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How do I change the RF output channel on a Sky Digibox?

How do I change the RF output channel on a Sky Digibox?

How do I change the RF output channel on a Sky Digibox?
published on UK Free TV

Press the [SERVICES] button and then press [4] [0] [1] then [SELECT]

Then press [4] to go to the RF output menu.

You can now change the value so that it does not clash with an analogue TV channel or a Freeview multiplex.

HD and "new EPG" boxes

If you have a HD box, press [SERVICES] button and then press [0] [0] [1] then [SELECT]. Nothing is shown on the TV screen until you press the Select button.

Then use the [RIGHT] arrow button on the remote until this screen is shown, and press SELECT to change the values:

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Sunday, 25 January 2015

1:23 PM

Abbey: Well, I do have to admit that I had assumed the downlead from your Freeview aerial was located adjacent to the Sky box, this lead (as you have mentioned) being connected into the I.O ports aerial input socket rather than into the aerial input socket on a Sky box, the usual way of doing things.

However, although what you are presently doing should (in theory anyway) work, rather than go to the trouble of making any radical changes to your wiring, I would like you to carry out a test by leaving the connection coming up from the I.O port modulator as it is, but unplug the roof aerial connection into the SLx device, checking if this action enables you to change channels on the Sky box. If it has? then that's OK, but if you cannot, change the feed "from" the I.O port modulator over to the "input" on the SLx previously used by the roof aerial and see if this corrects the "no channel change" problem.

The reason for this request is, that although your SLx 27824BMG distribution amplifier may well have two inputs, they are not both the same as each other, one being for the TV and the other for VHF radio, this latter input having an attenuating effect on any signals in excess of 300Mhz being fed into it, which of course applies to all TV channels, the fact that the situation apparently changes by swapping the leads over most likely due to the TV signals from either the Freeview aerial on the roof, or alternatively coming up from the I.O modulator being fed into an input on your SLx device not intended for TV use.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
2:52 PM

Sorry to be a pain - the aerial cable comes into the main room and doesn't get plugged into the SLX box directly (there is only 1 input cable plugged into the SLX box - now it may be that I have plugged it into the wrong input socket?)
I plugged the aerial cable into the RF input socket in IO box and connected the cable that is currently plugged into the RF2 socket in the existing sky box into the output box, with this set up I get freeview channels on all tvs (except for the main tv) and I could watch Sky but was unable to change via the magic eye.
I removed the aerial cable and I could still see sky but still wasn't able to change the channels.
When I plugged the RF2 cable into the "in" socket and the aerial cable into the out, I got the sky channels on all tvs and was able to turn them over but I do not have any freeview.

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Abbey's 9 posts GB flag
3:27 PM

Abbey: I've connected my old box up again, and it works perfectly sky eyes and freeview, I tried switching the input cables in the roof space but in the other slot I had no reception. I'm wondering is the IO port faulty?

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Abbey's 9 posts GB flag

4:38 PM

Abbey: Does your slx amplifier have its own power supply or does it get its power from your sky box, if the latter the io links don't output enough power for the magic eyes to work. You need an io link that you can connect a power supply to.

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mazbar's 384 posts GB flag
5:25 PM

mazbar: It has its own power supply - everything works perfectly on the old skybox just as soon as I add the new box with IO port the magic eyes don't work (but they do have power to them as the red light is on)

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Abbey's 9 posts GB flag

5:31 PM

Mazbar : You beat me to it, as that was going to be my next point based on Abbey's 2:52pm update.

Abbey: If you click on the link you will see the type of device Mazbar has mentioned, remembering the the power supply is a separate purchase as seen in "frequently bought together" under the main advert.

Triax Link RF Output for Sky HD Box: Electronics

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
5:46 PM

Thanks all - yes I think I will purchase the 3 port link with additional power supply.
I'll let you know if it works :)

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Abbey's 9 posts GB flag

9:14 PM

Abbey: Yes, please do, but please ensure that the RF output port on the I.O modulator (RF2 on the one in the link) is fed into the UHF input socket on the SLx amplifier and not the one marked FM.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
10:54 PM

will do and checked this when I was in the roof space earlier :)

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Abbey's 9 posts GB flag
Saturday, 31 January 2015
4:06 PM

Abbey: Hi just wanted to let you know that I am eventually up and running - thank goodness :) :)
Thank you all for your help and assistance

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Abbey's 9 posts GB flag

6:43 PM

Abbey: Good news then!!, pleased to see that you have managed to resolve the magic eyes I.O. port problem.

