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All posts by Dave Lindsay

Below are all of Dave Lindsay's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Clive Dale: The Randwick transmitter carries only Public Service Broadcaster (PSB) channels only. These are BBC, ITV1, ITV1+1, ITV2, Channel 4, Channel 4+1, E4, More 4, Channel 5 and the four HD services.

If the set has manual tuning, then there are three channels used by Randwick:

BBC standard definition: C50
ITV1, ITV2, C4 etc: C43
The four HD services: C46

You appear to be in an area where you can receive the full complement of Freeview channels from Wenvoe, and on Streetview I can see some of your neighbours have gone down this route. However, Wenvoe provides Welsh regional programming.

The unfortunate thing is that because of the frequencies used by Wenvoe and Stroud, it is not possible to have an aerial on each and combine the feeds into one downlead.

You may wish to consider Freesat which will work with your existing dish. There are a few channels that are on full Freeview that are not on Freesat.

If you used an aerial on Wenvoe (without one on Stroud), you could then receive all Freeview channels, including those not on Freesat. You would have to view your native regional programming using Freesat in this case. Unless you had a more complicated set-up where you have a receiver for Stroud and a receiver for Wenvoe.

These are just ideas I'm throwing your way.

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Samuel McCollum: See the page for Limavady. There is engineering works going on which I imagine is in preparation for switchover. Don't do anything such as retuning; you will have to sit it out.

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MFD: The Commercial (COM) multiplexes (which are the three from Hastings that are co-channel with the three [Public Service/PSB] channels from Eastbourne) don't get as good a channels. In some cases new aerials will be needed to receive them and in others they will be unavailable.

In general, the Public Service channels will serve the same areas as the current analogue.

Due to this clash, you will, as you have already found out, not be able to receive the COMs from Hastings.

Rowridge's COMs are also co-channel with Hastings' PSBs, so they "may" act to your detriment.

It looks like the best full service transmitter after switchover will be Heathfield. This will probably mean a new aerial (if your current one is a Group A one). If it is a wideband one, it will be OK.

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Andrew Naylor: Yes, all switched-over transmitters carry HD.

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eric: If your set has manual tuning, then manually tune to C27 for ITV1, ITV2, C4, C5 etc from Hastings. This will change to C28 from 13th June.

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Anne Pearson: Yes. See the posting from Transmitter engineering immediately above yours.

There is engineering work going on at Pontop Pike and you should not retune if you loose reception. The date of the next retune is 12th September.

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Graham: You probably wont wish to do that unless you've got no other option.

Bexhill will only carry Public Service Broadcaster (PSB) channels which are BBC, ITV1, ITV1+1, ITV2, Channel 4, Channel 4+1, E4, More 4, Channel 5 and the four HD services.

The transmitters that broadcast Freeview before switchover will broadcast the full complement of channels after switchover.

If you have difficulty receiving from Hastings, then I suggest you direct your aerial to Heathfield.

Hastings' PSBs will be co-channel with three of Rowridge's channels, so that may or may not affect your reception.

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Andrew Dandridge: If your small TV runs off a set-top aerial, and the main aerial (that serves the main TV) faces the same transmitter, then take the TV to it to tune it.

If you are tuning to the Newhaven transmitter, then it is currently broadcasting only one multiplex and thus there is only one UHF channel to scan for. It is C50, so if you the device has manual tuning, use it.

You should also be aware that the Newhaven transmitter will carry Public Service channels only; it will not carry Commercial channels such as Film4 and Dave.

If you received Freeview before switchover, then you must have been picking it up from another transmitter. All transmitters that carry low-power Freeview before switchover are full-service transmitters after switchover. In such circumstances, you may be able to receive the full service from another transmitter such as Whitehawk or Rowridge.

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Mike: A filter could be used to avoid Rowridge, however Poole's channels are interleaved with those of Mendip.

Before you go down the filter route, try attenuating the signals. Attenuators are a few pounds online.

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Mike: You didn't say that you had a Rowridge aerial !!

The thinking with the attenuator is that the signal from the transmitter to which the aerial faces is the strongest. Therefore, reducing them all should leave the one you want the strongest.

However, as you have two aerials, then obviously Mendip and Rowridge may well be the strongest.

What you do depends on what regional programming you want. Also, if you go with Rowridge's PSBs and Mendip's COMs, this may cause issues with the recording aspect of your PVR (programmes not recording). Some devices don't cope well with signals from different transmitters.

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