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All posts by Michael Perry

Below are all of Michael Perry's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Tuesday 24 July 2018 3:46PM

A Farlow:

As I have stated by your other post, there has been a change in the weather pattern and that has altered your reception. Not directly connected with pressure but with the overall pattern of the weather and atmospheric conditions. That the p[roblems have moved from your area means someone else is now getting those problems. That has happened every since the start of BBC2 625 line transmissions using UHF frequencies.

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Tuesday 24 July 2018 3:51PM


Make sure you are tuned to either Hannington if your aerial points roughly west or to Crystal Palace if it points roughly east. The channels used by those transmitters is given in the 'digital uk trade' link below your post or by putting your post code into the Digital UK Coverage Checker at Coverage Checker - Detailed View

You may also need to check that your aerial connections are in good condition, try unplugging all the aerial connections you can get to and then refitting them.

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All free TV channels in the UK
Tuesday 24 July 2018 3:54PM


Put your post code into the Digital UK Coverage Checker at Digital UK - Coverage checker That will list the transmissions available at your location.

If you want a listing of the available channels go to their listings page at…ngs.

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Paul O'Neil:

If your aerial is pre-1983 then it is not suitable for current transmissions and needs to be replaced with a wideband type aerial. Note that there is no such thing as a 'digital' aerial, ALL UHF aerials are suitable for reception of Freeview as the type of encoding is irrelevant to the aerial. What you do need is one that is suitable for the range of signals available from your local transmitter(s). The best way to ensure that is to have a wideband type fitted. That will then be suitable for current and future transmissions.

When giving a post code for helping determine reception conditions, a full post coxe is essential as a partial, as you have given does not trigger the website to find any useful information.

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The advice to reboot your recordeer is very sound advice originating from Panasonic Technical Support. So please do the restart.

The use of channels 55 and 56 is temporary and I understand there are plans to use better types of encoding that allow each multiplex to carry more information, as is the case with the HD multiplexes. When that will happen is unclear.

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Sophie, Lauren and David:

If your recorders are Panasonic, please reboot them. That means switching off the mains supply to them, waiting several minutes (at least 3) and then re3starting them. That has resolved the issue for several owners, but not all.

If you wish to ensure you are receiving the correct multiplexes, please put your post code into the Digital UK Coverage Checker at Digital UK - Coverage checker Then scroll down to see the transmitter you are using. The listing will tell you what channels the various multiplexes are being broadcast on. If necessary, perform a manual tune to get them all correct.

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Juklian Hicks:

Please give a full post code so that we can see where you are in relation to the possible transmitters, whether there are any known reception problems at that location, whether there are mobile phone transmitters potentially causing interference and to get an indication of what the expected reception should be like.

Please also give the signal strength readongs for the multiplexes you have problems with.

From that information we may be able to make some informed suggestions about possible solutions to investigate. Resolving issues such as yours are always very difficult to resolve remotely, especially if we have no idea where you are.

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Wednesday 25 July 2018 3:45PM

Mathew Quinn:

Please put your correct post code into the Digital UK Coverage Checker at Digital UK - Coverage checker I tried using the one you have given but it is not recognised as being a valid code.

Once you have the listing for your location available, check to see what type of aerial is now needed as there may have been changes that take the signals out of the range possible for you current aerial. If that is the case, then changing the aerial to a wideband tyoe will resolve that issue and you may well get all your channels back, but you may need to do a retune after the aerial change.

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Mick King:

StevensOnln1 replied to your post of Tuesday 24th, his reply being less than 3 hours after your original.

Further, if you look at the Digital UK Coverage Checker at Coverage Checker - Detailed View it shows the signal reception conditions expected for your location.

Note that all responses on this website are by means of postings like this one and never via any other method. We will not be ringing you as all of us regular contributors are unpaid but usually very experienced technical people.

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Thursday 26 July 2018 6:11PM

Sam Wilson:

Please provide your full post code so that we can look at what the expected reception is like at your location.

Please also check all the aerial connections from the back of the TV to as near the aerial as you can safely reach, poor connections are a common cause of the signal loss problems you describe.

There may some element of the weather affecting your reception, if so no amount of retuning will resolve it, you just lose some channels that you had before!

There are definitely no problems with the Mendip transmitter as that is my source of Freeview in Trowbridge. With your full post code we could confirm whether Mendip is the best transmitter for your location.

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