Thanks for the updating us on this.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
Sunday, 8 March 2015
8:09 PM

i have purchased an LG 32LB580v tv and cannot get my magic link to connect through, is there something i am missing, all i get are the digital channels

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peter's 2 posts GB flag

8:55 PM

peter : At the time of purchasing TV, did you opt to pay the extra for the "magic" remote and also the Bluetooth dongle that matches it? as the pointer facility will not work with the standard remote.

Of course that is "if" you are referring to this feature?

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
9:02 PM

jb38: I have the dongle but haven't used it as i'm connected by wi fi. I have the magic remote but don't see if that would help. The prob i have is that the only input that comes up is antenna, which automatically links to the digital channels/freeview and not the magic link. The link is on , light showing red but doesn't seem to appear. I went into the retailer i purchased it from and they were more clueless than me, if thats possible

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peter's 2 posts GB flag

9:40 PM

peter: Unfortunately, my hands are somewhat tied at this present time by not having access to the full manual, but have a study at the 3rd and 4th down in the link under the help library section and see if this sheds any light on the matter.

LG 32LB580V Support: Find Manuals & Warranty Info | LG UK

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag

9:46 PM

peter: To be fair, I wouldn't have a clue either, and I dont think its anything to do with the TV, as such (the dongle is a bluetooth one which connects to the magic remote if you've bought one seperately - it comes in the packet).

The first thing you are going to need is an analouge tuner. Now, according to Richer Sounds website, it does have one, although where I work, it just says Freeview HD. On the other hand, it seems to say nowt at all about any tuners on the LG website, and since I know that TV also has a generic sat. tuner in the back, its not much help.

Assuming it does have an analogue tuner, your problem seems to be picking it up. A quick google found this:

Connecting new LG Smart TV to Sky box as 2nd TV

That makes (sort of) sense. The main tuner is Freeview HD, so is not going to pick up the analogue signal. Since I dont have an LG TV, I'm not familiar with the setup (although MikeP actually has exactly the same model TV), but hopefully the manual can help. It seems 'cable' is what it wants, not the main tuner. I'm not surprised you didn't get too much joy from where you went for help, because I suspect that with Sky multi-room, Sky Eye is less popular than it once was.

Your not alone. There is a huge guide on Sky Eyes on AV Forum: The Definitive SkyLink Magic Eye Guide | AVForums

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
Monday, 9 March 2015

9:25 PM


My TV is a 32LB585v which has no analogue tuner but does have facilities for digital terrestrial, cable and satellite reception. You may want to look at LG 32LB580V Support: Find Manuals & Warranty Info | LG UK to download the User Manual for your TV set, save the download to disk and extract the contents - it's all in html format so can be read in your browser after the extraction completes.

My model has a DVB-T2 tuner for HD and can get satellite HD serrvices as well.

I have the 'magic remote' but we don't use it and we don't have any other 'dongle' either, so I'm afraid I can't be of much help with that aspect of your question.

I do know that when I need to tune/retune our set I have to select which tuner system I want to tune. It can be either just the Freeview, or the Freeview plus Cable or the Freeview plus cable plus satellite (and there can be more than one satellite setting!). The USer Manual helps but is not entirely descriptive so you have to work it out between the manual and the screen menu displays on the set.

If you definitely want an analogue tuner, then there are some available from on-line sellers but almost all of them are designed for use via a USB socket on a PC so may not work on the TV as the resolution may not match.

Hope that helps a little?

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MikeP's 3,056 posts GB flag
Tuesday, 10 March 2015

3:58 PM

peter: There is analogue tuners on all lg TVs. First make sure your sky is on, then go to auto tune on your lg it will have a box that says digital only do not tick it just go to next and allow it to do a full tune this should find your sky channel. At the top of the remote there is a button that says tv/radio press this it will go between the digital, digital radio then the analogue that is where the sky will be.

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mazbar's 384 posts GB flag

7:22 PM

mazbar: Thanks for that - I was wondering about the setup. I assumed they did have an analogue tuner, but connecting it and setting up is a different matter.

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
Wednesday, 11 March 2015

9:09 AM

Maybe the software differs as mine does not even try to tune any analogue signals in Bands 4 and 5! Even if I have none of the options (Digital, Cable, Satellite) selected! It doesn't even try to tune then. Plus LG make no mention of any of these models having an analogue capability. If I select just one of the mentioned options, that is all it tries to tune, so by selecting all of them it tries to tune all connections but still does not show any scan for analogue signals on channels between 21 and 68 that were used for the analogue transmissions. It finds all the digital signals available locally, all the satellite signals being received by the 60 cm dish and looks at the 'cable' option but as we do not have a cable connection it finds nothing.
This response based on a recheck this morning having read your comment.

