My Sky box has a "no signal message" - what do I do?

If you are getting the message "no signal" this would indicate that there is a problem with the signal from your dish into your box. Even without a card inserted into a Sky Digibox, if there is a signal, you will always get Sky Guide and the free channels.
Try powering off your box, remove the card, check carefully the cables, especially the connection to the dish, reapply the power and then when asked to insert your card you should then be able to see (for example) Sky News on 501 and the BBC News channel on 503.
Once you can see any channel, reinsert your card. This should, after about one minute, give you the channels you expect, such as 103, 104 and 105.
There are three ways you can attempt to reset your box. Please see
What can my do when my Sky Digibox says 'No Signal' ?.
If you continue to get "No signal", you dish may have been misaligned, or there may be a fault with the cables and connectors, or a problem with the Digibox. You can see the signal strength by pressing SERVICES, then 4-SYSTEM SETUP and 6-SIGNAL STRENGTH.
8:03 AM
Yvonne Elliot: Well although your arrangements might seem to be a bit complex I think that what's been provided is basically connected up using the method I described, however the one basic fact remains, being that if your neighbours flats use the same system as your own and they are also experiencing problems with Sky reception then the equipment used to feed the signal into the flats is faulty.
The main qualification to that said is that provided the "connection" facilities offered in the flat as far as Sky is concerned was part of the tenancy agreement when you moved in, and that neither your neighbours or yourself "privately" purchased anything "external" to the flat concerning the dish, because if the above applies then you should contact the housing people as its up to them to rectify the problem.
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12:58 PM
JB 38 A big thanks to yourself for your Time an helping me I will contact housing to find out what the problem is ,when I get a result , I will let you no again thank you . Yvonne .
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5:28 PM
Yvonne Elliot: Yes! please do, as I will be interested in what they say.
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12:26 AM
The two lead in wires are supposed to fit into a female cap that fits over a male outlet from the rear of the box and should then be screwed tight.
But the straight wire has no grip in this fitting to hold it tight of stop it from slipping out. So the contractor who fitted Sky in for us has put a bit useless tape around the plastic coating on the wire and the female cap so stop the connection coming apart. Not a vert professional anwser.
Anyway cant see how the connecting pieces are supposed to be a proper connection without some facility to tighten on the wire.
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7:41 AM
s j little: Although unsure as to whom your posting is aimed at, but if you are referring to the "F" type connectors used to couple the coax into a Sky boxes LNB inputs and have found that the coax slips out of the connector, then its simply because that the installer did not use the correct size of "F" connector to match the "outer" diameter of the coax, as these connectors can be obtained with different "internal" sizes.
The whole principle of these type of connectors is that they grip the coax as they are screwed over the outside of the coax on top of the braiding that has previously been pulled back over the outer cover of same, and the reason that nothing holds the straight centre core wire is because that the middle of Sky boxes "F" type input socket is like a spring loaded clamp that grips the wire when inserted.
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8:17 PM
Slittle: If you are referring to a Sky+ HD box then the card slot is behind a drop down flap on the lower right hand side of the facia slightly under the silver line, its not easy to see as it doesnt have a pull down lip.
This said assuming that its the viewing card slot that you are referring to and not an interactive one? as only the older boxes have them.
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12:00 AM
Still can't get back reception although the wires seem to have reasonable connection.all the stuff about taking card in and out and turning owner off and on. All to no avail?
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12:17 AM
It is perfectively clear that the connection to the dish has no problem whatsoever.
It is the taped back of box connectors which were not securing the inlet wires. The contractor used tape instead of doing a proper job.
All my efforts at getting the signal back are to no avail even with powering off and on and carding in and out and all the other stuff!
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7:51 AM
Slittle: I only replied to what appeared to be a comment regarding the "F" connectors fitted by the engineer who installed your Sky box and not anything concerning your apparent failure to receive a signal, which of course you did not mention anything about.
However on the assumption that the aforementioned applies then you should carry out a proper signal check to see if anything is being indicated, but before doing so "if" you are using a Sky+ box try swapping the two LNB inputs over just in case LNB1 has developed a fault, because if it has the picture will return albeit any attempt to record will fail.
If though the signal test does not reveal any trace of a signal then either the dish has moved out of alignment or the box has developed a fault.
If using a Standard or Sky+ box.
Press: "Services" - 4 - 6 and this will take you onto the signal checking screen.
If using a Sky+ HD box. (latest menu system)
(1): Press "Services" and you will see the main menu with "Options" being highlighted.
(2): Press the right arrow once to change from Options to "Settings" and press on once highlighted.
(3): Finally, scroll to the right to select and press on "Signal", the grey bars now displayed will show you the strength / quality of the signal.
Should any signal be indicated then it has to around the 55% (or equivalent of) minimum level to resolve a picture and especially where the quality is concerned, because if the quality is observed to be under that of the signal strength then that generally indicates that the dish requires slight re-aligning.
If though nothing is being indicated, then the dish could be a bit too far out of alignment for the aforementioned to apply, or the box has developed a fault, this being irrespective of whether its new or not.
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