By providing a full postcode (such as W1A 1AA), national grid reference (for example SE123456) or latitude, longitude pair (like 54, -0.5) this page will provide a map, terrain plot and detailed information of the location showing the UK and RoI television transmitters that it is possible you receive Freeview, Freeview HD, Youview, BT TV and Saorview from.
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UK Free TV uniquely shows you transmitter coverage maps, aerial to transmitter terrain plots, the closest 10 mobile phone masts (for possible 5G-at-800 interference) as well as tabulated information (sorted by direction, by received signal strength, by frequency, by service names or by transmitter name).
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Please note
These predictions are based upon a rooftop aerial and depend on the suitability of the aerial, the distance to the transmitters, the power of their signals, the postcode area, and local terrain.Saturday, 15 February 2014
jb381:16 PM
Neilo: You could of course just carry out the aforementioned procedure by leaving a gap of around 1 hour or so between the tests rather than overnight, the only reason for suggesting same being to introduce a time factor into the test as some types of problem may not always show up straight away.
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Midhurst - all transmissions on 10,000W muxes not receivable. Those on 20,000W muxes mostly okay, with C55 the only mux that's got no issues. Seemed to go off overnight, perhaps due to storms or perhaps around time when engineering work was going on with DAB.
Full reset of all kit and re-tune hasn't helped. Checked aerial and all looks okay.
Plugged in DVBT card to computer to see what it thinks about mux output.
C55 (746.0MHz) 20,000W - all channels fine. No uncorrectable errors in transmission. Quality 58 out of 60
C56 (754.0MHz) 20,000W - all channels fine. 1 to 3 correctable errors per 5 seconds. 1 or 2 uncorrectable errors per 10 seconds. Quality 55 out of 60
C58 (770.0MHz) 20,000W - can't comment as don't have DVB-T2
C54 (738.0MHz) 10,000W - can't view any channels, 1000's of errors per second. Quality 23 out of 60
C59 (778.0MHz) 10,000W - can't tune to - Quality 12 out of 60
C50 (705.0MHz) 10,000W - can't view any channels, 1000's of errors per second. Quality 24 out of 60
Either I've a local issue, or there's a genuine fault with the Midhurst transmitter since they finished the engineering works on DAB last night.
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Dirk's: mapD's Freeview map terrainD's terrain plot wavesD's frequency data D's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Dirk Gently: Perhaps it is an issue with a cable or connector.
The signal mode used for the three COM channel (54, 59 and 50) means they are less resiliant and therefore more fragile than the PSB channels, so this could perhaps explain why the COMs are apparently affected more.
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MikeB11:04 PM
Neilo: What model and make of TV do you have? Tuners, etc tend to be pretty reliable, but JB38 suspicion that the tuner is duff makes sense. If it is dodgy, take it back to where you bought it from - its only a year old.
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Dave Lindsay: Thanks for your idea. I've replaced every cable between wall socket and TV, and also swapped out signal booster for another one just in case - same result.
It will have to wait until tomorrow before I can get in to the loft to see if there's any cable to replace there - my digital aerial goes into a multi-switch to distribute satellite and freeview to multiple rooms. I've powered that multi-switch off/on but that's not made any difference.
Given no one else here has stated issues with Midhurst transmitter, it's clear it's something on my end. But what, I'm not too sure....
Problem is I need the signal boosters on C54, C59 and C50 as without them I don't get sufficient signal to watch TV normally anyway. Only the more powerful transmissions get through without the booster (and indeed signal strength doesn't increase with booster in line for C56 for example).
Thanks anyway - I'll keep trying to diagnose the local issue, but when it's daylight again !
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Dirk's: mapD's Freeview map terrainD's terrain plot wavesD's frequency data D's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Sunday, 16 February 2014
All five HD channels have disappeared from my channel list, I've retuned the set and now the signals are not being found. All normal DTT channels are showing as normal. We obtain excellent reception from Hannington which is in line of sight of the property. Can you help
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James's: mapJ's Freeview map terrainJ's terrain plot wavesJ's frequency data J's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Dirk Gently: Woke up to find Midhurst is now all working again. No changes made on my equipment after my last post yesterday, but C54, C59 and C50 are now all watch-able again.
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Dirk's: mapD's Freeview map terrainD's terrain plot wavesD's frequency data D's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
I have Freeview and have been watching the Olympics Why can I only get Ch301 on Red Button and not Ch302 ?(ST13 6QF postcode)
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Linda's: mapL's Freeview map terrainL's terrain plot wavesL's frequency data L's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Dave Hagen5:51 PM
Chester Le Street
Briantist,still the same result when I put my postcode DH2 3HZ in to the Freeview predictor,no mention of the Pontop Pike transmitter only Fenham 7 Bilsdale. Can you amend this at all? Cheers ................Dave.
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Dave's: mapD's Freeview map terrainD's terrain plot wavesD's frequency data D's Freeview Detailed Coverage
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