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MikeP's 3,056 posts GB flag

10:24 AM

MikeP: I have the 42 inch version and ger an analogue picture on my main sky perfect you might need a professional to set it up right for you ;-)

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mazbar's 384 posts GB flag
Thursday, 12 March 2015

8:25 AM

I am a retired 'professional'! I don't follow why you mention Sky as that is a digital satellite service, unless you are using a Sky box with an RF output and you are refering to that 'local' source being seen on your TV?

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MikeP's 3,056 posts GB flag

2:24 PM

MikeP: I'm using rf2 to feed the whole house I have 2 lg TVs each picks them up on the analogue channel 35, picture is perfect and magic eyes work just fine. I mention sky as that is now the only thing that outputs an analogue signal. That is what the other person wanted to know.

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mazbar's 384 posts GB flag

7:31 PM

Other equipment outputs RF signals and some later Sky 'boxes' do not unless an 'add on' modulator is fitted.

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MikeP's 3,056 posts GB flag

7:55 PM

MikeP: Yes but the point is lg TVs have a analogue tuner in them

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mazbar's 384 posts GB flag

8:46 PM

MikeP / (Mazbar) : I feel that the confusion surrounding the issue of analogue reception on these LB580V models is basically down to the fact of this mode not being specifically mentioned in either the set menu, or indeed the manual, even although the model "is" capable of analogue reception, as verified today by LG's technical department.

I think that the secret of successfully storing an analogue channel is for the analogue source to be there in the first place, as mentioned by Mazbar, i.e: coupled into the Sky boxes RF1/2 output socket (or I.O. port modulator) and with said Sky box (or modulator) switched on and outputting a signal.

The second stage being "not" to select any particular mode to scan, as doing so would then restrict the box from going through the "full" scanning mode which includes analogue tuning, albeit that this mode, or anything received in same, is only revealed (TV/ Radio button) once something has been captured.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
7:56 AM

where can i get softcam keys for all.
most of my chanals say no or bad signal or scrambled.
100 cm dish. technomate 5420 hd sat box.

Regards Tony.
7.53 am. 3/25/15.

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tony's 1 post GB flag
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
Ian Steel
8:14 PM

Hi all.
I've just had a new sky box fitted as the old one gave up the ghost. I had a channel changer on my upstairs tv.

It looks the same but I haven't got the rf out option and I'd like to change the channels on the upstairs tv.

Hope you can help.


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Ian Steel's 3 posts GB flag

8:49 PM

Ian Steel: If you are referring to a late edition Sky+HD box? then these devices are not fitted with RF modulators, therefore the way of getting around the problem is by purchasing a device called an I.O port modulator. This is effectively an external RF modulator which is connected into the I.O port on the rear of your box and which performs exactly the same as the previous internal same.

These devices can be obtained from a variety of suppliers such as e-bay or Amazon etc, the undermentioned links used purely to illustrate the type of device I am referring to.


Triax IO Link RF Output FOR SKY HD BOX USE 370419 | eBay

If though you are not referring to the aforementioned? then please give the model number of the box in question.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
11:36 AM

Wow, thanks for the quick answer.
The box is made by Pace and Model number is 1.3.54 version number 9F0C02.

I'm pretty sure it's not HD as Sky had to have several goes to register it.

There are 2 RF outlets on the back below another co ax ariel inlet.

I now have a picture upstairs but the changer light isn't on and I can't change channels.

Many thanks for your time.


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Ian's 3 posts GB flag

7:03 PM

Ian: Try the following.

Make sure that you have the coax to the other room connected into the boxes RF2 outlet and "not" RF1.

(1) Press : Services then 4 (picture highlighted)

(2) Press : 0 - 0 - 1 - Select (this will take you into the installers menu)

(3) Select : 4 - then press on RF outlets.

(4) Finally : Ensure that RF2 power is switched on.

(By the way, when you press 0 - 0 -1 - Select, do it in continuous fashion)

If the Sky link light is still off, try connecting it straight into the Sky boxes RF2 outlet.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
Friday, 22 May 2015
9:31 PM

Hi Jb38.
Yes, that's got it.

Many thanks for your time and help.


