thinking about using a Freesat recorder in the future then it requires two inputs to feed each of the PVR (recorder) inputs, the two inputs necessary for recording two channels at the same time, or alternatively watching one channel whilst recording another, as when dealing with satellite equipment each device requires a separate feed cable, as unlike with Freeview equipment feeds cannot be split.

Just in case this might apply, if you only have an LNB with a single port connection, then you can purchase quad block "kits" (everything necessary) for around £10.00 or so from a few e-bay outlets.

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Friday 2 November 2012 5:03PM

graham Mulligan: This is only preferable if the TV being used only has one scart socket, as other wise a two-way scart switcher box would be required, its common lead going into the TV and with the STB going into one of the two-way switchers scart sockets and the DVD into the other.

If of course your TV also had an HDMI input socket and the DVD likewise but an HDMI output, then this would leave the TV's scart input solely for use with the STB.

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stacy lee: A location is really required with queries of this sort, this in the form of a post code or at least one from nearby, a shop etc, as its impossible to check on the status of the transmitter that covers your area without this knowledge.

That said though, what you have mentioned suggests a possible fault with your aerial system, the box itself being a secondary suspect reason, and so if at all possible you should try and test it out on someone elses aerial, or their box on yours.

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tom: If you already have a TV with Freeview, then you would only require a box "if" the TV was one of the brand models that cannot operate with the latest signal standards that came into force when the transmitters switched to high powered operation.

Further advice can only be given if a location (post code or one from nearby) is provided, plus info on the model number of the TV involved.

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Nick Short: I would look towards your aerial system as being the most likely cause of your complaint as Crystal Palace (@ 25 miles) is indicated as being the main station that covers your location.

If by any chance you are using a booster amp then try by-passing it as its internal power unit could have failed (not exactly uncommon!) and when that happens the booster immediately becomes an attenuator.

Another test you could try is, that even although the screen might be blank carry out a signal check on BBC1, because although nothing is seen the signal could still be there but running at under the reception threshold of your receiver and this type of test will reveal if it is or not.

It should be noted that this test will not work if you have carried out a retune since the problem occurred, but you can still carry out a check by going into any of your devices tuning menu's / manual tune and entering mux channel 23 (C/Palaces BBC) but do NOT press search or scan, because "if" the signal is there then no matter what the strength, it will be shown on the level indicator.

Maybe though you could give an update regarding the type of aerial set up you use.

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Whole house digital TV | Installing
Saturday 3 November 2012 12:29AM

Phil: Yes, the procedure described by Derek McLean is by far the less costly if you arent really bothered about whether or not the channel being viewed in the second room is the same as that in the main room, and although an old VCR does work well when used for this purpose its somewhat cumbersome, and so a stand alone RF modulator such as seen on the link below is commonly used for this purpose.

Programmable Universal Modulator : Video Switches : Maplin Electronics

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Film 4
Saturday 3 November 2012 9:42AM

Ian Stewart: Further to what's already been said by Dave Lindsay, what you have mentioned regarding the signal being good in the early morning means that atmospheric reasons are playing a factor, and so whilst the reception is OK on Film 4 (Com6) or Dave (11 Com5) carry out a signal strength / quality check and make a note of the levels seen, then carry out the same test again when the picture has deteriorated, the main thing to look for being whether or not the signal quality is just varying between two levels or if its frequently jumping to zero, as should it be the latter then you cannot really do anything about that.

If you give an update on the result of the tests further advice can then be given, although I will say that irrespective of what the reception predictor might show, the Craigkelly transmitter is not intended to cover your location albeit that a small patch of signal exists around the Caird Park sports areas and with roughly an 8 O'clock leg of signal stretching down from there for a short distance.

The other point I wondered about is if you have recently tried any signal check tests on the Angus transmitter? and what I mean by that is going into the tuning menu / manual tune and entering Ch60 (Angus BBC1) but do "NOT" press search or scan, because in most devices if a signal exists then no matter what level its at it will be indicated. If though nothing is indicated then there is not much point in trying the same test on Ch61 (Angus Com6). (Note!: This test might not work on a Sony, because on some models as soon as the channel number is entered it triggers an auto-scan)

The only reason for asking this is that I noticed a few aerials in your area apparently facing North in the direction of the Angus transmitter, although having past knowledge of your area I fully appreciate that the signal is liable to vary every few yards or so in locations such as yours.

Finally, although you have referred to having a booster / distribution amplifier on your aerial system what is the booster side of it rated at? because as far as the problems with Craigkelly are concerned the booster should be in the region of 15db minimum to keep the signal at a high enough level away from hovering around the cut off threshold, the usual cause of blocky pictures.

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DIANE PAGE: Questions of this nature really require a persons location to be known, this in the form of a post code or one from nearby as only then can the situation be properly assessed regarding the signal levels expected at the location, and from which transmitter.

However even without this knowledge, what you have reported would suggest that the use of a powered splitter might well be required.

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