My Sky box has a "no signal message" - what do I do?

If you are getting the message "no signal" this would indicate that there is a problem with the signal from your dish into your box. Even without a card inserted into a Sky Digibox, if there is a signal, you will always get Sky Guide and the free channels.
Try powering off your box, remove the card, check carefully the cables, especially the connection to the dish, reapply the power and then when asked to insert your card you should then be able to see (for example) Sky News on 501 and the BBC News channel on 503.
Once you can see any channel, reinsert your card. This should, after about one minute, give you the channels you expect, such as 103, 104 and 105.
There are three ways you can attempt to reset your box. Please see
What can my do when my Sky Digibox says 'No Signal' ?.
If you continue to get "No signal", you dish may have been misaligned, or there may be a fault with the cables and connectors, or a problem with the Digibox. You can see the signal strength by pressing SERVICES, then 4-SYSTEM SETUP and 6-SIGNAL STRENGTH.
10:19 AM
hi my 2nd box in the bedroom has been saying no signal for 4 days now i followed ur instructions and it says there is no ative phone line. i moved in to this house on the 22/06 and havent had my phone line working since i moved but havent got round to ringing up about it yet as im 36 weeks pregnent and cant get down to the phone socket to do all the checkes they will ask me to do is there any thing eals i can do ? if i ring sky will they send some one out to check the problem ?
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3:18 PM
holly:holly have you tried taking the sky plug out of the socket and repluging it?
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9:12 PM
Can u plse tel me wat to do cause i am not getting some channel is not getting signal
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9:21 PM
Mrs J Begum.Unless you leave your full postcode or nearby location as such,we cannot be of any help to you !
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Mark's: mapM's Freeview map terrainM's terrain plot wavesM's frequency data M's Freeview Detailed Coverage
6:25 PM
Hi there. Hoping you can help. I'm getting the same messages as those above ie no satellite signal being received. Signal strength and quality good on input 1 but signal strength jumping down to about 70% on input 2. Signal quality good on both. Have reset lnb but still no joy. Sky news ok. BT44 area. Thanks
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9:02 PM
Pamela: When you say that the signal strength and quality is good just exactly how good is it? as both strength / quality "has" be at about 60% minimum (equivalent of, as percentage might not be indicated as such) or the picture is liable to suffer glitches or drop out altogether at times.
As you have mentioned the No2 signal then you must be referring to a Sky+ box and the No2 input should be nearly identical to No1, if its seen to be jumping up and down you are likely to have poor quality recordings as No2 input is basically used for that purpose.
Signals jumping up and down on a satellite box is suggestive of a bad connection on one of the "F" connector plugs, and although it could be at the box end its far more likely to be where its connected to the dishes LNB, as water has possibly managed to have crept inside the "F" plug.
This would require it to be unscrewed from the LNB and then further unscrewed from the actual coax, closely examining its interior for the slightest signs of water, drying out same if there is then carefully re-assembling the connection again.
Try swapping the boxes No1 and No2 inputs over, as if its a dish / coax problem then the fluctuations you noticed should now be seen on No1 signal check screen.
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10:01 AM
Jb38 - Many thanks for that. The water in the f connector seems most likely as we've had periods of extremely heavy rain. Prior to this I had to have an amp replaced on my main digital aerial as it had become waterlogged. Will swap the inputs over to see effect and then try the f connector ( well the hubby will!). I'll let you know how I get on. Many thanks for your help - Pamela
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12:55 PM
every time the weather is more adverse than a mere shower my signal fails
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3:29 PM
Donald Hindley: Provided that your signal strength / quality levels are at least 60% (equivalent of) or above, 75% or so being the norm, then the problem you refer to is simply caused by the fact that radio waves of a microwave nature cannot pass through water above a certain density and heavy thunder type clouds are exactly that, you would get the same effect if you soaked a towel in water and threw it over your dish so that it covered the LNB, the results being an instant "no signal" warning.
By the way, if your normal signal levels are less than 60% (especially quality) then your dish requires slight realigning.
Signal levels accessed by pressing "services" then 4 - 6 on a standard Sky box.
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