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Ian's 3 posts GB flag
Saturday, 6 June 2015
9:09 AM

I have a normal (not HD or HD +Sky box} sky box, can I use this box connected to a arial in the loft to receive non subscription TV, my area is fully covered for Free TV

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Hill's 1 post GB flag

8:46 PM

Hill: No! as you are referring to two completely different operating systems, insomuch that satellite reception can only be achieved via a dish, whereas aerials are only suitable for use with "freeview" devices.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
Monday, 8 June 2015
9:06 PM

I dont know if iam asking the right question on here so here goes. Iam thinking of getting rid of sky and going for a BT package with tv, could i still use my satelite dish with this or would i have to install another aerial..thanks

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Clare's 2 posts GB flag

10:15 PM

Clare: You will ned an aerial - the BT box is basically a Humax PVR, which is Freeview. Easiest thing is to swap out your Sky box for a Freesat PVR - the Humax is basically the goto box. The current model is the 1000S, has a 1 gb hard drive, and costs about £209. It also gets you Freetime, which is catchup TV. You can buy a wireless dongle for it if you need it, but the 1010S (the white one) is around thirty quid more and has the wifi bult in.

If you want BT Sports, you'll need their box, or use their app or via PC.

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
Brian Porter
4:50 PM

Sudden weak RF signal output from Sky HD box (Amstrad). The Sky signal is fine and so is the Freeview signal but we have extended the Sky output to other rooms using the RF output. It has benn fine for a number of years but suddenly the RF output is poor. We have had 4G recently turned on but as our Freeveiw is fine we're mystified. I have tried a 4G filter on the RF input on the Sky box with which has given a tiny improvement on one (closest) of the four addition TVs the RF output feeds. Any help would be very much appreciated.

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Brian Porter's 5 posts GB flag

9:27 PM

Brian PorterIt is possible that the RF output from your Sky box is set to be within the band used for 4G. Can you check what the RF channel setting is and let us know please? Use the instructions at the top of this page to guide you. Any channel number from 60 upwards could have problems with 4G interference.

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MikeP's 215 posts FR flag
MikeP's: mapM's Freeview map terrainM's terrain plot wavesM's frequency data M's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Wednesday, 10 June 2015

12:20 AM

Brian Porter : The best way to test if 4G is responsible for your problem is simply by temporarily removing the aerial from your sky boxes "aerial input" socket.

If the problem vanishes, then it could be that either 4G is responsible, or that your Sky boxes RF modulator is set on a channel used by a Freeview transmitter, unable to advise on the best channel to use as you haven't provided your location, this preferably being in the form of a post code or one from nearby, i.e: a shop / post office.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
Brian Porter
11:56 AM

Thank you MikeP & JB38 for your responses. My location is Crawley Down, (nr East Grinstead) West Sussex. However, I (we) cannot get to the settings for the RF channel output. It's an Amstarad (HD) model number R010.070.91.00P / version 4F3005. Also, disconnecting the RF aerial as suggested solves the problem! So, hopefully all we need do is to change the RF output channel - so help there please. Many thanks to both of you.

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Brian Porter's 5 posts GB flag
Brian Porter
2:04 PM

Update - RF output channel is 35. Have put free 4G filter in loft on aerial input side of masthead amp. It has improved things considerably so we're on the right track but the picture is still down in quality a fair bit. Is there a different amplifier for the loft/masthead? Again, many thanks for your help folks.

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Brian Porter's 5 posts GB flag
Brian Porter
2:06 PM

I meant different filter needed for the loft/masthead amp? Also don't understand why the interference if we'll away from the 60 & above RF channels.

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Brian Porter's 5 posts GB flag
Monday, 13 July 2015
tr 79
6:19 PM

I am trying to turn on the power for RF2 I know the procedure but what ever I do it only shows manage my account details

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tr 79's 1 post GB flag
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
1:26 PM

Read your article today and changed my sky +box channel to 37 (from 68). It works and my 4g phone connection does not interfere with the Sky RF out TV picture anymore in the other room! Brilliant.Thanks.

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NVHappy's 1 post GB flag
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
j .b.smith
12:46 PM

I am on Sky and have been having interference on the picture and sound for 12 months sky have been out but failed to solve the problem An independent engineer has been and alter the rf channel to 28 ,all interference has now stopped .The engineer said it was from our 4g mobile phones. Now Sky say they will not attend my equipment and will not guarantee any further visits as rf channel 28 isa illegal on their equipment . Have you any thoughts on matter

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j .b.smith's 1 post GB flag

1:10 PM

j .b.smith:

It would appear that you are using the RF Out connection from your Sky box rather than any SCART or HDMI connection. In which case there is no legal requirement for any particular channel to be used, it normally being chosen to avoid causing or receiving signals from other sources and hence causing or suffering interference. I very much doubt Sky would have officially said it was illegal to use ch28 for your RF output, the RF modulator, where fitted, is capable of being tuned to any UHF channel from 21 to 68 (though I am uncertain whether that applies to the 'add-on' RF boxes needed by many Sky HD boxes to provide an RF output). It is more likely that a 'call centre' operative has misunderstood the issue.

