By providing a full postcode (such as W1A 1AA), national grid reference (for example SE123456) or latitude, longitude pair (like 54, -0.5) this page will provide a map, terrain plot and detailed information of the location showing the UK and RoI television transmitters that it is possible you receive Freeview, Freeview HD, Youview, BT TV and Saorview from.
(Don't know your postcode? Find it at Post Office Postcode finder).
UK Free TV uniquely shows you transmitter coverage maps, aerial to transmitter terrain plots, the closest 10 mobile phone masts (for possible 5G-at-800 interference) as well as tabulated information (sorted by direction, by received signal strength, by frequency, by service names or by transmitter name).
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See sample prediction pages
Click on these links to see how this page looks with these sample postcodes: B187HF, RM66SR, BT667PU, WF32FR, YO176SN, CM11JD, NW17HT, NG250QB, NW12QP, SY57QB.
Please note
These predictions are based upon a rooftop aerial and depend on the suitability of the aerial, the distance to the transmitters, the power of their signals, the postcode area, and local terrain.Friday, 19 January 2018
StevensOnln112:38 PM
Allyson: Does your flat not have any aerial sockets which connect to a communal aerial system? Most flats have them. Just get a short coaxial lead to connect from the socket on the wall to the one on the back of your TV.
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Allyson2:49 PM
Allyson: Thanks for replying so quickly.
There is an aerial socket in my living room, but when I phoned the council this morning they said there is no communal aerial that it's connected to.
Can you tell me another way, if there is another way?
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Allyson's: mapA's Freeview map terrainA's terrain plot wavesA's frequency data A's Freeview Detailed Coverage
StevensOnln15:31 PM
Allyson: Have you actually tried the socket? The person you spoke to at the council may have been looking at wrong/outdated information. What do you your neighbours use? An indoor aerial may get you some channels, but most of them are rubbish (they are often little more than a piece of wire sticking out of an amplifier which will pick up a lot of unwanted noise which can drown out the signals you want).
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Saturday, 20 January 2018
Allyson3:33 PM
Allyson: I've now tried the socket and there is no signal. I don't bother with the neighbours here because of their lifestyles. Not nice people.
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Allyson's: mapA's Freeview map terrainA's terrain plot wavesA's frequency data A's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Saturday, 27 January 2018
Mr Andrew Thrasher1:51 AM
I have been using a indoor Aerial that states it's good from 0-9 miles but I can't seem to get anything
Any suggestions it's a one for all aerial I have left it by the window but quality is finished
Any suggestions please
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Mr's: mapM's Freeview map terrainM's terrain plot wavesM's frequency data M's Freeview Detailed Coverage
StevensOnln111:22 AM
Mr Andrew Thrasher: Firstly, most indoor aerials are rubbish, they are often little more than a piece of wire sticking out of any amplifier which will amplifiy all of the unwanted noise along with the wanted signal. You are predicted to get reception from Sutton Coldfield (61km approximately North of your postcode) as well as Lark Stoke (7km approximately West although predicted to be lower strength). I would suggest that your indoor aerial is totally unsuitable for your location and you really need a properly installed aerial on the roof or in the loft to get good reception.
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Thursday, 1 February 2018
Brierley 4:08 PM
My bedroom tv has lost BBC when it used to work perfectly. This is very frustrating as I often want to watch the BBC programmes at bedtime. What can I do to improve this?
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StevensOnln15:27 PM
Brierley : Start by checking the cables and connections behind your TV for anything that may be loose or damaged. To offer any further advice we need a full postcode so that we can see which transmitter you're using, where you are in relation to it and your predicted signal strength etc.
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Saturday, 3 February 2018
Julian11:06 AM
I'm on Mendip and on the 20th Jan I lost BBC4HD on my new Smart Sony Bravia. A few days later I spoke to Sony, did retunes but 4HD was still missing plus some others.
On the 1st Feb I tried retuning again - now no HD stations at all and some non-hd had different station titles, such as ITV being called Good Shopping or somesuch.
Today I followed your 2014 to disconnecting mains, aerial, clearing channel list and retuning. It worked well, getting rid of the funny station titles but I have no channels at all between 101-200 inclusive. Help!
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Sunday, 4 February 2018
MikeB10:06 PM
Julian: Your losing channels, so logically the problem lies with your system - retuning is pointless, since your just losing the lock on the transmitter that you already had - hence the odd channels that came up after the retune. A postcode would help diagnose the problem, but the reality is that its your system, and that its failing.
Best guess, a loose connection, fraying cable or water getting into the system. Check your connections, and if you have a booster, check that its power supply is working.
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