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Please note
These predictions are based upon a rooftop aerial and depend on the suitability of the aerial, the distance to the transmitters, the power of their signals, the postcode area, and local terrain.Saturday, 13 June 2015
jb3811:17 AM
TimH: The content of your update is inclined to suggest that the problem is really being caused by the signal fed into your TV being a tad over powerful for "its" HD tuner to cope with, this resulting in instability in same, the reason for highlighting "its", being that the overload level tuners are able to cope with varies from one brand of set to another, HD tuners being far more critical to this sort of thing over SD, although SD can also be affected if any multiplex channel is being received at a slightly stronger signal level than the others.
If your signal is really strong, purely for a test, you might be able to resolve a picture of sorts by connecting a short length (4 feet or so) of wire into the TV's aerial socket, or better still, if you could access a set top aerial, otherwise you have no option other than to purchase a signal attenuator (around £2-4) to insert in line with the TV's aerial input connection, a value of around 6dB or so might possibly suffice.
By the way, you should also check the set up menu of the TV in question to make sure that it isnt of the variety that incorporates an internal booster facility, if it does, switch it off.
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Monday, 15 June 2015
John h11:39 AM
I have a Freesat box which I recorded some programs but was unable to watch them while at home so I decided to take my box with me on holiday and tried to watch them on the TV in my accommodation. Unfortunately the box would not play the recordings. Is this because I was not in the UK or is it that the recording is not actually on the box but a link to a recording on the satellite.
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Friday, 19 June 2015
Alan8:13 AM
just a change of email address.
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Saturday, 20 June 2015
TimH5:36 PM
Many thanks for the suggestions. The main TV is a Samsung UE40C8000 (why they can't choose easier model numbers I don't know). It doesn't say that it has an on-board booster, so I'm assuming that it doesn't. As we can see the transmitter from the window in the lounge, I had thought about buying an indoor aerial to check that the current aerial feed into the lounge socket wasn't the cause of the problem. Will probably do that now. Amazon offer one with a detachable booster at a reasonable price. I think the walls have insulation inside which has an aluminium foil backing, so this may muck up the signal through the wall - siting the indoor aerial on the window ledge won't pass internal approval! But as a temp measure, should be OK. Thanks again.
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MikeB7:48 PM
TimH: The tuners in the Samsung and the Sony might be slightly different, and so your problem might not be showing up on both of them. Sony's are really sensitive but robust (if your HX series is anything like mine), but Samsungs can be a little more skittish.
The Samsung certainly has no internal boosting , but a simple indoor aerial for about a tenner might at least give you a chance to check out the problem. The idea of splitting the signal is a good one (its what I do), because you can see what the tuners are doing seperately. Might be worth changing the fly lead on the Samsung, to see if thats causing a problem.
BTW, the Samsung model no. makes sense if you speak Samsung! Its a European model 40in TV, which came out in 2010 (J is 2015, so work backwards missing out G, since its apparently very rude in Korean). The 8 series is always pretty much the top level Samsung range, and this one has a 200hz screen, which was top notch at the time. Still a very nice set indeed! Add a Freeview HD tuner in some way, and it should fly.
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Sunday, 21 June 2015
jb3812:18 AM
TimH: Thanks for the update re model number etc, and having looked at the manual for the model in question can confirm that its not fitted with a switchable signal amplifier.
As far as your problem is concerned, it certainly wouldn't do any harm to try using an alternative jumper lead such as suggested by MikeB, although if this makes no difference to the problem, then the next stage is to try the set top aerial test, as Samsung HD tuners can, and frequently do, react in an adverse fashion to signals that come into the category of being "slightly over the top" strength wise.
This first witnessed by the fact that when the Craigkelly (Fife) transmitter switched over to high powered operation, a number of viewers in the Leith area of Edinburgh using Samsung devices complained (not via website) that their HD reception had vanished, attenuators in line with the aerial rectifying the problem.
Not saying that this is definitely the reason for your problem, but the possibility of it being has to be eliminated from the equation.
PS: I fully appreciate what you are meaning by - siting the indoor aerial on the window ledge won't pass internal approval! - but though as you have said, its only being done as a temporary temporary measure.
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Thursday, 25 June 2015
TimH11:20 AM
jb38 and Mike B
Thanks for all your advice, most appreciated. I found a powered signal booster in my box of stuff (don't ask) and connected this before I started to spend more money! To my surprise, when I retuned the Samsung, it found both missing multiplexes. Signal strength on these is now >70% and the BER on the HD multiplex is hovering around 50, so much less than the 2000+ it was before. Both multiplexes have a good picture. Early days yet, but fingers crossed. It must be as you said that the Samsung is a bit more delicate than the Sony in regards signal strength. I can only assume that the high BER was due to the Samsung trying to latch onto what it thought was a weak signal. To copy a song title from the Carpenters, it is good to get "Yesterday once more". Thanks again.
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Eric8:23 PM
I've decided to try attenuator(s) in my co-ax TV aerial lead. I remember seing some simple in-line attenuators (probably on this website), but I have failed to find such a product on the internet. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
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andy8:30 PM
Eric: 6db Attenuator for UHF TV Freeview Digital Signal | eBay
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MikeB9:04 PM
I bought these: 12dB Coax Plug Inline ATTENUATOR: Electronics
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