4G signals are transmitted currently in the range ch60 to 68, so if your RF output had been set close to anything in that range you will have experienced some interference from such if they are in reasonable proximity to your location. By adjusting the RF output channel to one well outside that range will have helped alleviate the problem. But you also need to avoid the channels used by any Freeview transmitter in your area, a list for each transmitter is provided elsewhere on this website. Else you can put you post code into this site and then see the details of the recommended transmitter for your area.

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MikeP's 215 posts GB flag
MikeP's: mapM's Freeview map terrainM's terrain plot wavesM's frequency data M's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Friday, 8 January 2016
8:25 PM

Hi, I'm trying to use the RF OUT so that I can view my sky upstairs. I'm using a aerial power booster which gives me full power for freeview, however, the analog is picking up the channel but has interference, I have switched on the RF out power. Could it be the channel setting which is on 68 which is the problem? Is so what channel should it be on? I live in rainham, essex

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Sunny's 1 post GB flag
Saturday, 9 January 2016

12:21 AM

Sunny: If there any mobile phone masts in your area? you might possibly be picking up interference from 4G transmissions, and so nowadays its best keeping away from channels in this range. I would try setting the Sky boxes RF output channel on 38, as this channel is not used by any Freeview transmitters within your reception area.

However on the subject of the aerial booster, and especially "if" of the higher powered variety, unfortunately these devices are capable of causing a high level of noise (grain) on the analogue based picture, the easy way to tell if this applies in your case or not being by switching off the booster whilst viewing some "Sky" programme on the upstairs TV.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
Saturday, 16 January 2016
11:27 PM

Hi All,

What is the difference between the 2 RF outputs on the back of my SKY+ HD box? My house is wired with a Loft Box, and I have the 2 dish cables coming in to the lounge and in to the SKY box, then a cable going up to the Loft Box. I have tried this in RF1 and RF2 and don't really notice any difference.

I would say my picture quality in the other rooms fed by the Loft Box are OK - probably standard def quality.

When I put the cable in one of the other rooms through a Freeview Box I reckon I get a better picture on nonHD channels using that than I do coming from the Sky box. If I connect the Freeview coax output 'back' to the TV Aerial Input for the Sky TV - then the Sky picture is horrendously grainy. Sound about right??

I'm currently using RF Channel 41 - in Londonderry, Northern Ireland.


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Gary's 1 post GB flag
Sunday, 17 January 2016

9:16 AM

Gary: The only difference between RF1 and RF2 outputs on a Sky box is that the latter output offers a switchable 9 volts power on/off facility, the purpose of being to enable the channel being viewed on the Sky box in a second location to be changed via a device called a "magic eye" installed in said location, as apart from that both outputs are identical.

As far as your grainy picture is concerned, go into the boxes set up menu and change the RF output channel you are using to 38, not forgetting to retune the TV used in the other location to match the change, as channel 41 is the Mux channel used by Londonderry's Freeview HD transmitter, this being the most likely reason for the problem with the "analogue" picture.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
Sunday, 31 January 2016
7:12 PM

Thank you so much for the very useful help and easy to understand instructions on here ..... whoever is responsible for the sky troubleshooting guides has done a brilliant job ... deserve a huge pat on the back !! Thanks again... Caron

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Caron's 1 post GB flag
Saturday, 6 February 2016
Maria corcoran
9:18 PM

I have sky plus in downstairs room. Have 2 way DA tv in and two out cables. Can't get my magic eye to work re: remote to change channels etc. trout it was magic eye bought 3 now! Red light nor working- frustrated please help.

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Maria corcoran's 1 post IE flag

11:37 PM

Maria corcoran : No quite sure as to exactly what you are meaning, but try connecting your magic eye directly into your Sky boxes RF2 output socket, if the red light fails to illuminate then make sure that RF2's power is switched on as per instructions shown at the top of this page.

If though the magic eye does illuminate when connected directly into the RF2 output socket, then your problem has to be caused by the coax from said socket passing through some device that is killing the DC voltage that operates the magic eye, anything in line (if not of a continuous nature) having to be "Sky magic eye compatible".

