My Sky box has a "no signal message" - what do I do?

If you are getting the message "no signal" this would indicate that there is a problem with the signal from your dish into your box. Even without a card inserted into a Sky Digibox, if there is a signal, you will always get Sky Guide and the free channels.
Try powering off your box, remove the card, check carefully the cables, especially the connection to the dish, reapply the power and then when asked to insert your card you should then be able to see (for example) Sky News on 501 and the BBC News channel on 503.
Once you can see any channel, reinsert your card. This should, after about one minute, give you the channels you expect, such as 103, 104 and 105.
There are three ways you can attempt to reset your box. Please see
What can my do when my Sky Digibox says 'No Signal' ?.
If you continue to get "No signal", you dish may have been misaligned, or there may be a fault with the cables and connectors, or a problem with the Digibox. You can see the signal strength by pressing SERVICES, then 4-SYSTEM SETUP and 6-SIGNAL STRENGTH.
2:32 PM
I cannot get my channel it reads nosignal cos I wat to watch e football can u help pls
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8:10 PM
Hi ITV signal has not beenworking all week end, realyy frustrating, keep trying to reset box by turning off etc. say's box isnt getting signal but other channels work ? can you please help GU126QZ
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8:49 PM
Today it has rained nearly all day and this knocks out the signal to our dish.What is the point of paying over £60 a month when you cannot watch anything.I missed both matches on sky 1,Liverpool Man United and Man City v Arsenal.I will change to cable if this carries on because it is ridiculous.I pay money for a crap service and this is totally unacceptable.
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9:19 PM
Jemal Hasan: Only heavy thundery type downpours can affect satellite reception, if though you are not referring to this type of situation then it strongly suggests that your dish is slightly out of alignment, this usually always in the horizontal plane.
You should carry out a signal strength check using the following procedure, if you are using a standard Sky box press: Services - 4 - 6 and the signal strength / quality will be seen, for satisfactory reception both should be sitting at the equivalent of 60% "minimum", as anything less is liable to cause the type of problem you are complaining of.
If you have a Sky+ box then press "services" and you will then see the main menu with "options" being highlighted, highlight the "settings" menu using the right arrow button and press select, then using the left / right arrow buttons scroll to "signal" and press select, this will then display the
signal level indicator bars.
Levels should be as on the standard box.
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7:06 AM
Jemal Hasan: I had also meant to add that if on the signal test the levels are seen to rapidly fluctuate then that can be an indication of water having entered the "F" connector on the dishes LNB, and especially so if either the connector plug shroud (quad blocks) has not been pulled down after the connector was screwed in, or if the self amalgamating tape has not been wrapped around the plug properly to waterproof it.
You can rectify this problem by simply unscrewing the "F" connector from the LNB and then further unscrew it from the coax and dry out any moisture seen with a tissue or whatever, then once completed reassemble again and carry out another signal test.
By the way its best to have the box completely switched off (from mains) during this operation in case you short circuit the coax inner to the connector casing whilst removing same, or of course rather than killing the mains supply to the box simply unscrew the "F" connector from it.
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7:47 PM
this has been happening for quite a while now what do i do
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5:04 PM
i have sky to all my over chanaels but not to the HD chaneals
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6:32 PM
My sky dish is all rusty and starting to give alot of trouble. Am i entitled to a new dish??
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8:33 PM
Rose o connell: If you are experiencing reception difficulties on Sky then its not being caused by the rust but more likely a dish alignment problem.
If you are referring to a standard Sky box press: Services - 4 - 6 and see what levels are being indicated as both signal and quality should be around 60%+, if the indications are under these levels then the dish is slightly out of alignment, or if the signal / quality is fluctuating then this can either be caused by corrosion on the "F" connectors threads or even water having entered the plug, especially if the self amalgamating tape that's usually wrapped around the connector has come off.
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8:20 AM
I appear to have solved my problem of "No signal". My Skybox was hot to touch so I now have it standing vertical with two blocks at the base and the box is much cooler to touch - better ventilation - maybe ?
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