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
Tuesday, 23 February 2016
Steve Wright
12:13 PM

Hi, Can anyone please help? Have set up Tv in another room via RF outlet from Sky Box using a Magic eye. , I have checked that the RF Out is ON , both the Main Tv source and the new TV set up is 'On' they are along with having the same Channel Number being 21 ,The Magic eye is illuminated but I cannot get the SKY menu up on the screen of the new TVs, can any please advise what could be.wrong ? Regards

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Steve Wright's 1 post GB flag
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
2:33 PM

How do I find a free channel for rf modulator in ballyclare, bt399sp . What site do I use or can anyone tell me. Thanks

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john's 4 posts GB flag

3:36 PM

john: On the assumption that you are referring to a Sky boxes RF modulator? C36 or C37 would appear as being reasonably safe from being interfered with by Freeview transmitters.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
4:42 PM

Hi jb
It's actually from a rf modulator from a cctv dvr but can't get a clear picture other from ch 1 on a different tv. Need to be above 21 for the others so will give those a try. Am I right in what I'm at? Cheers

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john's 4 posts GB flag

5:24 PM

john: What you have mentioned did cross my mind after having posted my reply, however it doesn't really make any difference to the situation, as the RF output signal from the DVR is virtually the same as that from a Sky boxes RF1/2 output sockets, i.e: a modulated AM signal.

By the way, the two channels mentioned were chosen after having checked the Mux channel numbers used by the three Freeview stations indicated as being receivable at your location, namely : Divis - Carnmoney Hill and Black Mountain.

However, should by any chance you still get interference using either 36 or 37, if you have a normal aerial looping through the DVR? (as done with Sky boxes) see if the situation clears up if you remove it.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
7:51 PM

Still slot of snow on the pic and hardly see the picture , no other aerial connected
Just sky through same booster, why does one of my tv's able to connect to channel 1 from rf mod but the rest is from ch21?

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john's 4 posts GB flag

8:46 PM

john : A snowy picture on an analogue TV, or at least a Freeview TV set on analogue rather than DVB, is always a sign of a weak signal, are you sure that the jumper lead connecting the DVR to the TV isn't faulty?.

On the subject of connections, what do you mean by "Sky via a booster"?, maybe you could clarify as to what method you are using to connect the RF outputs from both the Sky box and CCTV camera into the TV? or alternatively, is the Sky box coupled into the TV via either a scart or HDMI lead, and the RF output from the CCTV camera is being fed directly into the TV's aerial socket?

The latter method giving the choice of viewing Sky on the TV by using the "input select" button on the TV's remote control, whereas the CCTV camera can be viewed by setting the TV on analogue, then tuning same to pick up the RF output from the CCTV camera, remembering to store the channel its received on.

If though you are using the RF outputs from both the Sky box and CCTV camera, make sure they are not set on the same channel, as one will interfere with the other if both switched on at the same time.

Maybe you could indicate the model of CCTV camera in question.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
9:52 PM

Both the sky and cctv are into a distribution amp and go around the house to different rooms, I can get sky with a good picture on channel 68 but the cctv isn't. It's a securicam dvr with output put through a rf modulator would another amp at the tv make the pic any better. The picture is good on channel 1 but can only tune into it on the small flat screen in the kitchen, all the others start at ch 21.

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john's 4 posts GB flag
Thursday, 10 March 2016

12:12 AM

john: The channel 1 you refer to has to represent an actual frequency, the question being, exactly what the frequency is? as the modulator is the reason for your problem. To help further clarify the situation, maybe you could indicate the brand model of the TV used in the kitchen, plus also the brand / model number of the modulator being used, these required in order to check the specs of both devices.

By the way, introducing an additional amplifier into the system is liable to make the situation worse.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
Saturday, 21 May 2016
6:46 PM

With a 4G filter fitted to the RF input of your Skybox or distribution Channels 64 and upwards should be useable in most places ?

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Mike's 5 posts GB flag
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Phillip Ellis
4:52 PM

Brian ,
Is it possible to split the two leads from my Sky dish supplying my Sky HD+ box and use them individually
to support two HD+ boxes, each set up for single cable supply. One box I would use for my Sky
and the other as a Freesat box in an other room , if this is possible would I need to turn off the LNB POWER supply on the secondary box .
I know this sounds like a cockeyed way of going about things but to get to the dish to add extra cables
would be a nightmare .
Yours with fingers crossed. Phil.

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Phillip Ellis's 1 post GB flag

7:02 PM

Phillip Ellis : Yes, if you are indeed meaning to use them individually. Although I suppose that you are aware of the limitations imposed on recording when using a single supply cable? insomuch that you cannot view a different channel to the one being recorded unless they are both on the same transponder frequency, although if you tried this whilst recording a message warning of "not possible" or similar would appear on the screen.

Leave the LNB power on, as channel changing in a Satellite box (Sky or Freesat) involves sending instructions to the LNB port being used in the form of a voltage (Hi/Low) for polarity switching, and a tone (On/Off) for band changing, needless to say, each of the boxes sending a different combination of both voltage and tone to the LNB port being used dependant on the programme channel being viewed, as although the LNB has two ports, they operate individually.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
Thursday, 7 July 2016

1:50 PM

Phillip Ellis:

You cannot split satellite signal feeds so that two Sky/Freesat boxes get full control over what is received. Each of the coaxial feeds not only carries the signal down from the LNB but also carries the supply power up as well as the control signals. These are sourced individually from the Sky/Freesat box for each of the two downleads normally used. There are satellite signal splitters available but they only allow one of the Sky/Freesat boxes to control the individual LNB. That means that one box sets the LNB for what polarity and what band it receives. Because of that, the second box has no control and has to receive the same as the 'main' box! Also because of that recording on both boxes can be a nightmare with lost programmes or parts thereof!

The only successful way to have two, or more, boxes running off the same LNB assembly is to have a quad (to feed two boxes) or an octal (to feed up to 4 boxes) LNB with individual cables brought down to the several box locations. If your existing dish is giving good reception then this should continue as long as any change to the LNB is done correctly (the skew angles are important).

I'm afraid it has to be a case of 'biting the bullet' and having the extra cables laid in and a possible change of LNB at the same time. Note that adding a second dish of any size onto the same building would require planning permission, which is not always granted.

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MikeP's 3,056 posts GB flag

5:40 PM

Phillip Ellis : Re query on splitting Sky+ box cables. Although you had actually mentioned "split", which as MikeP has correctly said cannot be done, my reply was purely based on the assumption that you intended to "separate" the Sky+box cables from each other, using each as an individual Sky+box feed, this being why you had mentioned setting the Sky boxes for single input use.

However, on having re read your posting, I now feel that my assumption on your intentions were incorrect, and as such nullifies the content of my reply, therefore please disregard that said.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
Monday, 19 September 2016
Neil H
10:35 AM

I live in ST11 postcode area and have recently started to get interference on bedroom & dining room TV's thro' Sky Magic eye. RF is set to 68 which now appears to be used by 02. Which would be the best RF output channel to use in my area.

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Neil H's 3 posts GB flag
Neil's: mapN's Freeview map terrainN's terrain plot wavesN's frequency data N's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Friday, 16 March 2018
Les Anderson
4:22 PM

I have installed a amplifier via a IO link to give me controllable Sky in a further 4 rooms plus my original TV and although all TVs work plus magic eyes the picture is poor especially on the furthest TV.
Is there any way to boost to a better picture or is it simply a matter of changing RF channel which at the moment is 68 to eliminate any interference.

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Les Anderson's 4 posts GB flag

11:08 PM

Les Anderson: UHF channel 68 is in the 800MHz band which is now used for 4G mobile broadband services. You would be better off finding a clear channel below 60 (please provide a full postcode so that we can see which transmitters are available at your location and identify a channel not likely to be in use).

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StevensOnln1's 3,695 posts GB flag
Tuesday, 27 March 2018
Les Anderson
6:39 PM

Thanks Steve
Sorry for the slow reply,
My post code is LS25 7QS.

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Les Anderson's 4 posts GB flag
Les's: mapL's Freeview map terrainL's terrain plot wavesL's frequency data L's Freeview Detailed Coverage

7:13 PM

Les Anderson: Going by the Digital UK postcode checker, UHF channel 22 should be fairly clear at your location, both now and following the completion of the 700MHz clearance program.

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StevensOnln1's 3,695 posts GB flag
Wednesday, 28 March 2018
Les Anderson
10:32 AM

Will give it a go.

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Les Anderson's 4 posts GB flag
Les Anderson
11:58 AM

Stevens Onln 1
Have installed amplifier and tuned Sky Channel to your suggestion then tuned TVs accordingly and all is working perfectly.
Many thanks.

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Les Anderson's 4 posts GB flag
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Denise Harvey
12:53 PM

I have the same problem as Mr Anderson above, my post code is AL7 2DZ

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Denise Harvey's 1 post GB flag
Denise's: mapD's Freeview map terrainD's terrain plot wavesD's frequency data D's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Thursday, 14 June 2018
Wendy Waugh
10:13 PM

I have the exact same problem as Mr Anderson.
My postcode is NR9 3QJ
If you could suggest a channel I would be very grateful.
Many thanks.

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Wendy Waugh's 2 posts GB flag
Wendy's: mapW's Freeview map terrainW's terrain plot wavesW's frequency data W's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Friday, 15 June 2018

4:39 PM

Wendy Waugh:

Looking at the currently used channels in your area and those predicted for use in the foreseeable future, I would suggest trying setting your Sky box' RF output to channel 34 and then tuning your TV to that (it would avoid any potential interference with other signals). However, it would be better to use an HDMI lead, if your TV and Sky box have that faciltity. If they dont, then could you use a SCART lead, the one that uses 21 pins to feed the signals. That way, you don't need to use the RF output and would get a better quality of picture and sound. If you can use the HDMI lead, then you could even watch the HD versions if your TV set is capable of showing them. A Freeview HD equiped TV set would be able to show them - the HD images are substantially clearer than SD.

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MikeP's 3,056 posts GB flag
Saturday, 16 June 2018
Wendy Waugh
4:40 AM

Wendy Waugh: thank you very much Mike P.
We managed to tune to channel 68 for now but will definitely do as you suggest for the future,

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Wendy Waugh's 2 posts GB flag

3:26 PM


Glad you got some service. However, Channel 68 is very likely to suffer from interference later as it is in the range used now and in the future for 4G and maybe 5G mobile serices, so it is best to avoid anything above channel 60. It is also wise to avoid any of the channels used by transmitters whose signals may reach your location. That is why I suggested using channel 34 as none of the transmitters in your area use that channel.

As I stated, it is better to use an HDMI lead if at all possible, else use a SCART lead if the TV and Sky box do not have HDMI sockets.

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MikeP's 3,056 posts GB flag
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
11:15 AM

My sky box will not record or give synopsis of programmes since I connected an I/0 modulator to rf output can you help me..?

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Liam's 1 post GB flag

11:20 AM


Why did you connect the I/O modulator to an RF output? That output is meant to be connected via coaxial cable to a TV set/STB.

Does removing the modulator restore the services?

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MikeP's 3,056 posts GB flag
Tuesday, 26 February 2019
5:19 PM

What would be the bets Rf output channel to use at EH3 7LA. Had previously switched to 35 but now having problems with interference again

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Jen's 1 post GB flag
Jen's: mapJ's Freeview map terrainJ's terrain plot wavesJ's frequency data J's Freeview Detailed Coverage

10:15 PM


You could use any channels above 58. Both of your local transmitters, Black Hill and Craigkelly use channels 55 and 56 for the COM7 and COM8 services. The channels used by them are shown here: Coverage Checker - Detailed View

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MikeP's 3,056 posts GB flag
Wednesday, 27 February 2019
Ian Pledger
6:33 PM

We have sky plus ,one box goes to 3 tv. In the evening 2 of the tv will not work off their remotes but on the main tv sky works. All TVs work perfectly during the day.

Hope you can help, Ian

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Ian Pledger's 1 post GB flag

6:37 PM

Ian Pledger: What do you mean by not working off their remotes?

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StevensOnln1's 3,695 posts GB flag
Thursday, 7 November 2019
anthony callaghan
4:15 PM

Hello, I have a sky box in lounge with a feed out of RF2 to the attic, then a dc power pass splitter sending signal to 4 other tv's with magic eyes attached to each. They have been working fine for a year or so but now i cant turn over any of the other tvs, yet the lights are on the magic eyes. Any ideas of what has gone rong

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anthony callaghan's 1 post GB flag
Saturday, 4 April 2020
Michael Roebuck
7:28 PM

Any one help tried most of the sky boxs fixes even gotasignalmetertried2boxstotalreseton one but still says no signal althought on meter shows strong signal faultcode29 newlnbfittedstill notworkresetlnbanythoughts dont pay for sky only use free channals for last 1 10yearsivytaken down by neighboure but he says didnt move 0

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Michael Roebuck's 2 posts GB flag
Michael Roebuck
7:33 PM

anthony callaghan: fault code 29 tried calling everthing except moving dish

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Michael Roebuck's 2 posts GB flag
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